Chris lavado (yucky/coach yuck)

He used to work at my gym when he was early to mid 20's. I walked into the locker room my first day and he was butt ass naked weighing himself on the scale. I never saw him naked in the lockerroom again. But I have that pleasant memory. :)
I Wish he'd answer some of if not all the dirty questions he gets asked
Seems like at least once a year he'll answer the onlyfans question, which of course is always a "playful" no. But Chris cares way too much about what other people think of him and what he posts.

Especially when it comes to answer a bunch of sexual questions from gay men. So he posting a bunch of sexual questions and his answers is highly unlikely.

If Chris wasn't a family man and single then he might be more flexible with all that, maybe. But just like with Abel Albonetti, Chris does have a wife who's always sitting up under him, and other family members who look at his Instagram.
theres vids? :scream:
If you're asking the question are there any onlyfans videos or something similar of Chris, the answer is no there isn't and there never will be. You can thank his wife for that one.

The closest thing we'll ever have is the little bit of teasing content that Chris has created throughout the years. Which is basically some underwear posing and showing a little bit of extra skin "down there".