My wife and I recently tried the Clone-a-Willy kit. We chose the glow in the dark version because we thought it would add an extra element of fun when we use the finished product. My original intent was to make it by myself and surprise her with it. After reading some other reviews online, I decided it would probably be better if I had someone to help. I’m glad I changed my mind, it would have been hard to do alone.
I’d also read that some people found it difficult to stay erect during the process. With that in mind I did a short penis pump session before hand, and put a cock ring on to help stay erect. While I was finishing the pump session, my wife mixed up the molding mixture. The timing worked out well.
Overall we are pleased with the results. The process did a good job capturing the details and girth of my cock. It didn’t capture my full length because there was not enough of the silicone mixture to fill the mold. The mold wasn’t perfect, and I did have to trim off a few bits because of that.
My biggest pointers for others who decide to make one: work quick, have a helper, make sure your erection is centered in the molding tube, make sure the dildo is centered in the silicon.
I’d also read that some people found it difficult to stay erect during the process. With that in mind I did a short penis pump session before hand, and put a cock ring on to help stay erect. While I was finishing the pump session, my wife mixed up the molding mixture. The timing worked out well.
Overall we are pleased with the results. The process did a good job capturing the details and girth of my cock. It didn’t capture my full length because there was not enough of the silicone mixture to fill the mold. The mold wasn’t perfect, and I did have to trim off a few bits because of that.
My biggest pointers for others who decide to make one: work quick, have a helper, make sure your erection is centered in the molding tube, make sure the dildo is centered in the silicon.