Colin Farrell

I have the video, message me if you want me to hook you up
Really enjoyed looking at the portion of the video I just downloaded :smile:
It must of been just a section of the whole though, at just over 8 MB :-(
I have to agree with the previous poster though, Colin is HOT, but not the monster endowment that some have been claiming! A very nice cock, I'm guessing at close to 8" and fairly thick, be a Very Nice mouthfull on a HOT body ... ;-)
bumpk said:
pecker r u sure those r from the sextape cause colin is uncut and that looks cut.
I don't know exactly what you're talking about, but the stills I saw in this thread are definitely from the video, and in the video it's clear that he's uncut.
I would agree with the 7" at best comment. That would probably be a stretch actually....I put him in the 6.5" category, but I guess it depends who measures.

Overall, not bad.

The file has most likely exceeded its allotted bandwidth or has been removed by the original sender or a recipient.

I can host if needed. Original poster of link please PM me.
bumpk said:
R u guys sure he didnt get cut
cause on the second part of the tape
u cant see any foreskin at all...
or does he just have a little
Did you watch the video? You can see her work the foreskin when she's giving him a bj. Case closed.
I wasn't sure if anyone saw him in this pose or not. I thought it was pretty nice.

Guess what guys, I found the FULL VID! It's like 13 mins. No BS, here! Uploaded it to rapidshare. Email me at for the link. Will only trade this footage for your self jerk off vid since they're my fav! (Don't have to show your face, but give the peace sign before you cum so that I know it's you.)

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