Custom Fit (MM story: college, muscle, bulge, size difference, and growth)

Chapter 20
It only takes us about half an hour to get dressed and head across campus to Psi Nu. Mikey has been quiet the whole time, responding only when prodded and one syllable at a time. He’s clearly got stormy thoughts, and I’m kinda eager to get him talking, but I’ve learned not to push when he’s like this. He only deflects questions and goes deeper inside himself. Frustrating, but for now I’ll settle for keeping him occupied with Sid-stractions and get some studying done for tomorrow’s Geology final.
Sid warned us that the house was pretty empty by now, since most of the brothers had finished their finals and headed home for the holiday break. When we arrive I’m pleasantly surprised to see the eaves and window trim have twinkly multi-colored xmas lights, a huge wreath on the front door, and a giant inflatable Santa on the lawn. We walk inside and my jaw drops. These frat boys have fully decked their halls. There’re light strings on every door frame, wreaths hanging on the walls. Someone even went to the trouble of wrapping the framed pictures on the wall in gift wrap, with big bows stuck in the middle. Some real Martha Stewart shit.

“Holy shit. We were here yesterday, what lifetime-christmas-movie tornado ripped through here?” I ask, agape.

“Ha! Yeah. Dan gets a little into the holidays. The fraternity kicks him some extra cash to act as our house manager, so he’s here through the break. He likes to make it as homey as possible.” Sid says, leading us through the living room, past the huge tree, through the dining room to the kitchen, where Dan is putting a tray of cookies in the oven. “Including baking.”

“Oh good, people. I can’t possibly eat all of these myself.” Dan says, smiling and dusting flour off of his apron. “The lemon bars are still cooling but the oatmeal chocolate chip should be perfectly warm.”

“Dude, these are fucking bomb.” Mikey says, already two cookies stuffed into his mouth. It’s good to see him perk up. I gotta remember to feed him when he’s struggling with something. “Where’d you learn to bake?”

“My mom owned a bakery. I used to help her when I was a kid.” Dan replies, scooping chilled chocolate chip cookie dough onto a new sheet pan.

“Owned? Did she retire?” I ask.

“My parents died when I was 11.” Dan says, matter of factly. Mikey chokes on the milk he was drinking.

“I’m so sorry.” I say quickly, feeling my cheeks get warm.

“Ha! Thanks.” Dan laughs. “Seriously, you’re ok. It was a long time ago.”

He offers me a cookie and a warm smile, then returns to his dough scooping, talking cheerfully about the necessity of chilling your dough for 24 hours before baking. I haven’t spent much time with Dan since Halloween and our epic game of beer pong, but Sid talks about him a lot, and always fondly. He’s on the tall side, maybe a touch over 6’, with a lanky (but strong) build. I remember him showing his body off in his Spiderman spandex on Halloween, but every time I’ve seen him since he’s absolutely swimming in baggy 90’s clothes. Oversized jeans belted around his small waist, tie-dye t-shirts at least 2 sizes too big. Honestly it always goes well with his messy center-parted sandy hair and overall comfy stoner vibe.

“Hey Dan, you took Geology 101 last year, right?” Sid asks around a mouthful of oatmeal cookie.

“Yep. Gotta love an easy science credit. I’ll leave Organic Chemistry to the masochists.” He replies, waving a hand at Mikey.

“Ugh. Yes. All the sophomores in my program look like they’re going through hell.” Mikey groan-laughs, “But baking is mostly chemistry. You might surprise yourself.”

“Fair point. Maybe I could make more complex cookies. Ginger snaps that give you superpowers or something.” Dan muses.

“Or you could learn to make LSD!” Sid suggests.

“You’re a terrible influence, Sid.” Dan replies, “Has anyone ever told you that?”

“Yes. All my friend’s moms.” Sid bats back, then, “Any chance you have your Geology notes? Adam here has his final tomorrow morning.”

“Oh, totally. You know I never throw anything away.” Dan nods, setting a timer on his phone for the oven. “Come with me, I’ll set you up.”

“That would be a huge help!” I say, “Thank you.”

