I don’t want to sound bitter but the measurement is done pretty bad. It gains 1 cm at the base with that curve on his body and it curves also at the tip.
And don’t forget that he’s not in need of bone pressing, he is already slim as hell and in shape with a very low body fat % so as he puts the ruler to measure it, it’s already bp.
He’s no way on earth a proper 8 inches long. I’ll say he’s a legit 7.6/7.7 bp... that still is a huge lenght!
I’m overweight on my abdomen and pube, when I bp I gain 3 cm and get to 18,5 cm / 7,3 inches (obviously measuring from the top in a straight line without taking any curves, what Chris haven’t done in that pic). I’m working to get in shape so it will “get bigger” lol.
Salutes from Italy
Agreed. I know Chris Strokes has obsessively been discussed a million times on this forum but he has a solid 7.5" on a good day fully erect and other bad days 7.25 or so and I consider that settled via all the measurements we have seen from him. He is definitely not over 8 inches that is settled beyond doubt.