Chris Sails

Alright folks money must be low cuz he’s turning up on OF. He just posted an almost 4 minute sex video and I took the plunge and purchased and it’s legit. Maybe his scamming days are over? Who knows. And no I won’t be posting it because that’s why guys like him stop doing OF because of leaks. Go buy it. I think the more he sees OF working he’ll start posting more…then we can share.
Alright folks money must be low cuz he’s turning up on OF. He just posted an almost 4 minute sex video and I took the plunge and purchased and it’s legit. Maybe his scamming days are over? Who knows. And no I won’t be posting it because that’s why guys like him stop doing OF because of leaks. Go buy it. I think the more he sees OF working he’ll start posting more…then we can share.
And it’s a riding video yes you can see his balls and like the ass crease between legs a little lol and most of his duck just not the head. Hoping he does some solos soon!
I think onc

e he starts seeing the money come in from OF he will start doing ass content. His money must be low because he’s actually posting sex videos now and not frauding!
Hopefully so and he knows no one wants to see his dc fr or him fualking someone we want to see cake
Alright folks money must be low cuz he’s turning up on OF. He just posted an almost 4 minute sex video and I took the plunge and purchased and it’s legit. Maybe his scamming days are over? Who knows. And no I won’t be posting it because that’s why guys like him stop doing OF because of leaks. Go buy it. I think the more he sees OF working he’ll start posting more…then we can share.
Post it
O yea the only reason I’m posting it because he posted a snippet on Twitter and he showed his dick on there in the sex tape snippet
Alright folks money must be low cuz he’s turning up on OF. He just posted an almost 4 minute sex video and I took the plunge and purchased and it’s legit. Maybe his scamming days are over? Who knows. And no I won’t be posting it because that’s why guys like him stop doing OF because of leaks. Go buy it. I think the more he sees OF working he’ll start posting more…then we can share.
The clip I found it’s only like 2 minutes and some seconds
I responded because I was already in conversation with him telling him he is doing better with not scamming and needs to just continue doing it the right way and his support will grow tremendously and the bag will be endless! Long story short, I told him to post both lmao
  • Haha
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