Circumcision Poll

1. Your age (approximately)?
2. Are you black/white, etc.?
3. White people there have talked about it quite openly - I mean other high school kids, etc?
4. As far as you knew, were circumcised boys in the majority at your high school?
I was in the minority living in Sweden where they don't circumcise boys without medical reasons
5. Have boys ever ridiculed those who were/were not circumcised?
6. Do you prefer to be circumcised, or do you regret it (even a little)?
Love being circumcised! Wish it had been a really tight one without a bit of loose skin and fren left like I have now.
7. Have you ever wondered what it feels like to not be cut?
8. If you had/already had a son, would you/would you choose to have him circumcised?
9. To your partner/spouse etc. do you like that you are circumcised?
Most of my partner like it
10. Do you share with general friends and co-workers that you are circumcised?
If the subject comes up
1. Your age (approximately)? 61
2. Are you black/white, etc.? White
3. White people there have talked about it quite openly - I mean other high school kids, etc? Yes
4. As far as you knew, were circumcised boys in the majority at your high school? Yes
5. Have boys ever ridiculed those who were/were not circumcised? No
6. Do you prefer to be circumcised, or do you regret it (even a little)? Not really, have done some forskin recovery
7. Have you ever wondered what it feels like to not be cut? Yes
8. If you had/already had a son, would you/would you choose to have him circumcised? Yes
9. To your partner/spouse etc. do you like that you are circumcised? yes
10. Do you share with general friends and co-workers that you are circumcised? When it comes up, Yes
1: 20
2: White
3: don’t remember discussing it
4: as far as I knew, the majority were circumcised
5: I remember seeing an uncut dick for the first time at summer camp in the communal showers. Wondered why his looked different then the rest of us, didn’t know anything except what mine looked like.
6: I Don’t, I wish I was uncut
7: all the time
8: if I ever have a son, I would never have him cut. It’s his body, his decision when he gets older
9: not applicable
10: no
1. Your age (approximately)?63
2. Are you black/white, etc.?white
3. White people there have talked about it quite openly - I mean other high school kids, etc?no
4. As far as you knew, were circumcised boys in the majority at your high school?no
5. Have boys ever ridiculed those who were/were not circumcised?no
6. Do you prefer to be circumcised, or do you regret it (even a little)?medical isdue
7. Have you ever wondered what it feels like to not be cut?cut at 20. So i know what it was with.
8. If you had/already had a son, would you/would you choose to have him circumcised? His choise
9. To your partner/spouse etc. do you like that you are circumcised?she liked more not circ
10. Do you share with general friends and co-workers that you are circumcised?no

1. Your age (approximately)?
2. Are you black/white, etc.?
3. White people there have talked about it quite openly - I mean other high school kids, etc?
4. As far as you knew, were circumcised boys in the majority at your high school?
5. Have boys ever ridiculed those who were/were not circumcised?
6. Do you prefer to be circumcised, or do you regret it (even a little)?
7. Have you ever wondered what it feels like to not be cut?
8. If you had/already had a son, would you/would you choose to have him circumcised?
9. To your partner/spouse etc. do you like that you are circumcised?
10. Do you share with general friends and co-workers that you are circumcised?
1. Late 50s
2. White - English
3. I am a keen nudist - my circumcised status is therefore readily apparent and is something I am always very happy to discuss.
4. I was very much in the circumcised minority.
5. Some good natured teasing
6. I love being circumcised and am proud to be so.
7. Yes.
8. I would certainly circumcise
9. My wife loves the fact that I am circumcised
10. See 3 above.
1. Age: 29 (Circumcised at birth)
2. Ethnicity: White, Australian (UK, Scandinavian)
3. Discussion: Uncut guys were the only ones who brought up the cut/uncut topic.
4. Majority status: It was pretty even. I noticed uncuts had at least one parent not born here, whereas those whose parents both were, generally circed their sons.
5. Uncut ridicule: Experienced the opposite as an adult.
6. Preference/regret: Love being cut.
7. Wondered? No point. I get more enjoyment from owning the fact I was circumcised.
8. Son: I will circumcise them.
9. Partner: My GF is from the States and said she won’t tolerate them being uncut.
10. Share status: I keep it to myself unless asked.