Photo Chris geary

I know he had a phase of working with 'straight' models
when he moved onto photography / being the photographer

some of the videos looked a bit awkward and letchy - Chris was very handsy with models
So true, you could always see him pushing boundaries and walking that tightrope of consent. The awkward air looms. I always wanted to see more of him and his cock. When he did the private shoots for zoneblue ~20 years ago, I was too young to get a membership to see where he let it all out (I think). 18 years of wanking to him and never seen his Willy
He used to do videos of these young guys staying at his mansion and drinking and talking with him. Then he show them passed out and him playing with their dick. It looked staged but was fun to watch. I think some were done under boy spy cam titles. I remember one with a guy who is like 18 and sitting in a chair wearing only a white towel. The 2 talk and the guy tells him he is the youngest of three brothers while he is drinkinh beer. Then it shows the guy passed out getting touched.
Does anyone remember these Chris Geary videos?

I remember there being a few more parts to this shoot, one in which the model gets fingered by Chris.

Unfortunately I lost these a number of years back - if anyone has them to share that would be much appreciated.
Going in for a long shot here, I am looking videos for these 2 models. Can any kind souls who have them send me, pretty please?

