Company Physical (part 3)


Admired Member
Jan 18, 2022
Crewe, England, United Kingdom
60% Gay, 40% Straight
A whispered conversation between the women followed, but they made sure that I heard, “seven and a half inches”, followed by giggling.

And so my bare ass paraded down the corridor once more. Once back in the room Mary took control again.

“Sit down please.”

I did so, and of course, having already been told to remove the gown for whatever reason, the arrangement of my on view naked balls lying sagging low between my legs felt very embarrassing. My penis had shrunk again now finally so my foreskin covered my cock completely, but a little glob of semen still sat on the end of my dick. I pretended that I hadn’t noticed it. So did Mary, who placed my previous ejaculate sample in a safe place.

She then took a blood sample from my arm before asking me to stand up again.

“ Wow, it says here that you are four and a half inches limp and seven and a half inches erect. You have got a big penis haven't you - and you are only eighteen! What a big boy you are!" she mockingly said.

Her ‘praise’ didn’t make me feel in the least bit better -and I couldn’t believe how unprofessional she was being. So much for my 'confidential' file. How many more people are going to read it and will eventually see the photos or video?

"Just come here Chris," she said, motioning me towards her and I did as instructed.

She did no more than cup my balls in her hand, lifting her hand up and down to make my balls do likewise.

"Yes, I thought so," she said. "Really heavy testicles. Nice"

Mary then shocked me by lifting up my penis and feigned that she was examining it, pulling my foreskin back. The third person today to do so.

"Wow that’s a tight foreskin, isn’t it! Yes, a very nice tool", she smirked as she let go dramatically.

“I didn’t need to do that, I just wanted to do it because I could,” she said, laughing. “I should think that doctor has nearly finished with you now Chris, so just take a seat again will you, he should be back soon”.

I was ready to burst out crying with embarrassment and shame at my predicament but I didn’t.

"When I was looking at your file, Chris, I couldn't help but notice that you live on Birchall Street. That's a coincidence because my elder sister Amanda lives on Birchall Street too! She lives quite a few houses away from you though. I will have to ask her if she knows you," said Mary, with an air of mischief.

I could just imagine her relaying all the embarrassing details to her sister, who luckily I didn't know, or at least I don't think I did. Please God don't let me bump into Mary visiting her sister sometime in the future, I thought. I could just imagine her saying, "Amanda, this is the hairy young lad I told you about with the seven and a half inch penis that I fondled and doctor made him shoot his load. I smelt his jizz too."

I sat as instructed, and so did Mary. She just sat opposite me, clearly staring at my body and especially my penis and bollocks, making polite conversation which just made me feel even more awkward and distinctly more naked.

"Our patient, Mrs. Stockley told me on her way out that she had accidentally come in this room in error and seen you naked. I bet that was embarrassing wasn't it? Not that you have got anything to be ashamed of, with your body. She was also telling me how impressed she was, " she said.

"I did tell her fourth door on the right, honestly," she said, with a smirk and facial expressions that totally said the opposite.

All I could reply weakly was, "Oh, okay".

“I have a brother who is about your age Chris. I wonder if my brother is as hairy as you now?” she said, for no reason I am sure than to further embarrass me, glancing me up and down again.

"I haven't seen him naked since he was about fifteen but as far as I can remember, his penis isn't anywhere near as big as yours," she informed me.

"I really didn't imagine that your body would be this hairy when you walked into the surgery – or even that I would be sat here looking at you butt naked either but that’s one of the perks of the job. I thought that you were handsome too though," she continued, laying on the embarrassment.

"Doctor shaved off almost all your pubic hair didn't he - and a lot of the hair on your bottom too, but your legs are still really hairy and, oh my God, your feet are too ! I think that's a bit weird, isn't it. Do many boys have hairy feet?" she stated/asked as she gazed up and down my body unashamedly once more. "I don't know", I replied.

“I do like a hairy man though. Hold your arms up and flex for me, so I can see all your armpit hair too,” she said, and without thinking, again I just complied. Maybe I was enjoying showing my body off to Mary? I didn’t feel like I was enjoying it though as I sat there totally exposed and God knows why I did as she asked.

“Wow, you do have a lot of hair there too don’t you! Nice biceps too”, she exclaimed.

By now, the glob of cum had grown substantially and was clearly visible to both of us. It threatened to drip onto my leg and Mary said,

“Here’s a tissue, Chris, if you want to wipe yourself,” nodding again at my penis.
So I accepted the tissue and wiped away at my cock as Mary watched intently. It was surreal.

