Connor Aka Cdawgva

RV stream in 2 weeks. How gay does it get between Connor and Ludwig?
They went to the Wi Spa together in LA and have probably accidentally rubbed tips walking around nude.

He's a paid influencer to promote Japan, and he likes anime. He also did voice acting. But now he's good friends with the LA streamers and I think he intends to move there.
He has mentioned several times before he would never live in the US. But he sure loves visiting his boyfriend Luwig and touring with TrashTaste.
He's busy raising millions for charity.
Great for charity, not for us. Unless he’s raising money for charity by being in different states of undressed and wearing way too tight clothing that's borderline see through, i don't really care to watch
Great for charity, not for us. Unless he’s raising money for charity by being in different states of undressed and wearing way too tight clothing that's borderline see through, i don't really care to watch

Then don't... 🙄