Curran walters from dc titans

so how long is he gonna be in the series after this? is he gonna remain red hood and stick around being some agent of chaos? is he gonna get rid of scarecrow and then leave the show? is he gonna rejoin the titans?
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The most logical course of action would be for him to be killed off, considering he's a literal terrorist who's commited multiple murders and is absolutely beyond redemption. So, obviously, the show's gonna find a way to forgive and forget all of that because ~~he was under scarecrow's drugs it's totally not his fault~~
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The most logical course of action would be for him to be killed off, considering he's a literal terrorist who's commited multiple murders and is absolutely beyond redemption. So, obviously, the show's gonna find a way to forgive and forget all of that because ~~he was under scarecrow's drugs it's totally not his fault~~
I hope they find a way to keep him around. Just not sure how they will.

I’d like to say more but don’t know how to add the Spoiler tag in the message.
There's been rumors of a Red Hood spin off show from before this season had even begun. With how well this season is doing numbers wise, I wouldn't be shocked if the spin off has already been green lit, and will be announced as soon as the season is over. He's not going to be killed off. Red Hood is WAY too popular of a character to be killed off permanently.
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