Cody Cummings

The Rectodus Society
Feat. Tyler Torro, James Jamesson, Adam Wirthmore, Parker London, Jay Cloud, Marko Lebeau, Brec Boyd, Vance Crawford & Dylan Hauser
29 Sep 2011

CC218 2011-09-29 TheRectodusSociety_s01_CodyCummings_BrecBoyd_14953_009.jpeg

Part 1 of 3 (including Cody Cummings)
View attachment CC218 2011-09-29 TheRectodusSociety_s01_CodyCummings_BrecBoyd_540p (Part 1).mp4

Part 2 of 3
View attachment CC218 2011-09-29 TheRectodusSociety_s01_CodyCummings_BrecBoyd_540p (Part 2).mp4

Part 3 of 3
View attachment CC218 2011-09-29 TheRectodusSociety_s01_CodyCummings_BrecBoyd_540p (Part 3).mp4
The Rectodus Society
Feat. Tyler Torro, James Jamesson, Adam Wirthmore, Parker London, Jay Cloud, Marko Lebeau, Brec Boyd, Vance Crawford & Dylan Hauser
29 Sep 2011

View attachment 69496481

Part 1 of 3 (including Cody Cummings)
View attachment 69496711

Part 2 of 3
View attachment 69496871

Part 3 of 3
View attachment 69496921

Wow, this last film has some of my favorite former porn stars! Even aside from Cody, I used to MAJORLY crush on James Jamesson, Parker London and Tyler Torri!!
Why come back if he’s going to have the same restrictions? It’s just not fun anymore when you realize someone is straight and is only doing it for the money. We’ve already seen everything.

He’s kind of annoying to be honest. If you’re not gay, stop going to the gay community for your career and get your money. Get a life and do something else.

Why would you get mad if someone is straight? If he wants to be naked or sucked, let him be, you guys are so toxic
Why come back if he’s going to have the same restrictions? It’s just not fun anymore when you realize someone is straight and is only doing it for the money. We’ve already seen everything.

He’s kind of annoying to be honest. If you’re not gay, stop going to the gay community for your career and get your money. Get a life and do something else.
Why would you get mad if someone is straight? If he wants to be naked or sucked, let him be, you guys are so toxic
@HenryMarshall just because you're not into it it doesn't mean someone shouldn't make porn. Personally, I'm not into his look so much at the moment, but if he wants to jerk off and there's an audience for it then he should - and if you close your eyes and think of England, you won't even notice it happening.
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