Crossing Lines With My Gym Bro; Joey And Eric

Wow wow wow wow WOW!!!
Fuck you guys. Damn - had no idea this had gained such popularity.

Yes - it's me with ANOTHER account because I keep forgetting my log ins here.

I sincerely apologize. I too hate when things take forever. This started as my little escape during Covid and life just got in the way. I know I came on here a while back and did this whole thing and promised to be more consistent. I actually had this one in my laptop for quite some time now and just let it fall off. Again, life got in the way - I know. Not an excuse.

I never expected this kind of feedback. Reading through the comments, I really started to think I could do something with this.

So thank you for the much needed validation and inspiration!
I've been thinking of maybe compiling them into a novel - or maybe doing a book of short stories.

Either way, your support means so much to me. For reals. I apologize for the severe delay in this - and if I've lost you, I understand. Waiting this long for anything isn't cool.

Di_No - dude, spot on! Your comment is exactly what was next for the boys in Vegas! Ha. Great minds must think alike ;)

I'm glad I've been serving up what you wanted.

Now kings, without further ado...
Much like a lot of their story so far it would be a bit of a slow build to them actually going the full way and one of them fucking the other, but the last chapter certainly puts them on that road.

I would think their trip to Vegas probably ends up with them going somewhere and getting horny, maybe a strip club or something else, but ultimately they end up back at the room with each other and no girls. Still horny, they decide to take care of themselves, but this time they don't have the toy. Taking up similar positions to before Eric takes Joey into his hands like he did before but jerks him before moving in close so they are rubbing their dicks together, humping against each other, staring at each other as they moan, and then as the pleasure heightens they get lost in the moment and their lips meet in a kiss that quickly turns hungry and passionate, leading to them both blowing their loads and falling asleep on the bed together.
Ha! Are we the same person?! :joy:
"What Happens in Vegas..."

PART 1/2

There were so many lights in Vegas! I had to squint because it was so bright, and because I was a little drunk to be honest. Eric had made me pregame with him in the hotel room, and a beer turned into shots and now we’re having a full blown conversation with this old Uber driver.

“I remember coming to Vegas with my brother. Bad break up?”

We left the strip and were heading down a side highway to what was “the best strip club”, which is Eric request for the Uber driver.

“You don’t come to these clubs every night, boss?!” Eric said patting the older man on his shoulder. I thought he might be getting upset, but it looked like he was enjoying Eric’s boldness. He was smiling and began to go on a rant about why he can’t go here every night.”

“The wife wouldn’t like that very much!” He said.

“Maybe I should just leave her then, huh?” He said and Eric and I bursted up laughing. We probably only laughed so hard because we were drinking.

Before I knew it, we pulled up to the strip club. The pink and orange neon lights were just as bright as the ones on the strip. Party buses and limos filled the parking lot. We were dropped off right in front. Eric and I told the Uber driver bye, and walked into the loud chaos of the club.

It was more or less how I imagined. Groups of boys who were talking big game but were now intimidated, old gentlemen there for a show, girls with rich sugar daddies, and then there was Eric and I. Two buff dudes with a heavy buzz and we were ready to fuck shit up. Ha - or whatever the kids say now.

“First round on me” Eric said slapping my shoulder and heading to the bar. There was a black girl on the stage with perfect titties spinning around the pole like silk. Beautiful - soft areolas and a shaved pussy that I wanted to demolish. My cock throbbed in my pants, and I was surprised how hard I had gotten without realizing it.

Eric had ordered us two jack and cokes. I was thankful that Eric made us do a quick burn out set of pushups. I felt pumped and knew I could afford the extra calories tonight - we were here to have a good time. Enjoy ourselves. And you know what? I forgot all about Ashley. It was the first time in the day that I didn’t really think of her. I looked at Eric. His square jaw and thick neck that protruded from his polo was wet with a little sweat because these Vegas summers were intense. He turned to me and handed me a drink and patted my shoulder guiding me away.

“Ready for some titties?” He said before taking a big swig of his drink. I just chuckled before we were both distracted by this beautiful woman sitting in the corner. She had her eyes locked on us, and as soon as they met, it felt like a fire started to burn so good in both of us. The cold drink slid down my throat and straight to my cock, swelling it more with every step we took. I could tell Eric felt the same. His eyes were locked on her and they both exchanged flirty smiles that slowly crept across their faces at the same time. We were hers and my heart started beating hard with the anticipation that swelled in my pants.

I couldn’t really think about Eric working out here naked - it just made me feel a little uncomfortable sitting on the same bench that I’m sure he sat on with his bare ass. That dude is crazy, but at least I get a private gym while I watch his house.

He had a solid set up - bench press, dumbbells and a squat rack. You could hit every part. No wonder Eric was so jacked.

The weather was pretty nice out. I wasn’t going to be butt ass naked like Eric suggested, but I did take my shirt off. It wasn’t something I was able to do at my gym, and I got to admit it was nice to see my muscle development and range of motion in real time. I put work into it, and I liked to appreciate it every once in a while.

Then in the mirror, I saw the jacuzzi behind me. My mind replayed that night in a split second - Suzie’s wet pussy pulsating around my swollen cock as I thrusted into her with all my force. Greg sitting feet away watching it all go down.

Luckily there were no cameras like I feared. I awkwardly asked Eric one day, and his answer was even weirder. But again, that dude was kind of unpredictable.

“Hey Man” I said walking up to him in the drive way one day when he came in from work.

“You don’t have like… a camera or anything in the back. Do you?” I don’t think I had to include context, he knew what I was talking about. I could tell instantly from the smile that slid across his face.

“Nah man. You planning to rob me or something?” He said laughing and slapping my arm.

“Yeah bro, wake up with one less gym set up.” I laughed, relieved that he didn’t have any record of that crazy raunchy shit that went down.

But then - it didn’t make sense.

How did he know, in detail, what went down if he didn’t see it on a camera? Him and that Joey dude.

“So how did you see?”

