Confessions of a Wrestler (back again)


Legendary Member
May 6, 2021
60% Straight, 40% Gay

Going to give this another try and repost some of my old posts. I'm going to be more careful and limit what I post as the last time I answered a question, honestly, and it was not kosher, apparently. Happy to answer questions or any follow ups to anything I post.

How this works:

I've been posting Q&As for a few years now answering questions about my sex life, wrestling, and anything else you can think of. I will start with my oldest posts and work forward to the present. I started posting right after I turned 18, and I will work forward until what I am currently posting. So just remember, there is context here and some things I post have been updated later with more current events.


Sauna, steamroom, open showers i take every opportunity to show off. most unique experience was on vacation with my family. i was in the hotel locker room after a work out and a guy in his 30s (?) was watching me in the steamroom and sauna. i dropped my towel and did one last rotation in the steamroom and the sauna. gave this guy something to look at. being the center of attention was too much of a turn on for me and i started to pop wood. without a towel i couldn't hide it. at the time i was less confident in my exhibitionism. so a few older guys saw me as i made my way to the shower stall. my 30-something watcher followed me into the next stall. the lights in each stall made a perfect shadow on the shower floor, an image of a top down view on the floor. so my follower had a perfect projection of my raging hard cock on the floor of my shower. i noticed this when i started to see his shadow jerk off. a little shocked and turned on i started jerking off to give him the best show i could to match his. after a few minutes i bust a load in the shower stall, rinsed off with cold water and got back for another steam/sauna round. with my new found confidence i left my towel in the shower area and never used a towel to cover up again.
sauna my fan exited his shower and joined me, after a while when we were alone, he got up to leave the steamroom, looked at me, gave my upper thigh a friendly slap and said: "nice job kid" and slid his palm toward my knee. he walked away and i said "thanks" the door closed and my dick was hard again.
my dad walked in on me a few times but after three sons i think he is jaded. he has walked in during mid jerk, just starting, and like two seconds after i came and i had jizz all over my chest. he walked in and told me what he wanted to say and walked out. he walked in on me having sex a few times. last time he did, i was really pounding a chick and didn't think my parents were home she was screaming and my dad walked in on me balls deep in her and told us to keep it down. my parents have always been open about sex and keep me in condoms and encourage me to use them. both my bothers got girls pregnant and they don't want the youngest to do the same. after the screamer my dad sat me down made sure i was using condoms and i was moved into the apartment above the garage.
still working on getting the 'old' posts up, but while you wait, here are a few NEW posts!

Q: ever intentionally grabbed a dudes nuts when wrestling?

A: Yes. I will admit it. In an attempt to distract or break the other guys concentration I have gotten a little handsy or a tap. I will also say that I have gotten a handful when I didn't intend to and it distracted me.

Q: have you ever had other dads of your fratmates show unusual interest in you? when I'm with an alpha friend and bring them home from school for game night or when I help with their homework, an uncle takes time to chat them up, have a beer, etc and talk about masc guy stuff.

A: Probably not to the extent that you are thinking of, some of the former-jock dads will talk to me about their glory days and try to relate to my athletic experiences, its hard to describe, but it is like they are trying to let me know they were cool back in the day and it is sorta like they are trying to relate to me or tell me they are part of something too, again, it's hard to describe. I've notice this is a bigger thing with dads that played baseball, so I just smile and nod.
During the summers I was on swim team and in speedos. I stopped swimming midway through high school but I always keep a few. For the past few years I have worked for a river rafting company as a river guide. In the early spring I wear speedos under my wetsuit around clients but during pride, big groups of gay men come up for weekend rafting trips. I breakout the speedos and guide in them. its fun to show off and get huge cash tips at the end of the day. My second year i had a bidding war one day between a group of returners on which raft i would guide. I made $150 before i even got in the raft. I made sure to give them a show, adjusting myself, and sitting in the back of the raft spread eagle. I made a lot of money in june thanks to wearing speedos
Q: have you ever seen your dad's penis and/or hard, has he seen yours?

