criss strokes real measurement!! 6.5 INCHES!!!

Danny D is the number 1 we all know you are jealous CurlyFries :wink:
After seeing all the evidence I am 100% convinced that Criss Strokes is DEFINITELY no longer than 7" MAXIMUM (and that's being as generous as my intellectual honesty can take me).
Stratedude he is 7 maximum? But the picture shows he is less than 7. Wait you are going to say "but it has a curve in it" right? Just to make his dick bigger than it is. He is less than 7 inches. I can't believe there are 23 pages about a guy with a slightly above average dick.
Stratedude he is 7 maximum? But the picture shows he is less than 7. Wait you are going to say "but it has a curve in it" right? Just to make his dick bigger than it is. He is less than 7 inches. I can't believe there are 23 pages about a guy with a slightly above average dick.

I swear it's one or so pic penis length varies in all men from time to so at biggest he maybe 7.
Right he may be 7 and I could be a strong as Superman but I am not. The picture shows he is 6.5 so until you find another picture of him measuring himself at 7 he is 6.5. End of story.
i think it's all very interesting. Especially since on any PORN VIDEO BOX you pick up, it's going to have measurements describing "14inch MONSTER HUGE COCKS!!!" etc.

And it always amazes me how many OBVIOUS photoshopped pictures end up posted on this forum from people asking, "Is this real??? Who is this?! Look how huge they are!!!""

Point is, while women in every day life don't care about size, but conversely MOST MEN do, and MEN are the primary of buyers of porn, a bigger looking cock gets more attention. There are many ways in a video medium to exploit this and enhance appearance.

1. lenses and angles - there are many fisheye lenses that are used and ratios that are used to enhance size. It's so obvious in many of the videos, just look at how the straight door frames curve in any video and you'll see a glimpse of the differential.

2. angles - when i look down at my cock, it looks HUGE and from some side angles. if you were to shoot me from below looking up, i look pretty average.

3. Body - Stokes is Rail thin, Mandingo is just over 5 feet tall, Danny Dong's legs are as thick as my wrists. James Deen has often confessed how he looks much bigger because of how skinny he is. I'm 6'2, 220 pounds, i'd kill to be as skinny as those guys. There is NO doubt in my mind that body type has EVERYTHING to do with this. Even DR OZ says for every 10 pounds you lose, your penis gets bigger. Google it. I'm not making it up. So hit the treadmill, fellas. :)

4. Spinners - tiny girls in porn. If you put an average sized cock up against a girl who is barely 5 feet tall and meth skinny, your cock is going to look huge. FACT.

5. Relativity - i've had many women tell me i have the biggest cock they've ever seen, but i've also had some women tell me, "Eh, it's not as big as I thought it would be." Point is... WHO KNOWS??? Who is right? Who is wrong? what is absolute? Nobody knows.

These are just SOME of the MANY strategies used to enhance the appearance of size, so that men will be more entertained by their porn and will buy a brand and label. It's a billion dollar business and PRODUCERS are going to do EVERYTHING they can to enhance a scene and their PRODUCT.

But you will NEVER get these guys to stand next to an honest ruler. Some vids have even tried the tape measure thing and you can always see the girl holding up the tape measure incorrectly next to the guy's dick, but she's not making a true honest measurement. You'll have an easier time proving a 2nd gunman on the grassy knoll or the lochness monster exists. Even Jonah Falcon who CLAIMS to have the biggest recorded measured penis, hardly shows it.

so let the futility continue :)
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Jonah Falcon was never measured but yeah you are right. Get a really skinny guy, a really short guy. a female who is only 5 feet tall and you can make any dick look bigger.
Combine all three short thin and a small girl and it looks massive! Everything at your cervix said is true and the women who were not impressed by your piece must be sluts lol!
I think in the real world that is why a lot of guys like really small females who are 5 feet and less than a 100 pounds to make their dicks look bigger.

Guys like Tyce Bune who have huge dicks look big no matter what female they are with.
I agree. I knew a guy who only dated Asian girls only for the fact that it made his dick look huge when he was having sex with him. True story.

I think in the real world that is why a lot of guys like really small females who are 5 feet and less than a 100 pounds to make their dicks look bigger.

Guys like Tyce Bune who have huge dicks look big no matter what female they are with.
Lol I like females period. Unless they are Shaq's height or something. Funny thing is just because a female is petite doesn't mean she won't have a huge pussy. If anything it seems short females do have bigger pussies. Maybe I should date a 7 foot tall female to see if they have tighter pussies.

You agree with me that Tyce Bune has the biggest penis in porn too?
lol nope Egg because if he is short and lets say his penis is 6 inches which is about average it would still look big compared to a 5'0 90 pound girl. A 5'5 guy next to a 5'8 130 pound female with a 6 inch dick isn't going to look at big.
Lol I like females period. Unless they are Shaq's height or something. Funny thing is just because a female is petite doesn't mean she won't have a huge pussy. If anything it seems short females do have bigger pussies. Maybe I should date a 7 foot tall female to see if they have tighter pussies.

You agree with me that Tyce Bune has the biggest penis in porn too?

Image 03

Tyce Bune

Bamboo and Tyce - XVIDEOS.COM

Looks about avg to me
Sorry to resurrect this thread but it generally looks like everyone agrees Strokes is 6.5 (and giving him the absolute benefit of the doubt and saying that he wasn't at his biggest in that measured picture and accounting for the curve he'd be at his MAX 7 inches.)

And I've heard people place Danny D at 8ish inches as well as Sean Michaels and Lex.

Didn't Lex get measured at 9 in one scene? but it was measured from the side so he'd be more like 8.75?

And what would this put Mandingo at?

I mainly find these measurements for Lex, Mandingo and Danny hard to believe and I've considered them the three undisputed longest in porn I can personally get a BPEL of 21 cm and even with camera tricks I don't see me being as big as them...
i think he is a around 9 inch bpel i am 8,3 and he looks about 0,75 inches bigger

to the guys saying he is below 8 you are fooling yourself