I LOVE tying a guy down and edging him senseless, then milking him till he can't cum anymore. I have a couple locals (Knoxville) that I have sessions with, and it's incredible ! My motto is " a man is like a piano..touch him correctly and he will make the most beautiful music." One of the locals is VERY vocal, and I learned, over our sessions, how to tease his cock in certain areas and make him squirt precum during the edging. Then once he's warmed up, I make him cum...last time, 5 times šŸ˜ˆ AND....he screams and convulses when he cums. It's incredibly hot to see and do.
I like seeing how many times I can make a guy orgasm in one session. Most has been about 7.
This reminds me of the film A Boy And His Dog, with the young Don Johnson. In a post-apocalyptic world, he encounters a colony where the men are all sterile and he is asked to supply the necessary. He's thrilled because he thinks going to fuck all the women, but is disappointed when he's connected up to a machine that sucks him dry!
I also like milking a lot and it turns me on a lot. I love it. Unfortunately it is difficult to find suitable videos or similar. However, you can find many people with these interests and videos on twitter/X
Youā€™re totally correct, this is called ā€œcock milkingā€ and is an extremely intense experience for the sub. As opposed to edging, where orgasm is delayed as long as possible, during a period of milking, the domā€™s goal is to make the sub ejaculate quickly and repeatedly, either until the agreed-upon milking timeframe elapses, a certain ejaculation quota is achieved (# of orgasms or volume of ejaculate), or until the sub has been ā€œmilked dry,ā€ i.e. subsequent orgasms do not result in the emission of any fluid whatsoever from the penis. These ā€œdry orgasmsā€ and even those leading up to them are quite painful for the sub, so it is almost always necessary to make sure the sub is securely restrained, ideally at 8 points: wrists, ankles, thighs, hips. This ensures that the subā€™s pelvis remains stable through the increasingly intense orgasms.
Why did this description turn me on so much!!!
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I LOVE tying a guy down and edging him senseless, then milking him till he can't cum anymore. I have a couple locals (Knoxville) that I have sessions with, and it's incredible ! My motto is " a man is like a piano..touch him correctly and he will make the most beautiful music." One of the locals is VERY vocal, and I learned, over our sessions, how to tease his cock in certain areas and make him squirt precum during the edging. Then once he's warmed up, I make him cum...last time, 5 times šŸ˜ˆ AND....he screams and convulses when he cums. It's incredibly hot to see and do.
Excellent! I recently posted about a superb cocksuckerā€”-a superb ā€˜maestroā€™ā€”ā€”and him saying ā€˜how can I play a masterpieceā€”-if I canā€™t hear the music?ā€

Vast amounts of trust between usā€”-heā€™s truly developed my ā€˜verbalnessā€™ā€”and vulnerabilityā€”Iā€™m noted as being very dominant, instructive, demandingā€”very physical ā€”-and my cocksuckers thrive on itā€”-

But I have let this guy restrain meā€”-and itā€™s practically epileptic !
Why did this description turn me on so much!!!
My ā€œmilkerā€ is DEFINITELY not in a hurry to make me ejaculate as ā€˜quickly as possibleā€ā€”-in almost all of our interactions, I am very much the Alphaā€”and this works very well for both of us.

He is super imprinted on my cockā€”-I think Iā€™m kinda a ā€˜cock life support systemā€™ :cool:

The ā€˜primary relationshipā€™ is my cockā€”him.

Their milking sessions are almost marathon ā€”-yes, securely restrained @ wrists and anklesā€”but with some slack.

Knees belted with adjustmentā€”-able to tether them widely spread.

Pelvis, nowā€”-he can cinch that pretty much immobileā€”-or to allow desperate thrusts that ALMOST are far enuf!

Grap your cock and stretch it and hold itā€”-your body will try to resist, pull back. If tension held, body will eventually capitulateā€”this is actually part of a mid Eastern technique

Lots of this at the endā€”ā€”total capitulation/acceptance is required.

The vast majority of the timeā€”I OWN this cocksuckerā€”-or my cock does.

Occasionally the total opposite needs to happenā€”-and it doesā€”with a vengeance!
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I never got milked by another person but there was a period during my late teens and early twenties where I would frequently masturbate 4-6 times in one day. And usually by the 4th or 5th orgasm, Iā€™d be out of cum. The orgasms were never painful though. And often, the only reason I didnā€™t go for more was that my dick was sore from all the stroking. For some reason, using lube had never occurred to me!
I did the exact same. now imagine if we knew assplay was on the table
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I've been able to cum multiple times for many years. Up to 8 times a day....still producing sperm...less then the first load obviously.... prostate stimulation helps with keeping the factory up and running.
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I am horny for the idea of forced cock milking. Me, tied up naked, preferably with two hot girls dominating me. In my experience women are not massively skilled at hand jobs or oral, so in my fantasy there would be a hunky male sex slave who would wank me dry under their supervision. I can definitely spunk out eight times in a row after that no idea, so they'd be in for a long session. I like the idea of him getting me to the point of no return really quick and keeping me there so that I'm begging the wicked women to get the guy to wank me through orgasm.
I am horny for the idea of forced cock milking. Me, tied up naked, preferably with two hot girls dominating me. In my experience women are not massively skilled at hand jobs or oral, so in my fantasy there would be a hunky male sex slave who would wank me dry under their supervision. I can definitely spunk out eight times in a row after that no idea, so they'd be in for a long session. I like the idea of him getting me to the point of no return really quick and keeping me there so that I'm begging the wicked women to get the guy to wank me through orgasm.
At the beach ..several of my buds will take turns teasing me through out the day !
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I LOVE tying a guy down and edging him senseless, then milking him till he can't cum anymore. I have a couple locals (Knoxville) that I have sessions with, and it's incredible ! My motto is " a man is like a piano..touch him correctly and he will make the most beautiful music." One of the locals is VERY vocal, and I learned, over our sessions, how to tease his cock in certain areas and make him squirt precum during the edging. Then once he's warmed up, I make him cum...last time, 5 times šŸ˜ˆ AND....he screams and convulses when he cums. It's incredibly hot to see and do.
Sign me up...
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