A: I grew up with a pool in my back yard and my dad was never shy, and he walks around after he showers so ive seen him. never seen him hard. He saw me naked last over the summer, i was in the pool with my fuck buddy. Mom wasnt home and didnt think he was, he came out to join us, dont think he realized it was a post-sex swim, but there i was naked with my naked dad, naked fuck buddy and his ass two loads full of my cum. my dad has walk in on me a few times while jerking off, but after three sons i think he doesnt care. last time he really saw my dick was three years ago walked in on me jerking off. the last time he technically saw me had he walked in on me and a girl in mid-fuck. I was balls deep inside her and she was a screamer and i didnt think they were home. he came in and told us to keep it down and totally saw me thrusting in her. after that i got a talking to about using condoms and i moved out to the apartment above the garage for more privacy.
Q: Did you inherit your fat cock from your dad? Are all the men in your family hung?

A: I've never seen my dad hard, but i've seen him naked. He isn't shy. he is hung and last i saw my brothers they are too so i guess we all got it from him. I was much younger when I last saw my brothers so, i was in elementary school when they were in college, I just remember thinking they were all huge compared to me.

My dad has said that he thinks my cock is the biggest of my brothers. He saw me over the summer in the pool with my fuck buddy and joined us. I think i was a little inflated from the sex me and my buddy had just finished having but my dad commented on my dick size and told me and my buddy

I didn't get my dad's balls, his are big and low hanging swingers. mine are always tight up against my body. wish i got those from him too. Don't remember either one of my brothers balls.
Q:When did you realize you were big?

A: My first time wrestling with the team. I started practicing with the High School team at the end of 8th grade. Up to that point, changing the in locker room was quick and no one showered. So I changed with the team and got into my singlet for the first time and walked out to my first practice. Some of the guys on the team started to make fun of me, they first thought i had a boner or they thought i had a sock or something in my crotch. It got so bad that the coach came over and told me to go to the locker room and take out whatever I had in there. When I told him that I didn't have anything in there; coach paused for a moment, and the shock hit him that it was all me. He responded with a nevermind. After practice in the showers the team saw that it was all me. From then on, I knew I was different from most guys.
Q: how rowdy and horny did it get in the showers as a wrestler?

A: ...The team in HS was 'rowdy'. We were naked almost all the time in the locker room. The culture was already established when I got there, but jerking off in the showers before and after practice was normal. Big open showers with four central stations with five heads coming out. so we were really in the open and exposed so we couldn't hide. So when a guy popped a boner, we all knew. Jerking off in the showers were more for getting rid of a boner than sexual. It was understood that you gotta do what you gotta do, but do it quick. Not much ever came of jerking off in the showers, it was a big no-no to hit another guy with your load. If it did happen you were next, and the offender would get it back from the victim, usually sneaking up while they were in the shower and wiping their load on the guys back. A few times it escalated back and forth between two guys but nothing ever sexual, just getting even. Worst thing we did was 'paint the lockerroom' after a meet at another school. We crushed our rivals and we were at their school so as a team we jerked off together and shot our cum all over the locker room in celebration/getting even with an opposing school. It smelled like an old cum sock when we were done. Only other thing was wrestling in the showers, the game was to pin your opponent, take your balls and tap them three times on their head. This was just normally for good fun.
Q: For those guys whose father's saw their dick, did your dad ever compliment you on your dick? Like say, size, shape, pubes etc?

A: I was raised in a semi-nude household. We have a pool in our back yard and i grew up swimming naked and really didn't know the difference. Clothes were normal in the house, but my dad would walk around nude after a shower or just getting up in the morning. My dad is a retired US Marine and really never thought anything about being naked or seeing any of his sons naked. He has seen my dick hard several time and soft a bunch without any real comment comment. The first time he ever really said something about my penis was in August. I had just completed a marathon sex session with my fuck buddy. it was summer, we were hot, sweaty and cum was everywhere. I thought my parents weren't home so we just walked from my room over the garage to the pool near my parents house. We had been swimming for a few minutes when my dad came out and joined us. My buddy had been swimming at my house before so it wasn't a big deal for him, he knew the rules. I will admit that my dick was still a little chubbed from the sex I had just had so I might have had a little more girth than usual but my dad told my buddy: "I think he (being me) has the biggest dick of all my sons." I know my older brothers are big dudes and my dad is hung too, but it was a big ego boost to hear that from my dad and hear his prideful tone.
Q: Interest in knowing where guys from BW fall on the sexuality spectrum.

