I was hoping to loose weight, as I'm eating less, and the company cafeteria and restaurants are out of my life while sequestered at home. Although the gym has been closed, I've been doing some heavy landscaping work, and actually gained a bit of lean arm size. (I'm pushing 60, so that's not something my body wants to do anymore.) In desperation, with no fitness equipment at home, I converted some of my surplus building materials into a pair of cast concrete dumbbells. (As I'm almost done landscaping, concrete barbell weights and a bench may be next.) I've also been trying to walk too, at least 5 miles on weekends. And, with the bars closed, I figured that would help too. Unfortunately, I seem to be gaining visceral fat... I guess my body senses the crisis, and wants to store as much reserves as possible. Or maybe it has something to do with the fact that there is plenty of beer at home, which strangely the supermarkets never run out of, even when they had no food, toilet paper, bleach, soap, milk, eggs, etc.