Damn - it was about to get awkward. Then he started laughing that laugh I heard all the time from across the street.

“Honestly? We watched, bro.”

I thought it was weird at first, then we kind of just laughed it off and made a few comments about that night. I was strangely fine with it. Like I said, I already knew he was crazy.

Looking at his dumbbells, I could tell which ones he used the most since they were the ones that were worn. The tens and fifteens were pretty much brand new, but the forties through hundreds were tarnished and tattered. He was a strong dude. I curled and saw my bicep tightening in the mirror. My vein bulging and contracting like a small river with every contraction. I bounced my chest a bit, ha. I couldn’t really stare this deep at myself at the gym without looking like a dick - but here I could do what I want. Shit, I could probably even strip my shit off and work out naked like Eric does, see what the hype is about…


I wrapped up, watered his plants, turned his front light on and headed home.

My cock was rock hard. I had to adjust it so many times to keep it from hurting and this beautiful woman kept rubbing up against it. She knew exactly what she was doing. The heat from her body felt too good. By now, her top was falling off little by little exposing her big fake tits. She was a goddess and she was grinding my boner like no tomorrow. Our eyes met and she smiled, giving me the silent permission I needed to suck on her hard firm nipple. I sloshed my tongue around in circular motions. I felt her grind harder onto my swollen cock in my pants - it was so hard it hurt. It hurt so good.

Her fat ass moved with the rhythm of the music - up and down and side to side. I kissed her and felt her warm tongue twist together with mine. She tasted sweet, went good with the alcohol I already had on my breath.

“Follow me?” She started to get up off my lap and took my hand.

My engorged cock was very obvious in my pants, good thing the club was dark enough so no one would notice. This girl was going to get a pretty penny from me, but fuck it. I’m buzzed and horny and she’s hot as fuck.

Oh shit. Joey.

I stopped and turned around. I didn’t forget about him sitting in the club next to me, but to be fair, there was a goddess humping my boner while I slurped her left titty. He looked uncomfortable - I recognize that tight smile and awkward posture anywhere. He took a sip of his drink, and then I saw that fucker rub his cock. He was just as boned up as me. Ha!

We met eyes and I nodded. He nodded back. It was going to be a good night.

I walked behind this beautiful woman that I could have seen in a porno. Perfect tits, fat ass, and she already showed me her moves. I couldn’t wait for my private dance. Jack off fuel for the next month for sure. Fuck, maybe even two.

Hopefully Joey gets a girl too. There were a few chicks there who were eyeing him now that me and my chick was leaving - open territory for the claim now. She must be the boss. She looked back at me and smiled a nasty little smile that I knew was begging for me—

“Your friend” her smile instantly faded and I felt my heart drop as I whipped my head around.

A bigger dude was up in Joey’s face.

“You staring at my girl?!” I heard him growl over the music. Joey looked up at him confused and angry. I immediately pushed through the small crowd and approached him. His wife was behind him with a few other couples all trying to calm him down and pull him back. I saw them when we first walked in, looks to be a group of friends or whatever. They were being loud and drunk.

“What are you talking about? Back up” Joey took a step back when the guy pushed him hard. Joey stumbles, tripping over the chair behind him. Security was rushing already, but I didn’t give a fuck. I pulled that big fuck by the collar and knocked him the fuck out - right in-between his drunk eyes. He fell like a wet blanket while his wife screamed and everyone rushed him. I looked at my boy and smiled.

I wreaked of whiskey since my cup was more than half full when that dumb fuck got all crazy.

It all happened so fast. I didn’t even look at his girl! They came out of nowhere. They were already loud and drunk by the time we walked in.

Too bad. Eric was about to fuck the stripper and this petite Latina was about to walk over before the guy came up talking his shit.

After Eric knocked him out, the security pulled us both out and threw us out the front door along with some of the guys that were with the big dude who tried to get crazy with us after he collapsed.

The security was a big black dude - the kind of guy that wears sunglasses inside and chews on a tooth pick. He separated us and we all immediately calmed down - he was that kind of energy.

“Cops are on their way - I don’t give a fuck what you do, but I advise you to get the fuck out of here.” He boomed.

Next thing I know, some guy let us get in his Uber cause Eric could have gotten arrested and we weren’t trying to have that kind of night.

“You good?” He asked me.

Yeah - you?

“Fuck no. I have a fucked wrist and blue balls.”

We both laughed. Only Eric would joke like that. The Uber driver was talking on the phone loud as fuck. Weird but whatever.

Eric’s knuckles were a little bloody. Shit, he almost got arrested. And for me. He protected me.

My best friend. Damn.

We slowly dragged ourselves out of the Uber.

“Should we go to a bar?” Eric asked looking at me.

Usually when he asks, he doesn’t want to go - otherwise he would have just told me we were going to a bar.

I didn’t feel it either. We had a cool buzz going, but that drama killed it for us and the whole “almost getting arrested” thing got us out of the mood.

We both decided to grab some drunk food at the casino and call it a night. We had tomorrow night still to go out and make it worth our while.

“That fucking piece of shit” Eric said followed by a chuckle as he slid the key card into the door. The greasy pizza and breadsticks he decided to splurge on gave me enough comfort to forget about the strip club until he brought it up just now. We were both beat - ready for bed.

Eric threw his polo off and unbuttoned his jeans leaving them in a clump on the floor where he dropped them. He walked to the bathroom in his gray boxer briefs and I heard him wince a bit as he rinsed his hand in the sink.

I chugged the gatorade we bought at the little snack mart downstairs in the lobby and stripped to my boxer briefs too. We had already chosen our beds earlier - I plopped down in mine not even bothering to pull the sheets back.

“Thank you, bro.” I said realizing I never thanked him. He walked out of the bathroom and made his way to his bed.

“Fuck yeah, of course. No ones going to bitch us out like that.”

“Sorry about your knuckles.”

He grab his thick bulge, making it more obvious in his briefs.

“Be more sorry about these blue balls.” He pulled his half chubbed cock out and his massive balls that were swollen and bulging.