“You produced a lot of semen, didn’t you Chris!” said Mary as she retrieved the pot of cum again and held it in the air inspecting the quantity. I must admit that there seemed to be a lot in the receptacle but did not reply to her.

She sniffed at it and said, "I've always thought that semen smells and tastes funny", pulling a face. Again I didn't reply.

"Your testicles hang really low don't they. You've got a really nice big nut sack too, obviously working perfectly well too!” she said totally unprofessionally again as she glanced at the pot of semen.

I was aghast at this point to realise that my cock was starting to grow once more. Being eighteen and naked in front of a pretty girl, I was sprouting a boner against my will. It didn't take long for me to get fully erect once more. I was unable to hide it and Mary soon noticed it too of course even though I tried to cover it with my hands.

"Oh wow, you've got a stiffie on. That's amazing. I can't believe how big and fat your cock is now. Stand up and let me see it properly," she asked.

I complied immediately, but again don't really know why I did. Mary just sat ogling my boner, laughing.
Just then, In walked Doctor Adams and surveyed the scene.

"Look Doctor, Chris’s penis has got completely hard for no reason, I was quite shocked," said Mary immediately.

"Oh Chris, that's really not acceptable behaviour in front of young Mary. I want you to apologise to her now immediately please,” he demanded, as though I was some pervert, when he was the actual pervert.

Andrew Saunders now re-entered the room as well looking puzzled as he saw me stood there in front of Mary with my seven and a half incher sticking out proud for all to see.

Despite my frustrations at my embarrassing predicament, I said,
"I apologise for getting erect in front of you Mary. I am not sure why it has happened."

"That's okay Chris," she mockingly replied.
“You are a typical eighteen year old. Always thinking of sex, I bet.” Everyone, except me, laughed heartily.

Doctor chirped in with “Good, that’s all sorted now, Okay thanks for your help Mary, Now I just need to check Chris’s prostate so Chris will you please kneel back on the couch yet again and stick your bottom right up high in the air for me? I will need to
lubricate your anus as we will have to push one or two fingers up there. Stay calm and it will be over in a jiffy. You can go now Mary, thanks again”

I couldn’t believe that he had said something so private as that that in front of Mary again, but I suppose having seen me naked with a boner, did it even matter?

Mary gave me a sly glance that said, “I am SO enjoying your discomfort” and smiled as she delayed her exit from the surgery as long as possible, obviously thoroughly enjoying my public nakedness and embarrassment.

Mary was still slowly leaving the room (with my pot of jizz) as I crouched there naked with my ass in the air, and she was desperately trying to prolong her luck.

"Are you sure there is nothing else I can help you with Doctor? Could I help at all with this procedure?" asked Mary.

"No, you have been very helpful thank you. That will be all, I can see that you have entered all the details I asked for on Chris’s chart. If you can just get Chris's semen sent for processing please Mary," said Doctor and finally she made her exit.

I did as I was told and felt the cold liquid being applied to my anus. Then I felt fingers sliding into my anus. They seemed to be there forever.

I heard the camera clicking multiple times. Then it stopped and maybe after another two or three minutes, with my ass still being violated seemingly excessively and over enthusiastically, I saw Doctor Adams walk over to the other side of the room and begin to wash his hands. It was Mr. Saunders who was feverishly fingering my ass and he was really going for it at some speed now too. Oh my God! Do I pretend that I have not noticed or do I say something? I pretended that I hadn't noticed, of course.

The fingering got even a little faster still and I suspect that by now two or three fingers were penetrating my ass, maybe even his full hand or penis or both, it certainly felt like it but I dare not turn around through pure fright. My cock got rock hard yet again as a result. I don’t know how long he was ‘at it’ – maybe four or five minutes- but before I knew it I was groaning out loud and had shot another substantial load of jizz onto the couch.

“That’s it, all done, stand up please Chris,” said Doctor. And so once more I stood there in front of these two men with a raging cum splattered boner.

I noticed that Mr Saunders was not wearing any gloves and also that his shirt and pants looked more dishevelled than previously. Had I just been ass fucked for the first time in my life? I am a straight man, please God no.

“Ah, that’s a very common response to a prostate check among young guys like you. It just shows how healthy your semen production is, just look at that lot! No damage done. At least Mary isn't here now!” said Doctor Adams as a few more droplets of jizz fell off my cock onto his floor.

“How many times a week do you masturbate Chris?”, asked the doctor, like he was asking me a normal everyday question, such as 'do you take sugar in your tea?'

“Every day probably doctor,” I replied.

