Conner Bobay

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He's still together with Brittany and didn't break up permanently. Probably couples break up get back together BS. It's weird that he isn't with her. He's not with family. (I'm from his home town, know his family) I follow him and post shit personally because all the crap his family, specifically his moms side did to me. I'm sure nobody here wants to know why, what, how but that's my reasons.
I'd actually be very interested. Would give me a better understanding of who this guy is and what motivates a human to scam another.
Ahh, geez man. There is so much and I would LOVE to unload pent up animosity to an ear that is impartial/indifferent. Just to dump it all out sometime but most are here for sex stuff and I don't wanna interfere too much get in the way of that. I'll tell you this though, the amount of shaming for anything sex related in that family is off the charts. Conners grandma went to my 1st boyfriends house a guy who I lost my virginity to and told his parents. Straight up didn't know them, just thought she was doing God's work telling em. I was 16, mortified back in the late 80's. Hell, a big reason Conners parents got divorced is because Conners dad was watching porn...on and on, really. So the fact in such a staunch, bigoted, absurdly conservative family has Conner out here selling his asshole pictures is just....ya know? You all don't but that's why for me. There's alot but I'll just keep it to this single post. I'll just lurk. Lol
That’s the guy from Cameron Dallas documentary I’m pretty sure on Netflix
I’m sure it’s the Documentary that’s on Hulu! Because he was Bryce Hall’s manager at the time when BH and his friends were getting big on YouTube before tiktok! And Michael was the dude who tried to pull off Tana Con!
I am waiting for him to post something with a guy I would love to see that❤
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He complained about “I’m going to have to shut down my OF if you guys don’t start buying or if I get more subs.”

he basically said he was “forced” to get a job to pay his bills cuz nobody’s buying on OF.
He not going last ups bc he lazy imo . Also his onlyfans always the same video he just split it into two different videos pay wall and it’d same video but one is longer by few sec
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I've heard they get paid decently well and have good benefits. If he has no real education beyond high school, I can see why he went for something like that.
True but i get paid more but I don’t work for ups though :) ups Doesn’t get paid enough
He complained about “I’m going to have to shut down my OF if you guys don’t start buying or if I get more subs.”

he basically said he was “forced” to get a job to pay his bills cuz nobody’s buying on OF.
Wow we’ve come a long way from the first time someone paid $500 to see his dick
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