I laughed. Fucking Eric.

“Bro she was a baddie too.” I said.

“Fuck yeah she was. You see the way she was grinding on my cock?”

He pulled his briefs all the way off laying on top of his like I was. The lights were off but I knew he was stroking his chub getting it to his full glory.

“Fuck yeah man. Her tits were so nice too. Saw you slobbering on them.”

“I forgot where I was for a second. I would have fucked her right there if I could.”

I felt my cock grow with his words. Fuck - imagine he would have fucked her there in front of the whole club? My best friend slamming and showing off while I sat and watched. This made me throb.

“Fuck it? Let’s get this nut one way or another”

In a flash, the TV turned on.

With the abrupt intrusion of the bright light, I saw Eric’s nude body - his swollen muscles and even more swollen cock that he casually stroked with one hand while he set up the screen share on this phone. I knew where this was going.

“What you feeling tonight?” He said. He looked directly at my cock swelling in my briefs - the fabric tightening painfully around it. I lowered my hand and adjusted my meat, turning my cock towards the left of my briefs and rubbed it. I could see the precum announce itself darkening the gray fabric.

Eric scrolled down the video list - gang bangs. Big titties. Milfs. All of it. Then he went to the search bar and started to type


“I saw this crazy video the other day bro - watch.”

He scrolled down a bit and clicked on this video - the thumbnail was a hot petite Latina with big perky tits - nice brown nipples sticking straight up with another latino’s hands on one of them.

He pressed play as I peeled my briefs down, my fat cock drooling its way on to my stomach as I adjusted myself on the bed. I was a little buzzed still - jacking off with my legs wide open. I started to twirl my nipples and flick them like they do in the movies - my heart started to race. I was so fucking horny and this girl on the 72 inch screen in front of us was doing something to me. She was wearing a pair of pink panties and matching bra that was now pulled to the side exposing her big perky titties. Her nipples were hard and so shiny in the light. The dude was pretty buff too and he kissed her nasty with tongue while he slowly followed the dripping oil down in to their panties and started to finger her pussy. You could hear how wet it is, only adding to the dripping oil. She gyrated and moaned with the dudes tongue in her mouth. His one hands pinched her swollen nipple and the other hand fucked her while my hands both twisted my cock - soaked in precum. My toes curled. I imagined how lucky that dude was. I was losing my head and they weren’t even fucking yet. I had to slow down, squeeze the base of my dick a bit to keep myself down. I couldn’t cum yet.

“Damn bro don’t kill yourself” Eric chuckled, bringing me back down to Earth. I caught my breath and looked over at him smiling, then laughing.

“This is a good video bro. I love that oil shit” I said as I slowly started to rub my cock again.

Eric skipped a few minutes ahead right to the fucking scene. The dude has her legs spread wide open fucking her with his big latin cock. As he fucked, her titties bounced and he squirted more oil on them.

“Fuuuuck” I said trying to slow down my strokes again.

I saw Eric walk in front of the TV to our bags on the small table. His cock was hard and sticking straight out ahead of him. He rummaged a bit through his bag while the dude on the screen tongued the fuck out of her titties. He slowly made his way down her soaking wet body - he was covered in the oil too. His cock was as hard as Eric’s and I.

I saw Eric pull a bottle out of his bag and walk towards my bed. Without giving me a chance to react, he squirts the warm oil on me and laughed.

I jumped at first, but then I just went with it and laughed along.

“You’re fucking crazy, man.” I laughed. Fuck it - I started to rub it all along my chest and taking a big glob and stroking it on my boner. My eyes immediately rolled back and my legs began to twitch. I had to squeeze the base again. My cock was so swollen - throbbing like it never has before. I was moaning and whimpering and I didn’t even know it. I couldn’t cum now. It felt too good to end this.

“More?” Eric asked, but before I answered, he was blasting another squirt right on my cock then up to my chest - just like the guy on the porn was as he fucked that chick.

I looked into my best friend’s eyes and nodded. Yes - more.

PART 1/2
PART 2/2

To be honest, I’ve gotten really into these oil videos recently, and I had brought this bottle to hopefully squirt on some girl that I found.

But fuck it. Tonight had a low point, so now it was time to make up with a high, right?

The bright light from the TV only made Joey’s muscle’s look bigger as he rubbed the oil on himself.

I squirted some on myself and it dripped right down to my cock that was already dripping onto the floor. One of my favorite videos was on and my swollen penis was begging for attention ever since the strip club.

I put the bottle down and started to stroke it. I stayed where I was, standing over Joey as he laid on the bed in front of me. His hips were gyrtaing and he was stroking his cock, rubbing the head a little harder but making sure to give his entire fat shaft attention. His balls hung low and were dripping in the oil shining and bouncing with every thrust Joey did. His nipples were big and brown and hard, just like the chick on tv.

Joey’s eyes were on the screen, but then they slowly creeped over to my body. I stood tall, my boner sticking straight out as I stroke it vigorously 2 feet from Joey. His eyes explored my body that I can only imagine was glistening just as hot as Joey’s was. Fuck - I was horny as shit.

Joey’s hand raised and he grabbed onto my boner, sharing some of the oil from his already frothy hand. More than we both needed for sure, but better because of the overflow. We were dripping. My hands dropped to my side, I clenched my fist and flexed my cock as my best friend squeezed it just how I like it. I looked down at him - his eyes still on the screen, but sneaking a good glimpse of my cock as he rubbed my dripping head fast, then slowing down just when he felt me tense up.

His other hand switched off between playing with his nipples on that massive chest or scooping the excess oil from his brown body and slathering it on his boner.

“I got you bro” I pushed his hand away from his nipples and grabbed each one of his pecs in my hands. I squeezed his hard muscles, feeling the firm bulging muscle under the small layer of fat making them tender and jiggly in the perfect area. I dragged my fingers into the hard flesh towards the dark nipples - then I squeezed them tight. His grip on my cock got tighter when I did that. I did it again, he moaned.