A:Bi, I fuck both males and females, want to try ftm. I've fucked way more females (unknown number) and 6 males but had more consistency with males, dont want to date anyone, just hang out. Bi, aromantic, with a high sex drive.
Q: We all have had some really hot toe curling bates and I am sure we have had some disastrous horrible bates. I know I have. How about you?

A: In the showers after practice my sophomore year of high school. The showers were open four polls in the middle of the shower room with heads pointing out. So it was open and there was no hiding. The team was open about jerking off and at this point everyone had seen everything and jerking off before or after practice was more about getting it out of your system than being sexy in front of your teammates, but there was a general acceptance. I got horny after practice usually so i would strip down, and walk to the shower with my cubby dick ready for a quick pull. i was standing under my shower head with the water pouring on my head and jerking off under the water. Normally, this is just a quick thing to get a nut out, not time to edge or put on a show. Jerk, nut, wash off. For some reason this time it was feeling good. Maybe it was the testosterone from practice, lack of sex (honestly can't remember if I had any around that time), the full showers, but i was really feeling it this time. I wasn't going out of my mind or moaning out loud but I remember thinking that it was going to be good to nut. Then it happened, I lost control for a second and got really into my bate feeling my nut cumming, my knees bent, i grunted a little too loud and I shot the biggest and thickest wad of cum across the room hitting the back of a senior team member. You could hear it across the room. This guy had about 100 lbs on me he walked up to me and wrestled me down to the floor of the showers and pinned me and wiped my cum off of his back and onto my chest when he had me pinned. He was more impressed by how much it was and how far it went but it was probably one of the most intense cums I ever had.
Q:Where has your beautiful ERECT tool been devoured by the most sets of hungry eyes?

A: on BW my profile has been seen by over 12,000 (now 56k) people. I think that would be the most people that have seen my cock. In person, I can think of two situations I've been in that I have been viewed by a group. Wrestling in High School, we were naked in the locker room, big open showers, that were old. four polls in a big tile room with shower heads pointing out. It was open and exposed, everyone could see everything. Jerking off before or after a practice was normal. In the showers guys were getting a load out so you saw guys on the team jerking and cumming. So my team mates saw my erect cock. so lets call that 60ish teammates over four years? If you want to know more read some of my confessions in the comments section in my profile.

I was, and still have a strong exhibition drive in me. I love showing off at the gym and being naked. When I was younger it was really strong desire to get naked infront of a big group of guys and let them watch me jerk off. I wanted to be watched and show off. So for my 18th birthday I took off and drove to a bathhouse in the next biggest city. I did my research, and i knew what I wanted. I got to the bathhouse, stripped down and left the towel in my locker. I walked around nude showing off my body and my cock. I was immediately rock hard and I got lots of attention from the guys at the bathhouse. I started off in the steam room and jerked off for around 5 guys, gave them a real show. As the night progressed, I walked around and the group started following me around only got bigger. I jerked off in the movie room, and in the hallway with a larger and larger crowd watching me and my cock. I finished early in the morning with a group of around 70 guys watching me on stage jerking off spraying my load into the crowd. it was everything i wanted it to be.
Q: Have you ever done anything with your dad?

A: I would say no. I grew up in a naked household, so pool, hot tub, around the house me and my dad and my brothers before me, it was normal. Yes, I popped a few boners around my parents, in the pool/hot tub. but nothing major. My dad walked in a few times while I was jerking off and in the middle of sex but nothing phased him. The closest thing was cumming in the hot tub when I was . My dad is a retired US Marine and active in the community. He was serving in his local organization with another former Marine that was younger. He might have been in his 30s(?) at the time, but I thought he was the coolest guy ever, might have been a crush. He was tall, ripped, tan, and a really deep voice and a super nice guy. I wanted to be a marine and he would talk to me about joining and encouraged me.