We all follow Dan up the front stairs to the bedroom floor. Sid’s room is on the back of the house, his window facing the deck and patio, but Dan’s is around the front. His door has a whiteboard on the hallway side, where one of the brothers has scrawled BIG D in blocky dry-erase marker next to a pansexual pride flag sticker and a note about Cliff owing him $40. I raise an eyebrow to Mikey as we pass it, and he gives me an eyebrow raise and his meaty bulge an adjustment in his grey sweats.

We walk in and find a room a bit bigger than than Sid’s, and it’s a corner so it has windows on 2 walls. He’s arranged it well and moreover it’s immaculately clean. The laundry is in the basket, instead of a pile. His closet is open with clothes hanging in neat rows. His bed is made. Fuck, even his bong is clean and organized neatly beside a grinder and stash box.

“Lemme see…” Dan says, walking up to a filing cabinet in the corner by his well-ordered desk.

“Dude. Holy shit. You have a filing cabinet?” I say. “This is the cleanest room I’ve ever seen.”

“Ha. Yeah. When you’ve been on your own as long as I have you either get organized or die trying.” He mutters.

“Shit, you have a switch!” Mikey says, poking through the video game set up by a decently sized TV. “Do you have Smash Brothers?”

A few minutes later Dan has me sitting beside him at his desk, going over notes together while Sid and Mikey sit side by side on Dan’s bed wailing on each other in Smash. Dan’s notes are as thorough and well organized as his space is and I’m feeling better prepared just leafing through them.

“The final was really direct in Myer’s class, but every Professor is different. Though they all use the same textbook.” Dan says as his phone alarm goes off and he pulls it from the pocket of his baggy jeans.

“Shit, gotta pull the cookies out of the oven. Back in a few.” He says, standing up.

For a moment his crotch is right at eye level and I can’t help myself but glance over. Even in his baggy jeans he’s sporting a nice bulge. He slides his phone back into his pocket and it becomes momentarily more pronounced. I get a glimpse of his fat shaft shifting over what I figure are his balls and let me tell you: WOOF. I quickly look away so Dan doesn’t catch me weighing his endowment with my eyes.

“Thanks again for the notes.” I say, keeping my eyes forward. “You’re saving my life right now.”

“No worries, dude.” Dan says kindly, heading out of the room.

“Ok, so Dan’s awesome.” Mikey says to Sid.

“Correct. He’s saved my ass more times than I can count.” Sid agrees, followed by, “That’s right motherfucker, take THAT.” as Ness’s bat connects with Pikachu before Mikey can use thunderbolt.

“You rat bastard!” Mikey cries out, then he asks, “You two ever hook up?”

“Nope.” Sid says, and I can hear his smile. “Well, we almost did. Once.”

“Yeah? What stopped you? HA! Eat lightning you sadistic fuck!”

“We discovered we’re both bottoms, and both subs. Only so much to do when no one wants to top.” Sid laughs. “Great kisser, though.”

“Yeah, I bet. Is the sign on his door accurate?” Mikey probes, a sly smile in his tone.

“We didn’t get that far, but if the rumors are true…” Sid teases.

“Hmmm. Might be worth an inquiry. What do you think, Babe?” Mikey asks me.

“I think I’m open to suggestions, but for now I’d like to gratefully study his notes and stop gossiping about him in his own room.” I chide, raising an eyebrow. “I swear, when you two get horny you’re worse than a sewing circle.”

“Don’t pretend like you weren’t scoping out the goods three minutes ago.” Sid laughs.

“Fuck. Busted.” I admit, chuckling. “What can I say? Professional curiosity.”

“Play your cards right and you can take the measurements yourself.” Mikey says. “Oh! That reminds me: Adam, do you have your measuring tape?”

I nod.

“I want to get updated stats. Sid, you down to measure me later?” Mikey asks.

“Fuck. Yes.” Sid replies eagerly.

“What are we measuring?” Dan asks as he walks back into his room, holding a stack of menus and a six pack of beer.

“Oh, just Mikey’s muscles.” I say, “He likes to know how much he would sell for on the black market.”

“Ha. Yeah, you gotta know your own worth these days.” Dan says, handing me a beer. “You guys staying for dinner?”

“YES! Holy fuck, I’m starving.” Mikey says, taking the stack of menus and starting his hunt for protein.

