Absolutely. And since I have the right to do whatever I want to them until the age of maturity, it's kinda handy that they have 2 kidneys, fresh and unabused. I might grab a kidney or two out of a couple of them, and replace my own. After all, their body is mine until they're old enough, I may as well make use of it.
And I wonder, with all this talk of it being the parent's right to do whatever they want with their children's body when they're that age, does that put a different spin on all forms of child abuse?
The whole idea that a foreskin is somehow bad or unhealthy is wrong. One of the reasons the practise was introduced, however, was because an uncircumcised penis requires more attentive cleaning, and parents didn't want their sons to be too attentive to that particular organ, and certainly didn't want them cleaning it for 20 minutes or more at a time, if you know what i mean. The answer was, if you cut the foreskin off, they're less likely to masturbate.
As for the appearance of it, fair enough. If all you've seen in your family and peers is circumcised dicks, then an uncircumcised one will look different and strange, and therefore can become a fascination or a thing of revulsion. In our society, difference tends to equal dislike.
Actually, I really liked the point someone made a bit back. Since parents have this carte blanche over their kid's bodies until their 18, how would society react to parents forcing their sons to be circumcised at 17?