“Bro” I said - chuckling a little bit. This was wild. Wasn’t it?

We were passed the line already. We were too into it to go back and just jack off on our own beds. His hands felt so good on me and his hot pecs made me harder. I was hard for my best friend, and I was totally fine with it. It felt too good to ignore.

I grabbed the bottle of oil and squirted it on his chest and stomach and then down to his cock. His breathing deepened as he rubbed it in.

I climbed onto the bed and straddled him, pressing my cock against his and grabbing his wrist and pressing them into the bed next to his head.

His eyes darted directly into mine. I stopped and looked at him.

“You good?” I said.

He looked at me for a second, then down at our hot throbbing cocks plopped against each other in an oil bath. He looked at my hands pinning his wrists down, then looked at me. He nodded his head yes.

I thrusted into his cock slowly at first, then I picked up the speed and watched as we both lost ourselves in the pleasure. His hips raised and he pushed into me just as hard as I was going into him. Our cocks were fucking each other, covered in the cum and lube.

Our eyes met and it only made it hotter for me - I laid flat on him and he instantly wrapped his massive arms around me, pulling me into him tighter. My face nuzzled into his neck and his moans were right in my ear. His body was covered in oil and my body slid so smoothly on top of it, our sweat and precum mixing in. I felt his hands explore my back and lower onto my ass, pushing me harder into his engorged meat.

What the fuck was going on. I couldn’t stop it. I didn’t want to stop it. Eric’s body weight was on top of me and my cock was as hard as it’s ever been. He rubbed his cock on mine and it felt so good. I pushed my wrists free from his grasp and he didn’t even resist. He was ready for whatever we needed to do.

His ass was fat and firm - I squeezed it now that my hands were free. I didn’t even have to wonder if that was too far anymore, because the dude was pretty much fucking me. I’ve always seen hit defined glutes and low-key admired them from a far, but now they were pressing down into me with a force - soaking wet and all mine.

His back was so hard and wide. All that work we’ve been putting in, and here it all is in my hands right now.

His cock flipped and flopped and sloshed onto mine. I had to work on my breathing or else I know I would have passed out. It was intense and heavy. I felt the heat from his face press against my cheek. He had this rythm into his thrust - Similar to the way he fucked Suzie.

He gently pulled his face away as his pacing slowed to a steady throb. He looked right at me. Our cocks so swollen, they felt like they would burst. He gave me his signature Eric smile that turned into a chuckle.

“What the fuck?” He said laughing. I started laughing too, pressing my fingers deeper into his firm back, feeling the sweat mixed in with the oil as I slathering it across the big mass of man - my best friend.

That was his cue to keep going. He pressed his hot mouth against my cheek, sliding down slowly with the assistance of the immense sweat that we both shared. I recognized the sweet pungeant scent of his sweat from our workouts at the gym.

His moans were louder now because his lips were pressed against my ear. I started to breathe deeper as he went faster. I started to thrust into him pushing into him as hard as I could. I was insatiable, and by the way he shook in my arms, I could tell he was too. I ran my hands up to his neck and held him into me, my best friend that I loved so much. The man that stepped up and defended me earlier. I was moaning and I didn’t even realize it.

He picked up his head and looked right at me. I knew what he was asking me just by looking into his eyes. I nodded my head. “Yes”.

I wanted this. I needed this. I didn’t want it to end.

He picked up the pace.

I picked up the pace. My hands wrapped under his sweaty head nestling it as his arms pulled me into place on top of him. He started to thrust into me. I lost it.

“I’m going to cum.”

His body tensed. I saw the muscles in his face tense and his mouth opened into a smile just inches from mine. His eyes rolled back. I felt the muscles in his back tense and his legs straightened out and locked. I felt the intense heat - the undoubtedly beginning sign of an orgasm. I felt the force of his cum shot force its way between our bodies. I felt it again squeezed between us. He was cumming so much, every shot of heat was another grunt from his smiling mouth.

I started to cum. My cock throbbed and after a few of Eric’s thrusts, I shot my first rope so intense that I had to immediately take a deep violent inhale. Eric nodded. My second rope. Without a doubt, so much - much more than I’ve ever had before. I would never know, because Eric was still cumming and it was all mixing together between our hard bodies.

He kept his thrusts up as he still exploding onto me. Into the small void that barely existed between us.

We shared an orgasm. He gave me an orgasm. We looked into each other’s eyes as we caught our breaths. In no rush to separate any time soon. He caressed the back of my head, scratching my scalp.

“Let’s jump in the shower man” he peeled himself off of me and we saw how crazy the cum puddle really was. A deep puddle was on me that now dripped off the sides of my stomach creating massive puddles on the bed. Eric had it dripping down.

We. Came. So. Much. Fuck!

He waddled his way into the bathroom. I saw the TV - the scene was entirely different from before. Who knew how many scenes had passed without us even noticing?

I heard the shower turn on - the door was open.

“You coming, bro?”
Wow! Thank you for coming back we all missed you! You really should write down your password this time lol. I haven't finished all of the new story yet but so far it is very hot! I'm glad you came back no one could portray these characters like you. I had very few ideas for my continuation so I'm glad you've taken over.
Wow wow wow wow WOW!!!
Fuck you guys. Damn - had no idea this had gained such popularity.

Yes - it's me with ANOTHER account because I keep forgetting my log ins here.

I sincerely apologize. I too hate when things take forever. This started as my little escape during Covid and life just got in the way. I know I came on here a while back and did this whole thing and promised to be more consistent. I actually had this one in my laptop for quite some time now and just let it fall off. Again, life got in the way - I know. Not an excuse.

I never expected this kind of feedback. Reading through the comments, I really started to think I could do something with this.

So thank you for the much needed validation and inspiration!
I've been thinking of maybe compiling them into a novel - or maybe doing a book of short stories.

Either way, your support means so much to me. For reals. I apologize for the severe delay in this - and if I've lost you, I understand. Waiting this long for anything isn't cool.