I hear my own stomach growl at the thought of food and realize I’m totally empty. The guys all turn and look at me surprised, and I realize everyone just heard my stomach growl. They all burst out laughing.

“Fuck, gimme a break. We just followed my first ever workout with epic shower sex. Takes a lot out of a guy.” I admonish.

“Damn, you two fucked in the gym shower?” Dan asks.

“Ahem. We THREE fucked in the gym shower.” Sid corrects. “And boy is my ass sore. Adam’s dick is no joke.”

“Nice.” Dan says after a slight pause, reaching over and offers me a fist bump, which I return with a chuckle.

I glance over at Mikey and see the stormy thoughts have returned. He’s staring at his shoes and looks absolutely miserable.

“Dude, you ok?” Sid asks, waving a hand in front of Mikey’s face. “Did the menus make you sad? Not enough lean protein?”

“Heh. I’m fine. Just hungry, probably. Can we get burritos?” The muscle giant replies, struggling to smile and holding up the menu for a local taco place.

“Yes to burritos, no to brushing off your feelings.” Sid replies, pulling out his phone. “So tell me what you want and then tell me what’s up with you.”

Mikey just looks at his shoes.

“You don’t have to share anything you don’t want to, dude. We’ll respect it if you need more time to process.” Dan says, “But, I personally find it far easier to figure out the important shit with people I trust than to do it alone.”

“Chicken burrito, extra meat, extra guac, no cheese.” Mikey sighs, looking sad but relieved.

Chapter 20 Continued
“So that’s the story. I tore my mom’s house and sanity apart not knowing my strength as a kid and now I feel like I’m losing control again.” Mikey says, crumpling his burrito wrapper into a tight ball. “What if I start ripping doors off hinges again, or breaking kitchen cabinets? Your dad can’t afford to keep housing me if I destroy your house. I don’t even know how he’ll react to me breaking your bed. He could kick me out. Honestly, I kinda wouldn’t blame him.”

We’ve spent the last 40 minutes listening to Mikey talk through what he’s been feeling since the showers. Burritos arrived about 15 minutes ago and we moved to Sid’s room. Apparently Sid is no longer allowed to eat in Dan’s room after what has only been referred to as, ‘The Ramen Incident.’ Sid’s at his desk, alternating between stuffing nachos in his mouth and loading a bong. Dan flopped down into the beanbag chair with his burrito, and Mikey and I are sitting on Sid’s bed.

“Hey, look at me.” I say, “My dad would never kick you out over something like that. Never. But also, you wouldn’t deserve it. These were accidents, not vandalism. You’re not a bad person because you accidentally broke something.”

“Aren’t I? I tore a bed frame into scrap wood and I wrenched shower heads into wonky fountains. I’m starting to be afraid of myself. What if I hurt someone?” Mikey says, not meeting my eyes. “What if I hurt you?”

“But you’re not out of control.” Sid says, “You’re one of the most in-control people I know. I don’t think you would ever hurt Adam. Or me.”

“He’s right. Even in the showers, totally lost in a fuck fog,” I start, “When you reached down to face fuck us, your touch was firm and dominating, but not painful. You demonstrated precise control of your strength a moment after bending steel.”

“You’re not crushing door knobs or ripping cabinets off hinges, and you’re certainly not hurting the people you touch. You are in control of yourself.” Sid continues, “Fuck, you could have ripped Brett’s arms off and thrown them in for a field goal, but you didn’t.”

“I wanted to. I still kinda want to.” Mikey sighs.

“The misogynist from pledge week?” Dan asks, catching up.

“Yeah. Fucker’s been harrasing Adam all semester.” Sid says.

“Yeah, we’ll deal with him later. Right now you’re our priority.” I tell Mikey, rubbing big circles on his broad, rippling back.

“I think the thing is, I ruined my relationship with my mom. Like, no joke, ruined.” Mikey says, looking down. “When I was at my worst, she would look at me like I was a monster. I scared her, and she’d get this look like she’d made a terrible mistake and was totally trapped with me. And even after things got better, after I got better, it was always still there. Hanging over us. Sometimes I see that same look on other people’s faces. For every 2 or 3 people drooling over me, there’s someone who looks at me like I’m a freak or inhuman. Breaking shit makes me feel like, maybe they’re right.”

