
Loved Member
Nov 13, 2017
Guadalajara i Jalisco (Jalisco, Mexico)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
Hi all

First time creating a thread, I hope this is the right place.
Well the thing is, I have always enjoyed doing edging while jerking , even before knowing that was called. I always tried to prolong the pleasure as much as possible in each wank session then I learned a bit mor about edging and started doing it consioscly by my own and even started to get couched on Webcam. I think I can consider my self well trained on it and I'm even to sustain modarate long sessions without cumming and during sex it has helped me to have nice long continuos fucking sessions (about 1h) with small orgasms before the big O, that at the end is amazing.
The issue here is that lately, after some long edging sessions by my own I started to feel some pressure in the base of my penis at the first minutes of (like the first 15 min) wanking or fucking (like the valve or muscle that holds the urine?). This feeling makes have the urge to pee or I will cum early, but lately I have even tried to first pee before wank and fuck and the pressure still appears and makes me cum so much early than I would like. I have felt the same feeling before when I started to train in edge and basically I just passed a bit relaxed and some PreCum came out and I could go on, but now I'm struggling with relaxing so when I tried to relax to just free a bit PreCum I end up cumming or not rekaxing at all that doesn't help. I tried to do some no very intense Edging, to train again but I feel is not helping and just keeping all things tight there, so I might try to give it a rest from wank and fuck for at least a week. Sounds like a tense or hyperactive pc muscle, but I just wanted to know if anyone here used to edge has gone through this and any recommendations.

Thanks guys! (sorry for the long post)
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I think I know what you're saying maybe. All my adult life, I could edge and after a while feel what seems like a valve opening inside that is filling a reservoir with cum, getting ready to shoot. I'd recognize the feeling and slow down for a bit then continue. I could still carry on and edge, just being careful at that point on since my body is close. However, a few months back it changed. I'm in my late 40s, so I don't know if it's age related or what. But now when that same feeling of the valve opening happens, the reservoir fills and overflows. If I kept jerking it would be a real quick orgasm that doesn't feel even close to a full one. Once I feel that feeling now, I need to stop jerking immediately and leak out quite a bit of cum (but no orgasm, and it's not ruined, and it's not precum). Once that's done, then I can continue like I used to. Does this sound similar to your experience at all?
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I think I know what you're saying maybe. All my adult life, I could edge and after a while feel what seems like a valve opening inside that is filling a reservoir with cum, getting ready to shoot. I'd recognize the feeling and slow down for a bit then continue. I could still carry on and edge, just being careful at that point on since my body is close. However, a few months back it changed. I'm in my late 40s, so I don't know if it's age related or what. But now when that same feeling of the valve opening happens, the reservoir fills and overflows. If I kept jerking it would be a real quick orgasm that doesn't feel even close to a full one. Once I feel that feeling now, I need to stop jerking immediately and leak out quite a bit of cum (but no orgasm, and it's not ruined, and it's not precum). Once that's done, then I can continue like I used to. Does this sound similar to your experience at all?
Thanks for taking the time to reply, I feel better now I think I was probably edging very frequently (about 3 or 5 times day, every day) so it was really making hard to handle the pressure to cum. I usually can go edging for long as you describe, but I was probably so build up always that there was this urgency to cum early( maybe for some people 15 min is no early but for us edgers feels like fail) anyway right now doing better, trying to not overdoing on the edging haha