Di_No - dude, spot on! Your comment is exactly what was next for the boys in Vegas! Ha. Great minds must think alike ;)

I'm glad I've been serving up what you wanted.

Now kings, without further ado...

Ha! Are we the same person?! :joy:

Glad to see you back. A great continuation as expected. If you spun it into a full book I am sure people would be equally as interested.

And honestly, it's what I would have done as a writer going by the progression of your story so I am glad we kind of see eye to eye as it's a bit of validation in a way.
Wow! Thank you for coming back we all missed you! You really should write down your password this time lol. I haven't finished all of the new story yet but so far it is very hot! I'm glad you came back no one could portray these characters like you. I had very few ideas for my continuation so I'm glad you've taken over.
Ha - I made it super easy so no worries ;)
I appreciate your words. I hope you enjoy!
Glad to see you back. A great continuation as expected. If you spun it into a full book I am sure people would be equally as interested.

And honestly, it's what I would have done as a writer going by the progression of your story so I am glad we kind of see eye to eye as it's a bit of validation in a way.
I thought the same way! Good to know I'm on the right track ;)
Wow wow wow wow WOW!!!
Fuck you guys. Damn - had no idea this had gained such popularity.

Yes - it's me with ANOTHER account because I keep forgetting my log ins here.

I sincerely apologize. I too hate when things take forever. This started as my little escape during Covid and life just got in the way. I know I came on here a while back and did this whole thing and promised to be more consistent. I actually had this one in my laptop for quite some time now and just let it fall off. Again, life got in the way - I know. Not an excuse.

I never expected this kind of feedback. Reading through the comments, I really started to think I could do something with this.

So thank you for the much needed validation and inspiration!
I've been thinking of maybe compiling them into a novel - or maybe doing a book of short stories.

Either way, your support means so much to me. For reals. I apologize for the severe delay in this - and if I've lost you, I understand. Waiting this long for anything isn't cool.

Di_No - dude, spot on! Your comment is exactly what was next for the boys in Vegas! Ha. Great minds must think alike ;)

I'm glad I've been serving up what you wanted.

Now kings, without further ado...
Welcome back J!

FUUUUUUCK, what a comeback.

Second part got me so hard. Damn.
PART 2/2

To be honest, I’ve gotten really into these oil videos recently, and I had brought this bottle to hopefully squirt on some girl that I found.

But fuck it. Tonight had a low point, so now it was time to make up with a high, right?

The bright light from the TV only made Joey’s muscle’s look bigger as he rubbed the oil on himself.

I squirted some on myself and it dripped right down to my cock that was already dripping onto the floor. One of my favorite videos was on and my swollen penis was begging for attention ever since the strip club.

I put the bottle down and started to stroke it. I stayed where I was, standing over Joey as he laid on the bed in front of me. His hips were gyrtaing and he was stroking his cock, rubbing the head a little harder but making sure to give his entire fat shaft attention. His balls hung low and were dripping in the oil shining and bouncing with every thrust Joey did. His nipples were big and brown and hard, just like the chick on tv.

Joey’s eyes were on the screen, but then they slowly creeped over to my body. I stood tall, my boner sticking straight out as I stroke it vigorously 2 feet from Joey. His eyes explored my body that I can only imagine was glistening just as hot as Joey’s was. Fuck - I was horny as shit.

Joey’s hand raised and he grabbed onto my boner, sharing some of the oil from his already frothy hand. More than we both needed for sure, but better because of the overflow. We were dripping. My hands dropped to my side, I clenched my fist and flexed my cock as my best friend squeezed it just how I like it. I looked down at him - his eyes still on the screen, but sneaking a good glimpse of my cock as he rubbed my dripping head fast, then slowing down just when he felt me tense up.

His other hand switched off between playing with his nipples on that massive chest or scooping the excess oil from his brown body and slathering it on his boner.

“I got you bro” I pushed his hand away from his nipples and grabbed each one of his pecs in my hands. I squeezed his hard muscles, feeling the firm bulging muscle under the small layer of fat making them tender and jiggly in the perfect area. I dragged my fingers into the hard flesh towards the dark nipples - then I squeezed them tight. His grip on my cock got tighter when I did that. I did it again, he moaned.

“Bro” I said - chuckling a little bit. This was wild. Wasn’t it?

We were passed the line already. We were too into it to go back and just jack off on our own beds. His hands felt so good on me and his hot pecs made me harder. I was hard for my best friend, and I was totally fine with it. It felt too good to ignore.

I grabbed the bottle of oil and squirted it on his chest and stomach and then down to his cock. His breathing deepened as he rubbed it in.

I climbed onto the bed and straddled him, pressing my cock against his and grabbing his wrist and pressing them into the bed next to his head.

His eyes darted directly into mine. I stopped and looked at him.

“You good?” I said.

He looked at me for a second, then down at our hot throbbing cocks plopped against each other in an oil bath. He looked at my hands pinning his wrists down, then looked at me. He nodded his head yes.

I thrusted into his cock slowly at first, then I picked up the speed and watched as we both lost ourselves in the pleasure. His hips raised and he pushed into me just as hard as I was going into him. Our cocks were fucking each other, covered in the cum and lube.

Our eyes met and it only made it hotter for me - I laid flat on him and he instantly wrapped his massive arms around me, pulling me into him tighter. My face nuzzled into his neck and his moans were right in my ear. His body was covered in oil and my body slid so smoothly on top of it, our sweat and precum mixing in. I felt his hands explore my back and lower onto my ass, pushing me harder into his engorged meat.

What the fuck was going on. I couldn’t stop it. I didn’t want to stop it. Eric’s body weight was on top of me and my cock was as hard as it’s ever been. He rubbed his cock on mine and it felt so good. I pushed my wrists free from his grasp and he didn’t even resist. He was ready for whatever we needed to do.

His ass was fat and firm - I squeezed it now that my hands were free. I didn’t even have to wonder if that was too far anymore, because the dude was pretty much fucking me. I’ve always seen hit defined glutes and low-key admired them from a far, but now they were pressing down into me with a force - soaking wet and all mine.

