Connor Franta (youtuber & Author)

Apparently, Connor tore up his knee (torn ligaments, bone fractures) in a European skiing accident...will have knee surgery. He could be immobile (crutches) for weeks and have limited mobility for months.

I reckon everyday mundane things such as showering, going to the bathroom, etc...could be problematic.

Maybe someone with personal experience (leg injuries, being on crutches, etc.) can chime in about showering, pooping while being immobile, lol.
yeah, he talked about how he had to be in crutches during the fires. how he still hasn't really figured out how to wear them(american crutches are weird tbh).
i feel super bad for him, because dude loves running, he was even planning on doing iron lung, which is like some super hard marathon type thing, and now he can't. he won't be able to go for runs for months. even after the recovery period, he might not be able to run like he used to, like, he might have to start from scratch and do much shorter runs
What's with the straight man boxers?!
it's gen z fashion, and sadly, a lot of millennials are copying it too
Maybe someone with personal experience (leg injuries, being on crutches, etc.) can chime in about showering, pooping while being immobile, lol.
it'll depend on how immobile he'll have to be. if he has to be fully bedridden, he might be needing to wear a diaper, or have a bed pan. but i don't think that'll be the case, except for the time in the hospital post surgery, because he'll have to be doing physical therapy. he'll have less mobility, so it'll be a pain in the ass to do those things, i hope his house doesn't have a lot of stairs. sitting and getting up from the toilet is gonna be annoying. maybe he can install something near his toilet like with handicap toilets to make it easier for him before he's on a more advance stage of his therapy that allows for better mobility. for showering, i hope to god he has a shower base and not a bathtub. the latter is much harder to get in and out of for someone with limited mobility. but for the shower itself, he can just buy a shower stool so that he doesn't have to be standing up.
he's likely gonna need someone to help him out every now and then. he's young, so he isn't gonna be as dependant as an elderly person with mobility issues, but he's still gonna need some help. and he's lucky american cars are mostly automatic, so driving isn't as big of an issue. he wouldn't be able to drive if he had a manual
can't believe I'm straight. All this time I thought I liked men, but turns out the underwear I wear makes me not like men.

This is why I can't stand hanging out with gay men
Haha well one can be gay and wear those boxers too I guess the op wanted him to wear a jockstrap to be sufficiently gay 😜
nah it's like a meme that boxer shorts are a typical dudebro type underwear and so gays aren't likely to wear them.
it's just that those boxer shorts have come into fashion lately because gen z guys started wearing them more often, which works fine for the baggier pants that are also more commonly used nowadays. and so it's becoming more normal to see guys wearing boxer shorts, even gay ones, and especially gay millennials who dress according to gen z fashion trends
nah it's like a meme that boxer shorts are a typical dudebro type underwear and so gays aren't likely to wear them.
it's just that those boxer shorts have come into fashion lately because gen z guys started wearing them more often, which works fine for the baggier pants that are also more commonly used nowadays. and so it's becoming more normal to see guys wearing boxer shorts, even gay ones, and especially gay millennials who dress according to gen z fashion trends
Well, as long as he doesn't go back to that ugly freddie mercury mustache !
Well, as long as he doesn't go back to that ugly freddie mercury mustache !
boxer shorts, mustache and mullet, those are very much current trends and it's very likely he'll be doing them. the bedrest and therapy might cause him to get a bit more laxed on things and result in his growing out his facial hair
boxer shorts, mustache and mullet, those are very much current trends and it's very likely he'll be doing them. the bedrest and therapy might cause him to get a bit more laxed on things and result in his growing out his facial hair
All those things are ugly, why the fuck are these kids doing these ?
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All those things are ugly, why the fuck are these kids doing these ?
they're very much adults. gen z in their 20s are making this shit popular. fashion is cyclical and so all the trends from the past, be it when we were young or from our parents' time are returning
they're very much adults. gen z in their 20s are making this shit popular. fashion is cyclical and so all the trends from the past, be it when we were young or from our parents' time are returning
Bla bla bla, i know all of this and it's not even true ! When are we going back to top hat, cape and cane ?! NEVER !

Mullet were ugly back in the 80s and they're ugly now.

Fashion is a cyclical purgatory.

Connor's the cutest.

And i do have a top hat.

There ! Rested me case ! 😝
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I thought it was more to hide his dick bulge, which is a shame. Although, just being brutally honest here, there's not a whole lot to see even with boxer briefs.

My spidey senses say Connor's a grower...and the D is probably average for a white man his size...5-6"...perfect husband's dick size...I would ride that on the daily, lol