“Do you ever masturbate more than once a day?, he continued.

“Sometimes I do”, I replied honestly.

“What is the most times that you have ever masturbated in one day, Chris,
asked Andrew Saunders, obviously totally confident and feeling in charge of me by now, seeing as he had no right to ask that question, stick his fingers up my bum, ass fuck me or even be in the room.

“I have masturbated five times some days,” I said honestly, not really sure again why I was being honest.

“My, that’s quite a lot. Not quite the record amongst my patients though, if they are telling the truth, of course! Please wipe your penis and anus now Chris” said Doctor Adams handing me a box of tissues. A new first for me, wiping my ass watched by two men.

"And have you had sex with a women or a man yet Chris - or are you still a virgin? I forgot to ask you this but I do need to know for your file" enquired Doctor Adams.

"I am still a virgin Doctor, but I have told all my mates that I am not," I told them sheepishly but truthfully. Maybe I secretly enjoyed the shame. I don't know.

”Well, your secret is safe with us and I am sure that will change in the very near future. I certainly wouldn't worry about it at all. And finally Chris, are you a straight boy or are you homosexual?"

"No, Doctor, I am straight," I insisted.

" I only asked because you seemed to get erect easily when I was manhandling your penis. Maybe it is just teenage hormones", added Doctor, untruthfully, I felt.

"You can get dressed again now Chris anyway. I am pleased to tell you that the physical has been a complete success. You are a supremely fit and healthy boy. I will be happy to report to the directors that you are a 100% suitable candidate. I will also put in my notes that you have assisted us positively in every way possible. I am delighted to officially inform you now that you have passed the physical with flying colours. Congratulations young man!”, he said as he walked over to shake this embarrassed naked dude's hand like it was an every day occurrence for me. Andrew Saunders did likewise.

"One or two people in the past have been known to raise objections to the procedure, you know, as I guess it can feel a little intrusive in places. We have unfortunately been unable to recommend them for employment ultimately, but you have been very cooperative and are a very healthy specimen. I am sure that you will be relieved to have a 100% positive health report and I know that you will be a credit to Harrison and Brown,“ stated the doctor with a smile directed at his buddy.

I felt like a slut. I had let these men defile my body for their pleasure, even let them both finger my ass, play with my erect cock and had maybe even been ass fucked by my new boss, but I was about to be rewarded with a new job, working for the very same man.

I decided that I would accept the job regardless, never mention this again and try, if possible, never again to be put in such a position.

Mr. Saunders eventually handed me my clothing back and I got dressed as the two men watched me (Mr. Saunders initially keeping hold of my boxers and handing them to me separately) and I also noticed Doctor Adams hand my file over to Mr. Saunders.

Once dressed, I shook hands with Doc and bizarrely thanked him, then we walked back to the car - that is, me, Mr. Saunders, my private file and the photos and presumably video ‘evidence’ walked back to the car.

I suspected that the doctor was paid extra for the “thorough” physical by Mr. Saunders and that two sets of medical files must exist. The real one with the basic required information and a further set of additional details and photos which Mr. Saunders would jerk off over repeatedly. I had well and truly been had, in every sense. They must have realised what a subservient, naïve young lad I was and that I would be afraid to raise any objection at all. After all, who would have believed my word against theirs? I am still not sure where Mary fitted into all this scheme.

On the awkward journey home, my new boss informed me that in view of my ‘good results’ and co-operation during the physical, he would consider increasing my salary from eighteen thousand pounds to twenty-one thousand pounds after three months “if my performance in-between was satisfactory”, with a further promise of another £3,000 raise based on performance after six months. My silence was being bought. I might be able to use this to my advantage, I thought to myself.

“Okay we will see you on Monday then Chris”, he said as he dropped me off fairly close to my house, adding arrogantly "although I suppose I have already seen everything you have got! That can just stay as our little secret though, can't it," smirking.

“I bet you are glad that the company physical is only required every two years, aren’t you?! But this really is a good opening for you, and I will make sure that you are more than adequately financially rewarded, if you continue to be as co-operative as you have been today. There might be other fringe benefits and additional raises available based on your levels of co-operation.”

Oh no. What the hell have I got myself into? I have tried to console myself with the thought that for being humiliated for an hour or so, I am going to get maybe £6,000 more added onto my salary. Not too bad then. Will I allow it to happen again in two years time ? Too right, if the price is right. And if my boss demands further ‘co-operation’ at work? I haven’t decided what the price will be for that yet but needs must!

I later also found out that Mary is Dr. Adams' daughter and is not medically qualified in any way.