His back was so hard and wide. All that work we’ve been putting in, and here it all is in my hands right now.

His cock flipped and flopped and sloshed onto mine. I had to work on my breathing or else I know I would have passed out. It was intense and heavy. I felt the heat from his face press against my cheek. He had this rythm into his thrust - Similar to the way he fucked Suzie.

He gently pulled his face away as his pacing slowed to a steady throb. He looked right at me. Our cocks so swollen, they felt like they would burst. He gave me his signature Eric smile that turned into a chuckle.

“What the fuck?” He said laughing. I started laughing too, pressing my fingers deeper into his firm back, feeling the sweat mixed in with the oil as I slathering it across the big mass of man - my best friend.

That was his cue to keep going. He pressed his hot mouth against my cheek, sliding down slowly with the assistance of the immense sweat that we both shared. I recognized the sweet pungeant scent of his sweat from our workouts at the gym.

His moans were louder now because his lips were pressed against my ear. I started to breathe deeper as he went faster. I started to thrust into him pushing into him as hard as I could. I was insatiable, and by the way he shook in my arms, I could tell he was too. I ran my hands up to his neck and held him into me, my best friend that I loved so much. The man that stepped up and defended me earlier. I was moaning and I didn’t even realize it.

He picked up his head and looked right at me. I knew what he was asking me just by looking into his eyes. I nodded my head. “Yes”.

I wanted this. I needed this. I didn’t want it to end.

He picked up the pace.

I picked up the pace. My hands wrapped under his sweaty head nestling it as his arms pulled me into place on top of him. He started to thrust into me. I lost it.

“I’m going to cum.”

His body tensed. I saw the muscles in his face tense and his mouth opened into a smile just inches from mine. His eyes rolled back. I felt the muscles in his back tense and his legs straightened out and locked. I felt the intense heat - the undoubtedly beginning sign of an orgasm. I felt the force of his cum shot force its way between our bodies. I felt it again squeezed between us. He was cumming so much, every shot of heat was another grunt from his smiling mouth.

I started to cum. My cock throbbed and after a few of Eric’s thrusts, I shot my first rope so intense that I had to immediately take a deep violent inhale. Eric nodded. My second rope. Without a doubt, so much - much more than I’ve ever had before. I would never know, because Eric was still cumming and it was all mixing together between our hard bodies.

He kept his thrusts up as he still exploding onto me. Into the small void that barely existed between us.

We shared an orgasm. He gave me an orgasm. We looked into each other’s eyes as we caught our breaths. In no rush to separate any time soon. He caressed the back of my head, scratching my scalp.

“Let’s jump in the shower man” he peeled himself off of me and we saw how crazy the cum puddle really was. A deep puddle was on me that now dripped off the sides of my stomach creating massive puddles on the bed. Eric had it dripping down.

We. Came. So. Much. Fuck!

He waddled his way into the bathroom. I saw the TV - the scene was entirely different from before. Who knew how many scenes had passed without us even noticing?

I heard the shower turn on - the door was open.

“You coming, bro?”
Holy fuck! Loving the story so far. Can't wait for more!
PART 2/2

To be honest, I’ve gotten really into these oil videos recently, and I had brought this bottle to hopefully squirt on some girl that I found.

But fuck it. Tonight had a low point, so now it was time to make up with a high, right?

The bright light from the TV only made Joey’s muscle’s look bigger as he rubbed the oil on himself.

I squirted some on myself and it dripped right down to my cock that was already dripping onto the floor. One of my favorite videos was on and my swollen penis was begging for attention ever since the strip club.

I put the bottle down and started to stroke it. I stayed where I was, standing over Joey as he laid on the bed in front of me. His hips were gyrtaing and he was stroking his cock, rubbing the head a little harder but making sure to give his entire fat shaft attention. His balls hung low and were dripping in the oil shining and bouncing with every thrust Joey did. His nipples were big and brown and hard, just like the chick on tv.

Joey’s eyes were on the screen, but then they slowly creeped over to my body. I stood tall, my boner sticking straight out as I stroke it vigorously 2 feet from Joey. His eyes explored my body that I can only imagine was glistening just as hot as Joey’s was. Fuck - I was horny as shit.

Joey’s hand raised and he grabbed onto my boner, sharing some of the oil from his already frothy hand. More than we both needed for sure, but better because of the overflow. We were dripping. My hands dropped to my side, I clenched my fist and flexed my cock as my best friend squeezed it just how I like it. I looked down at him - his eyes still on the screen, but sneaking a good glimpse of my cock as he rubbed my dripping head fast, then slowing down just when he felt me tense up.

His other hand switched off between playing with his nipples on that massive chest or scooping the excess oil from his brown body and slathering it on his boner.

“I got you bro” I pushed his hand away from his nipples and grabbed each one of his pecs in my hands. I squeezed his hard muscles, feeling the firm bulging muscle under the small layer of fat making them tender and jiggly in the perfect area. I dragged my fingers into the hard flesh towards the dark nipples - then I squeezed them tight. His grip on my cock got tighter when I did that. I did it again, he moaned.

“Bro” I said - chuckling a little bit. This was wild. Wasn’t it?

We were passed the line already. We were too into it to go back and just jack off on our own beds. His hands felt so good on me and his hot pecs made me harder. I was hard for my best friend, and I was totally fine with it. It felt too good to ignore.

I grabbed the bottle of oil and squirted it on his chest and stomach and then down to his cock. His breathing deepened as he rubbed it in.

I climbed onto the bed and straddled him, pressing my cock against his and grabbing his wrist and pressing them into the bed next to his head.

His eyes darted directly into mine. I stopped and looked at him.

“You good?” I said.

He looked at me for a second, then down at our hot throbbing cocks plopped against each other in an oil bath. He looked at my hands pinning his wrists down, then looked at me. He nodded his head yes.

