Quarantine and social distancing has left us all with our dicks in our hands and our eyes glued to porn. Unless you’re an essential services worker on the front lines somewhere, we need you here performing an equally essential service. Writing or should I say creating.
Without question or equivocation this is one of the best scripted and thoroughly thought through stories I’ve read in he last year and I’ve read a ton of them. The mental images created are so clear that I can sometimes hear the dialog because it reads so believably.
The subtle introduction of classical elements of camaraderie,sibling rivalry, interracial relationships and good old fashioned cuckoldry and domination is masterful.
So. If it’s thematic inspiration, reach out to your eager fans. If it’s dramatic suspense. Enough already,we’re dying over here
We are all looking forward to the next installment and hopefully before the boss calls and says it’s safe to go back to work
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