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Sexy Member
Apr 28, 2024
No Response
Hey, men!

I made an account on here a while back and completely forgot about it until now. I want to finally introduce myself and more than anything, share my robust, manly penis. The big hairy cock and balls you see in the attached photo is one of the main reasons why I walk through life as a confident, self-assured man.

If you like what you see, tell me what you like about it or just tell me if it looks manly (or something similar)! If you feel the same way about your manhood, I would take it as a sign of great respect if you also posted a similar pic in response.

If you’re 50+, have a hairy chest, and love everything about your body, send me a DM. I’m settling into the second quarter of my life and I’m in need of a LPSG man-to-man mentor that I can talk about that kind of “man stuff” with. Bonus points if you have a mustache.

Any thread or other LPSG suggestions are welcome.

Thanks for giving me a glance, men!


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Hey, men!

I made an account on here a while back and completely forgot about it until now. I want to finally introduce myself and more than anything, share my robust, manly penis. The big hairy cock and balls you see in the attached photo is one of the main reasons why I walk through life as a confident, self-assured man.

If you like what you see, tell me what you like about it or just tell me if it looks manly (or something similar)! If you feel the same way about your manhood, I would take it as a sign of great respect if you also posted a similar pic in response.

If you’re 50+, have a hairy chest, and love everything about your body, send me a DM. I’m settling into the second quarter of my life and I’m in need of a LPSG man-to-man mentor that I can talk about that kind of “man stuff” with. Bonus points if you have a mustache.

Any thread or other LPSG suggestions are welcome.

Thanks for giving me a glance, men!
Hey, men!

I made an account on here a while back and completely forgot about it until now. I want to finally introduce myself and more than anything, share my robust, manly penis. The big hairy cock and balls you see in the attached photo is one of the main reasons why I walk through life as a confident, self-assured man.

If you like what you see, tell me what you like about it or just tell me if it looks manly (or something similar)! If you feel the same way about your manhood, I would take it as a sign of great respect if you also posted a similar pic in response.

If you’re 50+, have a hairy chest, and love everything about your body, send me a DM. I’m settling into the second quarter of my life and I’m in need of a LPSG man-to-man mentor that I can talk about that kind of “man stuff” with. Bonus points if you have a mustache.

Any thread or other LPSG suggestions are welcome.

Thanks for giving me a glance, men!
Welcome, you have a lovely cock.