criss strokes real measurement!! 6.5 INCHES!!!

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idd, it's only 13"

That's just an optical illusion used to make it look smaller. Or perhaps there's a top level government conspiracy employing black ops artists and experts in digital photo manipulation to make it look smaller. We should team up to expose this gang of low life thugs that is trying to make Criss Strokes look smaller than he actually is, because I just know in my heart of hearts that he must absolutely be at least 18" long. We should find this "Jake Cruise", if that is his real name, and pressure him into exposing his deception.

Why God why?!? Why must a REAL American hero be defamed in such a horrific manner?! Who would do such a thing? Know this you bastards, I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you stop your deception now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you...:18:
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How small are jada stevens hands?
This pic shows criss stokes is about 3 of her hands long which if hes only 6.5 inches long would make her hands 2 inches wide?
Unless she's under 4ft I doubt her hands are that small.
you mean her hands arent at the base? cos that would make his dick longer?
Yeah, more or less. Looks like the first couple fingers are in the pube area. Overall, the picture itself looks a bit "iffy" to me anyhow- once again the edges sort of stand out, making the dick part look as if it's sitting on top of the rest of the picture. Could be wrong on that though.

Take Care
Normal sized chick, normal sized dick... Normal herein having the meaning of roughly average, not giant, not tiny. Unless of course her hands are 5" across.

if he's 6'3" then without heels she must be like 6' tall, hardly "normal sized."

i've been a fan of criss' long cock, dumb-jock look, and lean & toned body for quite a while. i, for one, am gonna give this guy the respect he deserves, regardless of how big he really is:smile:
Yeah he ain't no big 10, but I have difficulty believing I'm bigger than he is. I believe 6.5 to be a negative distortion. He's probably legitimately around 8.5.
no, he really is 6.5, ED put it so nicely that I'll just copy/pasta

Porn is no different from any other style film done by proffessionals. Its all smoke and mirrors. Truth be told there are no such things as 14 or 18 inch penises. Anything in porn larger than a 9 inch is almost guaranteed to be a fake. Porn producers use cheap camera angles, small petite women, and in some cases prosthetic penises all for satisfying western obsession with big cocks. Don't buy it? You don't have to, Chris Strokes is living proof of it. A man with an average 6 inch penis but by casting him with tiny porn girls and using striking camera angles they make you believe his dick is 12 inches. Behold the magic of porn.
How small are jada stevens hands?
This pic shows criss stokes is about 3 of her hands long which if hes only 6.5 inches long would make her hands 2 inches wide?
Unless she's under 4ft I doubt her hands are that small.

I can fit 3 of my own hands on my dick the way she is holding it. Does that mean I am over 12" long? I doubt it. :rolleyes:

Just google for his solo pictures and see for yourself that he is not that big. Seems like people just ignore the hard evidence which was posted here.
Its been my guess that the only true 9-10 inchers are Matt Hughes, Mandingo and Lex Steele. Possibly Rico Strong as there is a scene where there are four hands almost nearly "neatly" stacked on his dick at one time.
I think Criss Strokes pushes 7.5 at the most, his groin area in general is very odd in how it almost falls down.
I don't think there's a pornstar who's 10 inches

Mandingo is 9, Lex is 8 and Rico is also an 8 but as far as mister strokes goes, the title is correct and he really is 6.5 with just came angle working for him, giving them impressions that he's 8 or 9

look at this pic with Heather Vahn, does he look 10 inches (as he so likes to claim), 9, 8 or even 7 for that matter?

Image 10
If criss strokes is 6.5" I'm 3 and I'm really really not. I measure 6.5" to 7" depending on time of day, arousal and time since last orgasm.

It's not as though the models shortness holds up either. My GF is 5'4" and c. 60kg. and my cock looks no bigger in her than my figures suggest.