Mikey’s eyes get a bit red and I can tell he’s holding back tears. I walk over and stand between his knees. I pull him into a hug, using the fact that he’s sitting to my advantage and pressing his face into my chest. He sighs into me and relaxes a bit. Sid crosses to hug him from behind, then reaches a beckoning hand out to Dan, who fights his way out of the beanbag and layers himself on to the group hug. We all just hold him for a minute, breathing in unison. When we release the hug Mikey looks up at us sheepishly.

“Thanks. I feel ridiculous.” He says.

“Nothing ridiculous about feelings.” Dan offers, then, “Listen, I don’t think you’re losing the control you gained over your strength. I think you’re getting stronger. When I was 13 I went from 5’ 7” to 6” in one summer. I looked like stretch armstrong gone wrong, I was taller than everyone else, and I got treated like a freak. But the worst part was that I was suddenly, disastrously clumsy. My doctor explained to me that it’s common during adolescence, because our brains need to catch up with the differences in our bodies. I was stumbling because my brain literally remembered my feet at a distance that was no longer accurate. I was knocking things over because my hands weren’t where they’d been before. I think that’s what’s happening to you. You got stronger than you’ve ever been before, and now your body needs to relearn your upper limits.”

“That… actually makes a lot of sense.” Mikey says, looking up. “Sometimes it feels like my hands are kinda new to things they’ve done a million times.”

“Yeah! So that’s all. You just need time and practice.” Sid chimes in, “You could speed up the process with some fine motor skills stuff.”

“OOh. You could take pottery.” I suggest (not at all picturing the scene Ghost, how dare you).

“I do like a solution that includes training.” Mikey mumbles.

“There you go then. Build accurate, up-to-date muscle memory the same way you did when you were young. You’ll be fine.” Dan says reassuringly. Then continues, “Can I ask you something?”


“Do you like being big?”

“Fuck.” Mikey sighs. “Yes. I fucking love it.”

“What do you love about it?” Dan pushes, encouraging him to continue.

“I love the way I look.”

“Mmhmmm. Hot as fuck.” I say.

“I love being strong. Very strong. I love pushing my body further and feeling it respond to my efforts. It feels amazing breaking personal records, getting stronger.”

“Keep going.” Sid says, “Stand up.”

Mikey stands and we all sit on the bed, giving him space. And boy does he need it. He rises to his full height and I’m astonished as always at how much he fills a room. He tosses his pump cover aside and starts to pace while he talks. His heavy pecs stretching his tank top, thick thighs filling his sweats, massive bulge wrestling back and forth as he paces.

“I love the feeling of growing, pumping blood and power into every inch of me. I love feeling my clothes get tighter. I love flexing though seams and ripping fabric to shreds with the sheer force of my size.” Mikey continues, flexing as he moves.

“Fuck that’s hot.” Dan nods.

“I… I love being hung. It’s not even that it’s bigger than anyone else’s cock, I just love having a huge fucking cock. I know I shouldn’t, but I love that I can’t hide it. I love that people can see my cock, just like I love that they can see my muscles. I like making people horny, and hard, and wet just by standing there.” Mikey says, his voice dropping as he turns to face the three of us, then he zeros in on me. “I love the way you look at me, like you’re hungry for me. Like you could never get enough of me. Of this.”

He punctuates the last part with a squeeze of his mammoth shaft, the fat print of which is visibly growing in front of us.

“More.” I say. “Keep going.”

“I… I do love being bigger than some men. Like Brett. I love the way Brett looked at my cock today.” Mikey admits, shuddering a bit with pleasure at the memory. For a moment, both excited by and scared of his own thoughts. “I know I should be ashamed of it, but I’m not. It broke him, a little. Seeing it grow. That happens sometimes, and I do feel bad, but I… I also fucking love it. They see my fat cock, already bigger than theirs and I’m fully soft. And then they see it grow.”

Mikey looks down through his pecs and our collective gaze follows, all the way to his giant mound. Dan gasps aloud. Sid grips my thigh, pressing his body against mine. It’s a truly fucking glorious grey-sweats dick print. His shaft is pointed straight down over his fat nuts, hanging heavy and full despite the epic load he blew in the shower. His monster mushroom head is clearly defined and growing as it pushes downward, inch by inch, rising up and out more every moment. The fat vein that runs along the top of his shaft pulses lightly through the material. I glance up and meet his eyes, that knowing smirk tweaking the corners of his mouth.