In my bedroom in my parent's house, I could hear from my bedroom when the hot tub would turn on. My dad called up to me and asked me to join him. I pulled off my basketball shorts and walked down stairs to join him. I walked into the kitchen and there was my dad with his buddy. He was naked with my dad, holding his beer with his sunglasses on walking over to the door with the biggest cock i'd ever seen. Long, cut, and really thick. I tried to keep my cool, but my cock started to give it away and I started to chub up. I did the one thing I could think of and I jumped into the hot tub first to hide my dick. My dad and his buddy followed with the beers. I was panicking with a raging hard-on under the bubbles and no where to go. So my thoughts turned to getting rid of it but jerking off even under the bubbles would be seen so I came up with the dumbest idea ever. I started to feign interest in the floating hot tub thermometer while they were talking. My plan was to pretend to read the thermometer while leaning over the edge of the hot tub and discreetly put my dick on one of the jets and let it do it's magic. So I went for it, I have no idea what I looked like but there I was ass out of the water and in the air leaning over the side of the hot tub. No idea how long it took, but busted a huge nut, thought i had been quiet about it but I feel like I was probably making noise, grunting or something. When I had finished I slipped below the water and let the thermometer returning the to the water to float along the top. I sat there for what I thought was long enough for my dick to go back down to normal. I jumped out of the hot tub and my feet hit the deck below with a loud *slap* of my half hard cock slapping against my stomach and returning to a 90 degree angle pointing straight out. My dad's buddy looked over and said: " watch out man, gotta be careful with that thing" reference my cock. Mortified, I took my balls in my hand and put my dick behind my wrist and arm and walked into the house with another raging hard-on. I went up stairs and Jerked another load outta my dick and stayed up there until my dad's buddy left.

There is no way in hell my dad and his buddy didn't notice or know what I was doing. And the worst part was knowing that they had been soaking my my cum. After I was done jerking off in my room I noticed my pubes and leg hair was knotted together, all over. It was from my cum in the hot tub. Both my dad and his buddy had to be covered in my cum with the same patches of cum in their hair.
how do i compare to my dad/have I seen him: I answered "frequently, and only soft" I really can't think of a time that I saw my dad hard/chubbed/semi anything. I grew up with a pool/hottub in my back yard and being naked was how I learned how to swim. My dad is a retired marine and older, so being naked is normal for him and he doesnt think twice about it. It shocked buddies growing up but most appreciated the relaxed rules around my house. The term "frequently" really doesnt describe my situation, I'm home from school, I was in the hot tub three hours ago and we were both naked. So it is nearly a daily thing around my parents house. "compare" is difficult. We are both uncut, same with my brothers. He has said that he thinks I have the biggest dick of his sons, and I he has seen me hard, with a chub and rock hard so I feel like he would have said something about my size if he thought I was bigger than him. His dick is thicker and his balls are definitely bigger, his hang low and are big. mine are tight against my body and average. I think he is bigger, but im not sure. could be a grower/shower thing.
Q: If you wrestled in high school or college, did you or your opponent ever get hard during a match? Did either of you cum? If you didn't cum, did you ever get so close you had to run to the locker room immediately after the match and jerk off? Did you and your opponent ever hook up after a match?

A: wrestled all four years in hs and now in college. Yes, all guys chub up at some point. Earlier in hs I would more when I wasn't used to being in a singlet. Maybe only five or six times at practice I was fully erect, I've chubbed up during a match, but never fully hard. I've never seen anyone cum during a match/practice. 95% of what you see is guys chubbing up a little or their dicks getting out of place in their singlets. Most guys on my hs team would take care of their dicks in the showers before or after a practice or meet. it was normal to take care of any wood before or after practice in the showers so teammates would get it out of their system before or after practice. I never hooked up with an opponent, but the first guy I fucked was a teammate. We were told to wear a jock under our singlet, but I rarely did, I still have the same one from freshman year, maybe only used a dozen times. Mostly at meets when officials would stress the rules.