I thrusted into his cock slowly at first, then I picked up the speed and watched as we both lost ourselves in the pleasure. His hips raised and he pushed into me just as hard as I was going into him. Our cocks were fucking each other, covered in the cum and lube.

Our eyes met and it only made it hotter for me - I laid flat on him and he instantly wrapped his massive arms around me, pulling me into him tighter. My face nuzzled into his neck and his moans were right in my ear. His body was covered in oil and my body slid so smoothly on top of it, our sweat and precum mixing in. I felt his hands explore my back and lower onto my ass, pushing me harder into his engorged meat.

What the fuck was going on. I couldn’t stop it. I didn’t want to stop it. Eric’s body weight was on top of me and my cock was as hard as it’s ever been. He rubbed his cock on mine and it felt so good. I pushed my wrists free from his grasp and he didn’t even resist. He was ready for whatever we needed to do.

His ass was fat and firm - I squeezed it now that my hands were free. I didn’t even have to wonder if that was too far anymore, because the dude was pretty much fucking me. I’ve always seen hit defined glutes and low-key admired them from a far, but now they were pressing down into me with a force - soaking wet and all mine.

His back was so hard and wide. All that work we’ve been putting in, and here it all is in my hands right now.

His cock flipped and flopped and sloshed onto mine. I had to work on my breathing or else I know I would have passed out. It was intense and heavy. I felt the heat from his face press against my cheek. He had this rythm into his thrust - Similar to the way he fucked Suzie.

He gently pulled his face away as his pacing slowed to a steady throb. He looked right at me. Our cocks so swollen, they felt like they would burst. He gave me his signature Eric smile that turned into a chuckle.

“What the fuck?” He said laughing. I started laughing too, pressing my fingers deeper into his firm back, feeling the sweat mixed in with the oil as I slathering it across the big mass of man - my best friend.

That was his cue to keep going. He pressed his hot mouth against my cheek, sliding down slowly with the assistance of the immense sweat that we both shared. I recognized the sweet pungeant scent of his sweat from our workouts at the gym.

His moans were louder now because his lips were pressed against my ear. I started to breathe deeper as he went faster. I started to thrust into him pushing into him as hard as I could. I was insatiable, and by the way he shook in my arms, I could tell he was too. I ran my hands up to his neck and held him into me, my best friend that I loved so much. The man that stepped up and defended me earlier. I was moaning and I didn’t even realize it.

He picked up his head and looked right at me. I knew what he was asking me just by looking into his eyes. I nodded my head. “Yes”.

I wanted this. I needed this. I didn’t want it to end.

He picked up the pace.

I picked up the pace. My hands wrapped under his sweaty head nestling it as his arms pulled me into place on top of him. He started to thrust into me. I lost it.

“I’m going to cum.”

His body tensed. I saw the muscles in his face tense and his mouth opened into a smile just inches from mine. His eyes rolled back. I felt the muscles in his back tense and his legs straightened out and locked. I felt the intense heat - the undoubtedly beginning sign of an orgasm. I felt the force of his cum shot force its way between our bodies. I felt it again squeezed between us. He was cumming so much, every shot of heat was another grunt from his smiling mouth.

I started to cum. My cock throbbed and after a few of Eric’s thrusts, I shot my first rope so intense that I had to immediately take a deep violent inhale. Eric nodded. My second rope. Without a doubt, so much - much more than I’ve ever had before. I would never know, because Eric was still cumming and it was all mixing together between our hard bodies.

He kept his thrusts up as he still exploding onto me. Into the small void that barely existed between us.

We shared an orgasm. He gave me an orgasm. We looked into each other’s eyes as we caught our breaths. In no rush to separate any time soon. He caressed the back of my head, scratching my scalp.

“Let’s jump in the shower man” he peeled himself off of me and we saw how crazy the cum puddle really was. A deep puddle was on me that now dripped off the sides of my stomach creating massive puddles on the bed. Eric had it dripping down.

We. Came. So. Much. Fuck!

He waddled his way into the bathroom. I saw the TV - the scene was entirely different from before. Who knew how many scenes had passed without us even noticing?

I heard the shower turn on - the door was open.

“You coming, bro?”
This is better than a lot of porn I've watched - so vivid, so well written. This turns me on so much. Great job!


Chest day. Usually, Saturday mornings would be the worst day to hit it at the gym with the crowd and all, but here at Eric’s private gym it’s only me. I did some heavy bench, incline dumb bells, dumb bell flys, etc.

I peeled off my wet tank top ad admired my body in the mirror. My pecs were swollen from the tearing they just endured and glistened in the sweat. The blood was flowing. I felt my big dick swinging in my shorts and the way it rubbed against my wet boxers made me chub up a bit.

Ha - must be the energy back here. Time to go home, shower and beat this dick.

Damn - I’m horny as fuck. My dick is getting harder and harder in the shower. I can’t clean myself fast enough. I soap my body off, then jack my dick a little. It swells; the head gets fatter and my shaft engorges showing the veins that are a few strokes away from pulsing like rivers.

The leather chair in my bedroom was my favorite spot to stroke. By the time I laid back and reclined in it, my meat was stiff to full attention, sticking straight up and throbbing.

My bottle of lotion was on the floor next to the recliner in perfect reach. I squirted a couple globs onto my hand and rubbed it around my body - squeezing my pecs that were still swollen from my workout. My nipples got hard and I pinched them a little. Fuck - must have been something about Eric’s gym. Got me horny as fuck like that crazy guy - ha.

I flexed my boner and made it wave a few times as I scrolled through the page of porn on my phone. I found a hot Milf video - latin fat ass with some juicy tits that made my dick leak. It mixed in so good with the lotion on my hand.

The Milf started fingering herself and squeezing her nipple and moaning. It made me crazy. I thrusted in to my wet fist and squeezed my shit tighter the more she fingered herself.

