Just because a man isn't all at sea with a mascara wand, and knows the dance routine to Making Your Mind Up - skirt rip and all - you accuse him of being a receiver of swollen goods. HOW VERY DARE YOU!!!Oh yes M2V! Oh very, very YES!
Oh Bill!For you Tommy!!
Kylie looks not quite how I normally see her.....Kylie - Bette Davis EYES
Oh M2V, meant to post Kylie's version then opted for Kim!Kylie looks not quite how I normally see her.....
All the better for spotting your errors with.Oh M2V, meant to post Kylie's version then opted for Kim!
My M2V what BIG , OBSERVANT eyes you have tonight!!!!!
You have redeemed yourself by posting my second favourite ABBA tune. Good man!Abba- Angel.EYES
Thank you M2V!You have redeemed yourself by posting my second favourite ABBA tune. Good man!