“I can’t fucking help it. The more they hate it, the more it turns me on. They see my cock grow thicker and longer than they ever thought a cock could be. And then they imagine what it must be like to get fucked by me. They picture it pushing inside someone they’ve fucked, stretching holes and filling spaces they could only dream of reaching. They hear them moan as I enter them and scream as I pound. Fuck, they can almost feel it! Feel me growing inside them, pushing deeper and harder, muscles pumping and growing as I loom over them.”

“Yes they do.” Sid says in a ragged whisper.

“They fucking hate it, but they can’t help it. It’s all they can think about. My hard cock, enormous and throbbing, every time they close their eyes.” Mikey says, flexing and tensing his arms, popping his pecs, seething with power above us. “And I love it. I love making them feel that way, because they deserve it. It’s only the fucking bullies who get their egos destroyed by my enormity. Because if they didn’t make others feel small to make themselves feel big, they wouldn’t hate me for being bigger.”

“Fuck yes!” Dan practically shouts. “There it is.”

“I won’t make myself smaller for them to feel large.” Mikey says, gripping his tank top in both hands and shredding it down the center.

His chest looks massive, and his arms pumped and striated with thick veins. He flexes for us, moving through positions and making muscle groups pop and peak massively while we ogle and wolf whistle. Then his hands move to the waistband of his grey sweats. His package looks absolutely massive, collected and presented forward by the jock he wore all day. That poor pouch must be stretched to its limits under the grey fleece. I meet his gaze and recognize that horny smirk. His grip tightens and I watch, enraptured, as he pulls the center seam of his sweats apart like they were made of tissue paper. His prodigious bulge erupts from the seam with almost audible relief, the fat shaft inflating larger like a firehose filling to bursting. He looks down on his audience and smiles as he tears the fabric to shreds, exposing his massive thighs and chiseled calves. He kicks the tattered sweats aside and turns slowly into profile, giving us a perfect view of his monster bulge, now barely contained by his jockstrap. The fat, full arch of his shaft pulling the elastic and spandex out and away from his crotch, giving us a tantalizing side view of his heavy nuts. The force is pulling the straps tight under the squat-earned bubble of Mikey’s perfect ass, the blondish peachfuzz illuminated gently by the glow of Sid’s laptop screen behind him. I shudder as I feel my cock throbbing in my slacks.

“Measure me.” Mikey growls, low is his chest.
“Correct. He’s saved my ass more times than I can count.” Sid agrees, followed by, “That’s right motherfucker, take THAT.” as Ness’s bat connects with Pikachu before Mikey can use thunderbolt.
dude I promise I saw Smash and said "this nigga Sid mains Ness" THE LAUGH I LET OUT WHEN I WAS RIGHT
Oof, YES! LOVED that last part where the guys goad Mikey into pontificating on how he LOVES being HUGE. Mikey is such a nice guy that he takes care to not seem to arrogant or cocky, so it's great that guys got him to let loose and let his alpha out. There's not much hotter than a big guy talking about loving being BIG and powerful and only wanting to get BIGGER. So hot.

Chapter 21
I waste no time grabbing my bag and digging out my measuring tape, a notebook and a pen. I hand the tape to Sid, who looks down at his hand, then up at Mikey and swallows loudly. Sid stands and crosses slowly to the nearly-naked hulking behemoth in front of him. Dan scoots next to me for a better view.

“I’m going to start with your biceps.” Sid says, sounding half confident and half like a question.

“Works for me.” Mikey says, flexing his right arm into an insane peak. Sid has to get on his tiptoes to reach, which Mikey seems to appreciate.

“Fuck. 21.5 inches.” Sid says, double checking the numbers (and maybe lingering a little bit). “Chest next?”

Mikey just grunts happily and extends his arms so the smaller man can duck under and wrap the tape around my man, just above his nipples. Mikey drops his arms and exhales heavily, making Sid’s hair tousle.

“Fuck. 55 inches.” Sid sighs out, clearly transfixed.

