Cliff jensen only fans

Cliff's taken some angry pills again. Roman Todd has blocked him on twitter and Cliff is railing on about what a Martyr he was for helping out his junkie friend.
The drama never ends.
I called him out on it saying he should of done this privately but I got blocked
Cliff is now retreating from his online presence. Leaving his account to be managed by a third party more for promotion of his videos rather than his personal rants.
Some pornstars can control themselves with promoting aspects of their private lives. Some like Cliff can't. They are their own worst enemies.
Of course with no online presence with fans, who will he grift off?
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Cliff is now retreating from his online presence. Leaving his account to be managed by a third party more for promotion of his videos rather than his personal rants.
Some pornstars can control themselves with promoting aspects of their private lives. Some like Cliff can't. They are their own worst enemies.
Of course with no online presence with fans, who will he grift off?
Problem is porn stars /only fans think they have opinions when all they should be doing is posting their videos no one wants to hear their favorite actor rant
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Cliff ha vuelto a tomar unas pastillas para la ira. Roman Todd lo ha bloqueado en Twitter y Cliff se queja de lo mártir que fue por ayudar a su amigo adicto.
El drama nunca termina.
omg. Can you tell me what happened? I thought they were BFF.
It's a rip-off. Purchased and it's just a couple of photos of his ass and a 30 second clip of him rubbing his asshole. Don't waste your money.

That is definitely a rip-off/scam. The captions clearly imply some bottoming action.

I called him out on it saying he should of done this privately but I got blocked

If you were polite in your suggestion, he should not have blocked you. Public figures receive comments, suggestions and constructive criticism from fans all the time, and they are free to take or ignore it.
That is definitely a rip-off/scam. The captions clearly imply some bottoming action.

If you were polite in your suggestion, he should not have blocked you. Public figures receive comments, suggestions and constructive criticism from fans all the time, and they are free to take or ignore it.
Not him bro lol
No he’s single but he has a toxic history when it comes to his exes.
yeah including some domestic violence charges, and yet women tend to flock to him and want to work with him, like he's the Chris Brown of porn
Cliff is always looking for a fight over something.
The guy has deep anger issues. He also sometimes posts violent images. He posted one of a soldier blowing himself up to which his response was what a hero for not getting caught or something of that sentiment. I mean, who wants to see something like that?
He plays the victim a lot of the time with a my childhood, my childhood! etc.
He's sexy as all hell, but he has a heart of darkness under it all.
thing is I get childhood trauma can warp a person's mind and mess them up well into adulthood but at this point he's using that an excuse to justify his fuckery, what he went through doesnt justify him mistreating other people or in case of some of his exes, doesnt justify him hitting them. dude's a trainwreck

and now this Roman Todd’s Girlfriend Accuses Cliff Jensen Of Sexually Assaulting Her Numerous Times While She Was Pregnant | STR8UPGAYPORN
Cliff's taken some angry pills again. Roman Todd has blocked him on twitter and Cliff is railing on about what a Martyr he was for helping out his junkie friend.
The drama never ends.
wait so they already had a falling out? This is Cliff's M.O, gets a friend in the industry calls him his ride or die , his best friend for life, then a year or so later cuts them loose and calls them scum of the earth. Like he finds a popular pornstar uses them, smoke weed with them then cuts them loose after a while