Circumcision scar?

Mumzi said:
Where do you preform circumcisions?

i dont perform circumcisions.....i said i have scrubbed in on them, in the OR, when adolescents and adults have needed them.....I am not qualified to perform circumcisions nor do i really want to.....just like im not qualified to perform laparoscopic appendectomies
chicagosam said:
Please don't misunderstand me! I am fine with my circumcision. I have no personal trauma about it, or have anger toward anyone about it. However, if I had a son, and had to make the decision to circumcise or not to circumcise, I can guarantee that I would seriously weigh the options and do a lot of research before making a final decision.

I appreciate your passion on this subject, and respect you for it.

I don't think anyone wants to make any man feel bad about being circumcised.
If you are happy than that's all that matters.
In the past (especially here in the US) men who were not circumcised we looked at as odd, or unclean.
It's been a fight to change that opinion.

I would rather see a male circumcised as an adult rather than as a child because at least he made the choice himself. He can insist on anesthesia (more than babies were given until lately)

It should be done away with at birth; and if the male chooses to have it removed at a later time, then that choice should be respected.

I happen to see a show (sinefeld) and Elaine was talking about a guy who was uncircumcised. She stated it looked bad. She said she would not be with a guy who was not. This kind of thing only makes the matter worse.
For the women who have not been with a guy who us not circumcised, what does she now think?
I don't have to tell the women here on this board what it looks like (LOL) but many women know only what they hear.
I really didn't know what a circumcised guy looked like until I looked at the gallery here.

As far as odor, please, that is just not true when a man practices proper hygiene.
My husband used to ride mountain bikes a lot, and he'd come home smelly, but it was just good old dirt and sweat. He showered and guess what? :biggrin1:

We as women have far more moist wet skin making up our genitals, and we manage to keep it clean.

You know, if I had sons and I wasn't married to a guy who was not circumcised I might have chose to do so.
Yes, I heard the horror stories, and even as a student nurse no one gave me a valid reason who NOT. Just why the foreskin SHOULD be removed.

Now- we need to give prospective parents real information and the fact is this is done without the owners consent. I am all for parental rights, but this is not completely reversible.

For those who are circumcised and blame their parents. Please don't.
Even as a nurse I was taught that the foreskin was bad. We were taught the horror stories of moms who could not retract the skin to clean the child, and soon after ended up in the ER with a blazing infection.
Well, moms may not have known how to care for the foreskin and you don't pull on it needlessly.

Parents did what they thought was best and the medical community didn't seem to offer them any other choice-and they did their best to scare the parents into the procedure. Not out of malice, but it was thought to be best.

We know more now, and all we can do is try to make this information available to all; hopefully this procedure will NOT be routine *at birth* anymore.
baseball99 said:
i dont perform circumcisions.....i said i have scrubbed in on them, in the OR, when adolescents and adults have needed them.....I am not qualified to perform circumcisions nor do i really want to.....just like im not qualified to perform laparoscopic appendectomies

I just don't understand what you mean; if you scrubbed up and you are a physician, then you are a surgeon. Any surgeon could preform a circumcision. In fact I don't know why there would be more than one surgeon needed for that procedure.
baseball99 said:
dont put words in my mouth
you said "poor people", not me

spend some time in an emergency room and see how many non emergencies there much time and YOUR money that is wasted when people can wait and see their primary care physician the next morning. Why do people show up at the ER at 2am with a cough that they've had for 4 days?
beats me. why did you describe them as "poor people" when what you clearly meant was "stupid people"?

please tell me what self-righteous things you've done for poor people in the past 2 months
your choice of words really says it all there - strangely enough, i've never considered helping people out to be a "self-righteous" act. i don't do a whole lot in that regard, but then according to the government i live below the "poverty line" without any recognized income myself, so sometimes i have to worry about feeding myself (ask your mom to explain the concept for ya). i've 3 homeless friends who drop by for food and a place to crash every week or so. i collect and deliver shopping for several pensioners who live nearby; i also walk dogs for a couple of them almost every day. i could probably do more if i didn't already spend most of my time working at a shelter for abandoned animals - and that is MY time, i'm not getting paid for anything, nor spending other people's money so i can go to college and pretend that i know anything important. in fact, i might suggest that you'd be a lot happier in your chosen line of work if you didn't seem to view it from the perspective of a condescending, overprivileged brat - which is certainly how you come across on this forum. :rolleyes:
People here have been talking about the pros an cons of cutting but I think the fact that most men are uncut speaks for itself. It is natural and there is nothing wrong with it. My main issue is that I think it is wrong for parents to take away the right to choose if a guy is going to keep a part of his manhood. Some cuts guys have been talking about it not being a problem and that's great. However from looking at the pics in the profile I would say some are cut pretty tight. And if you want to enlarge your penis you are going to need more skin to go along with that additional shaft.

You can spin it however you want but it boils down to this particular issue in my mind. Adult circ, I could care less. After all it's not my penis we are taking a knife to, lol... If cutting was so hot outside of the US you would see tons of Europeans getting cut as adults but most guys know better.