Colton haynes


Let's be real here, a lot of y'all don't like Colton anymore because a.) he's no longer sexually ambiguous and b.) he married an older, wealthy white man (like most WeHo twunks do anyway).

It's is a common thing, especially with men, to dislike someone after part of your pojected fantasy of them becomes invalid.
Truth...once I learn a fine guy is a bottom, I'm like's just the nature of the beast. Rejection is a bitch but we all must through it.
Ever since he came out, he’s became extra gay. Like it’s the only thing to define him.

So? Who is he bothering? Have you thought of the other side of your statement? That up until he came out he has been repressing who he was and putting on a front for the media and his audience? Maybe what he portrays now to the world is who he really is. Unless you know him personally you have no benchmark to compare or criticise. Be kind, please.
Why do gay celebs come out and start being extra gay af... like we get it you’re gay, stop being so flaming for attention. How’s that helping break stereotypes?
So? You act like acting gay is a bad thing. Maybe try to work through your internalized homophobia.
Why do gay celebs come out and start being extra gay af... like we get it you’re gay, stop being so flaming for attention. How’s that helping break stereotypes?
One way to break stereotypes, is to let people be, and not portray femininity as something negative. Do your part, boo.