Chris strokes dildo play video

Yeah, he’s back in jail.

Sometimes there’s parole or options like that, in which case maybe he’ll be out soon. I don’t know how it will work with him being allowed to do his normal adult work activities if parole ends up happening. I guess we’ll see.

Hoping for the best for him.
Yeah, he’s back in jail.

Sometimes there’s parole or options like that, in which case maybe he’ll be out soon. I don’t know how it will work with him being allowed to do his normal adult work activities if parole ends up happening. I guess we’ll see.

Hoping for the best for him.
He had a parole hearing last month but it says “no action” so he’s not getting out any time soon. 2022.pdf
He had a parole hearing last month but it says “no action” so he’s not getting out any time soon. 2022.pdf
I feel like Chris might read all this one day and I intend to try and talk to him when he gets out, so I don’t want to seem like I was prying too much into his business. But I have been looking a little.

The parole board FAQ says "no action" probably means the hearing was not able to be held for some reason and it will be rescheduled for a later time. If they had denied him parole, it would say denied, like some of the other people in the chart have. So it could be anything that prevented him from getting a solid answer last month. He could have been sick, too depressed to go, anything.

I think overall jail is a pretty lonely place and maybe Chris would be enheartened to know that his fans were thinking about him while he was gone and didn’t just forget about him. Idk.

My guess is that a rescheduled parole hearing will happen sometime before the summer.
Being straight up human and realistic, we all need both - money to survive on and love to survive period. My 2cents.

Well, put in a third - companionship and friendship.
Being straight up human and realistic, we all need both - money to survive on and love to survive period. My 2cents.
It’s interesting how some of the classic 2000s/2010s performers are doing very well financially while others seem to have ended up in more modest financial positions. I wonder why that is. *shrugs*
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Being straight up human and realistic, we all need both - money to survive on and love to survive period. My 2cents.
Being straight up realistic, you'll regret letting Chris steal from you.