I gotta admit, love watching this from the outside. I’m rock hard in my slacks, and from the tent, Sid is as well. I glance over at Dan, who is clearly very into this, but his baggy jeans make it impossible to see if he’s hard. I notice Sid try to hide his

“No need to be shy, Sid. We’re all friends here.” I say, jotting down Mikey’s growth.

“No shame in being hard right now. I know I make you hard.” Mikey says to Sid, popping his pecs to punctuate each word. Closing the distance between them. “I WANT to make you hard. I want you rock hard, dripping pre-cum, absolutely begging for it.”

“Yes Sir.” Sid replies, moving his hands away from his throbbing erection.

“Waist is next, right?” Mikey says, smirking.

“Yes Sir.” Sid replies.

“Strip first. Match me.” Mikey orders.

Sid complies, quickly tossing aside sweatshirt and tee, then unbuckling his belt and dropping his jeans. He’s wearing some basic hanes boxers in navy plaid (nothing to write home about, but sometimes I do love the way they flounce around a full blown boner. Kinda classic, you know?) Sid is a well built man, a jock in his own right, and he looks absolutely tiny with Mikey looming over him like this. He also looks ridiculously happy, his eyes full of worship and wonder, his cock at full attention.

“Heh. You’re never in the same undies twice.” Mikey observes. “Do you have a preference?”

“I wear whatever’s clean, Sir.” Sid says, blushing a little.

“I like you best in something tighter. Throw these baggy things away. Adam can take you shopping for something more suitable” Mikey declares, surprising all of us a bit.

“Yes, SIR.” Sid replies, clearly getting into it. “Should I get rid of them now?”

“Not yet. Let’s finish the measurements.” Mikey says, raising his arms.

I love seeing Mikey in his dominant mode, not only because it's hot as fuck, but also because it means he listened to Sid when he mentioned both he and Dan were subs. Sid closes the gap between them and wraps his arms around Mikey’s waist to get the measurement. He’s clearly being careful not to touch the throbbing cock that’s mere inches from his hand as he places the tape around Mikey’s waist.

“34 inches.” Sid says.

“Ha.” I chuckle. “Freshman 15 but make it all muscle. You lucky asshole.”

“Heh. What can I say? My body turns stress into gains.” Mikey laughs, then, turning to Sid. “On your knees for the legs, buddy.”

“Fuck yes.” Sid says, dropping to his knees in front of Mikey, getting eye level with his swollen monster cock, which is making a mockery of the black jockstrap fighting to contain it.

Mikey shifts his footing and shakes a thigh to get a bit of blood flow to his legs. Sid almost has to dodge the bulge as it bounces. He takes a deep breath and wraps the tape around Mikey’s powerful thigh at midpoint.

“Jesus fuck you’re big.” Sid says, gripping Mikey’s thigh with both hands, showing us how his fingers can’t touch. “Sir, your thighs are 33 inches.”

“Get the calves. No skipping leg day for my man.” I chirp happily.

“Yeah Sid, get lower.” Mikey orders.

Sid complies, spreading his knees and lowering his taint toward the floor. His fat, full nuts fall out of one leg hole of his baggy boxers and I moan a little as they flop. Sid shoots me a playful smile over his shoulder as he shows off his flexibility. He wraps the tape around Mikey’s calf muscle at its widest point and whistles appreciatively.

“23 inches. Fuck me.” Sid says.

“Oh, I intend to. But you’ve got one measurement to take first.” Mikey growls from above him, then grabs the back straps of his jock and rips them off in one brutal tug.

Mikey’s rocket springs forward like a jack-in-the-box as the pouch releases its hold, his huge balls bouncing beneath with heavy promise. It’s only been a few hours since I last saw it, but I swear it’s breathtaking every fucking time.

“Holy shit!” Dan blurts out, his jaw slack as he tries to process the throbbing beast jutting toward him. “That’s… holy shit!”

Mikey sighs in relief as his cock settles and starts to rise to its full glory. Fuck. I love watching him grow. Sid clearly agrees with me, and reaches to jerk his own cock.

“Nuh uh, buddy.” Mikey says, spotting his hand moving. “Measure it first. Then you get to enjoy it.”

“Yes, Sir.” Sid says, taking a deep breath before picking the tape measurer back up.

“Actually, can Sid measure mine? I have a theory.” I say, suddenly feeling inspired.

