Chris hemsworth

Hey guys from what video is this from?

that vpl is unreal
Enjoyed Extraction, Chris and the action in it anyway. Story is weak. How they shot some of it I will never know. He's made for this kind of action film.
he plays the same character in every movie and it seems to be working for him, sad.

i hated extraction for several reasons, the disgustingly visible yellow filter throughout the film being on top. can hollywood think of anything else?
That's why the action worked so well and is so impressive. He doesn't play the same character in every movie at all. His comedic delivery is always quite similar, but I watched this and MIB in the same week and they are nothing alike.
That's why the action worked so well and is so impressive. He doesn't play the same character in every movie at all. His comedic delivery is always quite similar, but I watched this and MIB in the same week and they are nothing alike.
lol this comment is so funny, did you enjoy GoT season 8 too?
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It's mainly VB(alls)Line, but there's still clear outline of his junk!