Conor mcgregor

Wonder if it was his idea or the directors to get bare ass naked not just one but twice and have the camera pretty much focus on the ass.
If it wasn't his original idea. I'm sure the extended scenes were definitely his idea. Scene probably called for a nude scene, but not this much. The camera really focuses on his ass.

BTW. I really didn't know he was this short. But makes it up in the ass area though lol.
#conor mcgregor from rip gaybuckybarnes again

#conor mcgregor from rip gaybuckybarnes again

#conor mcgregor from rip gaybuckybarnes again
That shit-eating grin. Not acting. He was loving it.
Either it’s really small or he’s been taped and tucked up to high heaven because how do we not even see the slightest peak of that heavy meat flopping around between his legs??
I imagine they had to strap it to his thigh, We know how easily he'll pop a boner.:relieved:
I imagine they had to strap it to his thigh, We know how easily he'll pop a boner.:relieved:
My fantasy is that he was rock hard. Balls tight and cock pointing to the skies.
Of course, I know it’s not the case, but one can dream.