“Oh, fuck yes.” Mikey says, eyes lighting up. “I’ve always wanted to know. In fact, anyone else want their dick measured?”

“I’m down!” Sid says, excitedly, “I don’t mind being the baseline for normal among you freaks of nature.”

“How about you, Dan? You feel like participating?” I ask our new friend directly.

“Fuck it. Why not?” Dan says, standing up.

“Who’s first?” I ask.

“Already there.” Sid pipes up, baggy boxers around his ankles and measuring tape pressed to the top of his beautifully shaped cock. “6.25 inches long. 5.5 inches circumference.”

“Nice dude. You’re what I’d call the big end of average.” Dan shares, reaching over and giving Sid’s cock an appreciative squeeze. “But your nuts are in the top 90th percentile, no doubt. Jeez. This explains why you never run out of cum.”

“Ha! Yeah. I’m a productive boy.” Sid chuffs. “Dan, may I do the honors?”

“Yup. I’m ready.” Dan says, unbuckling his belt and letting his massive jeans drop into a heap at his feet.

He’s wearing white boxer briefs, the extra long-legged kind that runners seem to love. His obvious erection is stuffed down the right leg and the swell of his cock head is almost poking out the bottom. He reaches a hand inside to give his shaft a coaxing stroke, then pushes his undies to the floor and kicks the pile aside. His cock rises out straight in front of him, long and heavy. His girth is comparable to Sid’s, but he’s long as fuck, and uncut. His foreskin pushed halfway back on a bright pink head by his erection, already glistening with pre-cum.

“Well, shit.” Sid mumbles, “That’s a fucking beautiful cock.”

“Thanks. I kinda always wanted you to see it.” Dan blushes (full body).

Sid smiles awkwardly at that, and I’m vaguely proud to have facilitated the moment. Sid steps close to Dan and runs the tape along the top of his shaft.

“Just over 9 inches.” Sid says, “Once again proving that all the pornstars claiming 9 inches are totally lying.”

“Right?! Trust me, it’s a curse being able to eyeball that on the fly. Ruined a lot of jerking sessions.” Dan chuckles.

“5.25 inches in girth. Well damn, I’m thicker than Big D!” Sid finishes.

“Fuck yeah.” Dan cheers, supportively. Then punches Sid in the shoulder lightly.

“Me next.” I say, unbuckling my belt and carefully removing my slacks.

I drape them over a chair, and turn to face Sid, who’s back on his knees waiting for me. I walk toward him, my turquoise briefs stuffed and straining.

“Get him hard. You know it gets bigger than that.” Mikey orders, and Sid happily buries his face in my mound, reaching around and gripping my ass with both his hands.

I grip his hair in one hand and slide my almost full mast shaft across his cheeks and nose. He groans into me and I feel myself throb harder in the pouch. I reach down and pull him back, hooking a thumb under the waistband of my briefs and releasing my cock from their confines. It pops out and lands heavily–SMACK–across Sid’s face.

“Fuck.” Dan mutters appreciatively.

“Yup.” Says Mikey.

“I’d say that’s fully hard. Mmm, I love your girth. I can still feel you in my ass.” Sid says, stroking me slowly from base to tip and cupping my balls with his other hand. He lays the tape along the top of my shaft and runs it along to the tip. “8 and a quarter inches. Nearly 7 inches in circumference.”

“Well fuck. I knew it. I’m bigger. I’ve grown.” I say, both baffled and massively turned on seeing my new size in actual numbers.

“Fuck. Really? When was the last time you measured?” Dan asks, staring hungrily at my hard cock. Sid hasn’t stopped stroking me, and I’m feeling fucking powerful as fuck.

“Fuck, um, last summer? Maybe June?” I mutter, trying to remember and also not to come.

“Well, puberty can continue through the early 20s. Must have just been a late growth spurt.” Dan muses, “Fucking hot, though. How big were you before?”

“Like… uuugh. Fuck. Like, 7.5?” I answer, then look over at Mikey and see him stroking himself, looking utterly pleased. “Wait, did you know?”

“Of course I knew. I handle that cock almost as much as my own these days.” Mikey says. “And I kinda… might… have this effect on men.”

We all stop and look at Mikey. What the fuck?

