Cocks and coffee

I do enjoy my cream in my coffee on some mornings.
Stirring it with my own stirring unit, if the coffee is not too hot

Yeah, I also like my cream in my coffee as well. It doesn't really change the taste, but it creates such a silky-smooth texture that I really enjoy a lot, and often! Sometimes, without my cream, it just seems like there's something missing as I'm drinking it.

Side note: This is actually a really good way for guys who want, but are unable, to begin tasting and enjoying their own cum. 1) You can stir it in and enjoy the silky-smooth taste for the whole cup, or 2) Don't stir it, and enjoy the whole load at one time while drinking the very last gulp.

Hint: For first-time beginners, I strongly suggest stirring it in completely. Take your first "small" sip, and then take your time to notice the new smooth sensation you've never had with coffee before.