I had to slow down when the two dudes started to spit roast her. They plowed into her hard and it made her fat ass jiggle. She moaned and her groans were muffled by the other cock down her throat. The hottest thing was the big smiled on her face. She loved being used and I loved watching. I slid my fist fast up and down all the way down to my thick base, then up and twist my palms across my leaking head that twitched just by being touched. I had to control my breathing cause this shit was intense.

The video froze.


Dammit. Fuck!

I stopped - caught my breath and sighed. At least he didn’t call while I was about to cum. That would have been fucked.

“What’s up, man?”

“Shawn - bro. My bad, can you do me a favor?”

My boner went down. I wiped the lotion and pre-cum mixture off on the towel I had laying on my thigh.

“Yeah man, what’s going on?”

He had a shipment he wanted me to bring in. Some new shoes he ordered. There was an asshole in the neighborhood that started swiping boxes and he didn’t want them swiped.

I was already soft, so might as well get it done now.

“How’s Vegas?” I said as I got up and slid some basketball shorts on. I had my slides by the door.

“It’s pretty cool man, knocked some asshole the fuck out last night at the strip club” Eric laughed as he said this. This dude always had a story.

He told me all about his night with that Joey dude - how some fool got crazy with him and he had to step in. That’s wild - but I would have done the same. I hate drunk assholes.

I saw the package on his front porch. I grabbed it and walked back to my house as he was finishing his story.

“I got your shoes, man” I put them on my floor next to the front closet.

Eric talked about Vegas, made me want to do something like that. I can’t remember the last time I went somewhere like that.

“Dude, you should drive out for the night!”

I stopped right there in the middle of my living room.

“What?!” I said. My chest jumped.

“For reals man. It’s pretty lit. C’mon it’s a little after 1. You can head up now and be here like at 7 - perfect timing. And we already got the room, you could crash here with us.”

Damn. He’s right. I had nothing else to do, really. It is a quick drive. I could stop, fuel up. Grab an energy drink and head out there. You know what? Fuck it. I’m going.

“Fuck it”.


Chest day. Usually, Saturday mornings would be the worst day to hit it at the gym with the crowd and all, but here at Eric’s private gym it’s only me. I did some heavy bench, incline dumb bells, dumb bell flys, etc.

I peeled off my wet tank top ad admired my body in the mirror. My pecs were swollen from the tearing they just endured and glistened in the sweat. The blood was flowing. I felt my big dick swinging in my shorts and the way it rubbed against my wet boxers made me chub up a bit.

Ha - must be the energy back here. Time to go home, shower and beat this dick.

Damn - I’m horny as fuck. My dick is getting harder and harder in the shower. I can’t clean myself fast enough. I soap my body off, then jack my dick a little. It swells; the head gets fatter and my shaft engorges showing the veins that are a few strokes away from pulsing like rivers.

The leather chair in my bedroom was my favorite spot to stroke. By the time I laid back and reclined in it, my meat was stiff to full attention, sticking straight up and throbbing.

My bottle of lotion was on the floor next to the recliner in perfect reach. I squirted a couple globs onto my hand and rubbed it around my body - squeezing my pecs that were still swollen from my workout. My nipples got hard and I pinched them a little. Fuck - must have been something about Eric’s gym. Got me horny as fuck like that crazy guy - ha.

I flexed my boner and made it wave a few times as I scrolled through the page of porn on my phone. I found a hot Milf video - latin fat ass with some juicy tits that made my dick leak. It mixed in so good with the lotion on my hand.

The Milf started fingering herself and squeezing her nipple and moaning. It made me crazy. I thrusted in to my wet fist and squeezed my shit tighter the more she fingered herself.

I had to slow down when the two dudes started to spit roast her. They plowed into her hard and it made her fat ass jiggle. She moaned and her groans were muffled by the other cock down her throat. The hottest thing was the big smiled on her face. She loved being used and I loved watching. I slid my fist fast up and down all the way down to my thick base, then up and twist my palms across my leaking head that twitched just by being touched. I had to control my breathing cause this shit was intense.

The video froze.


Dammit. Fuck!

I stopped - caught my breath and sighed. At least he didn’t call while I was about to cum. That would have been fucked.

“What’s up, man?”

“Shawn - bro. My bad, can you do me a favor?”

My boner went down. I wiped the lotion and pre-cum mixture off on the towel I had laying on my thigh.

“Yeah man, what’s going on?”

He had a shipment he wanted me to bring in. Some new shoes he ordered. There was an asshole in the neighborhood that started swiping boxes and he didn’t want them swiped.

I was already soft, so might as well get it done now.

“How’s Vegas?” I said as I got up and slid some basketball shorts on. I had my slides by the door.

“It’s pretty cool man, knocked some asshole the fuck out last night at the strip club” Eric laughed as he said this. This dude always had a story.

He told me all about his night with that Joey dude - how some fool got crazy with him and he had to step in. That’s wild - but I would have done the same. I hate drunk assholes.

I saw the package on his front porch. I grabbed it and walked back to my house as he was finishing his story.

“I got your shoes, man” I put them on my floor next to the front closet.

Eric talked about Vegas, made me want to do something like that. I can’t remember the last time I went somewhere like that.

“Dude, you should drive out for the night!”

I stopped right there in the middle of my living room.

“What?!” I said. My chest jumped.

“For reals man. It’s pretty lit. C’mon it’s a little after 1. You can head up now and be here like at 7 - perfect timing. And we already got the room, you could crash here with us.”

Damn. He’s right. I had nothing else to do, really. It is a quick drive. I could stop, fuel up. Grab an energy drink and head out there. You know what? Fuck it. I’m going.

“Fuck it”.
Great as always! I don't know if you said before but where do these guys live? California? Anyway, I'm excited to see how it goes from here. Shawn joining the bros in a gangbang or something would be awesome!
stories turn into reality after a while. And no, I don't really let you enjoy the sickness
"Sickness" is subjective. But this is more mild than a lot of other porn. And seriously someone who reads a murder mystery isn't going to kill someone. We can use self-control here. We know that this story has taboo elements, that's what makes it fun.
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