“Um. What?” I ask, coming out of my fog like a sudden jerk.

“HA. Nothing. I mean, I’m probably delusional. It’s not like I know what’s happening medically or something. I didn’t take measurements” Mikey explains. He sounds like he’s dismissing it, or waving it off, but he sure as fuck looks like he means it. And, to be clear, he looks like he’s never been prouder or hornier.

“Listen, it’s probably just what Dan said,” He continues, “We’re young and still growing. I just, you know, noticed that my sexual partners tend to report a little growth. All over. But definitely, usually, their junk.”

“You’re serious.” Sid says, “When you told me your load will make me big and strong, you fucking meant that, didn’t you? Dude, do you have magical, hormone-laden jizz?!”

“Jesus, Sid, I have no idea. As neither an endocrinologist nor a wizard, I have no way of knowing that.” Mikey laughs. “It’s just a theory. Shit, it might just be a really strong wish.”

“Hard to argue with results.” Dan mutters, hefting my cock in his hand. “Though I guess the evidence is entirely circumstantial. This could be correlation and not causation.”

“You know what we need? We need a scientist. Who’s majoring in bio and needs a research project?” Sid jokes.

“That’s actually not a bad idea. We could ask one of the pre-meds…” Dan continues, but I've stopped listening.

I was looking at Mikey, watching his pecs rise and fall with his breath, his biceps twitch with every gesture, when my gaze wandered to the full length mirror hanging on the open closet door behind Mikey. I guess I haven’t really looked at myself in the mirror naked in a while, because I barely recognize my own body for a moment. I used to think of my chest as non-existent, even sunken, but now I can see my pecs. They’re not big or full, but they’re there. My shoulders have a nice square shape, my biceps a distinct rise. Shit, I even have some faint abs leading down to my (still rock hard) 8+ inches. I turn slightly, admiring the way my pert ass compliments the rocket cock in front. I feel a slight smile creeping into the corners of my mouth as my dick flexes at the sudden thought: BIGGER.

“Adam, you’re being really quiet. Are you freaked?” Mikey says, looking worried.

I can’t speak so I just cross the space between us and grab his face, pulling him down to kiss me. He’s startled for a moment, and then returns the kiss with fevered passion. His hands pull me against him, pressing his telephone pole of a cock against my belly and chest. He reaches down and lifts me off my feet by my ass and I wrap my legs around him, pressing our cocks between us and grinding as we make out.

“You’re incredible.” I whisper to him after we finally break our kiss. “I want it. I want this.”

“Well, I think we know how this makes Adam feel.” Sid pipes up from behind me.

“Sorry,” I say over my shoulder, still straddling Mikey’s chest. “Got a little caught up.”

“Shit. I never thought of that. If this really is a side effect of swapping fluids with me, that adds a layer to consent, doesn’t it?” Mikey says, gently lowering me to refocus the conversation. “Sid, Dan, if you’d rather not mess around until we get this figured out, I totally understand.”

Sid and Dan exchange glances.

“I mean, honestly, I’m down.” Dan offers. “I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?”

“Well if it is hormones it could really increase the risk of cancer.” Mikey admits sheepishly.

“So it’s basically the same risk as smoking and drinking. Already joined a fraternity, so clearly those are risks I’m ok with taking to have a good time. And you’re both insanely hot.” Dan chuckles, “Sid, thoughts?”

“Less talking! Fuck me bigger, you giant stud!” Sid shouts, throwing his hands in the air like he’s on a rollercoaster.

“Fuck yes! Happily.” Mikey beams. “And you know exactly how to get me started. Measure it.”

He flexes the beast for us, demonstrating that his erection never flagged or softened through our distractions. Sid crosses his room so fast he almost trips over his own feet. He takes the measuring tape in one hand and Mikey’s monster shaft at the base with the other. He puts the zero end of the tape under his thumb at the base and runs it along the top of his shaft. Dan and I both move in for a better view of the show. I’m stroking hard now, watching the tape unroll and put a number to what I’ve known to be true for weeks. My breath gets ragged as Sid’s fingers bring the tape to Mikey’s mouth-filling mushroom head.

“12.2 inches.” Sid says aloud.

“Oh fuck.” I mutter, gripping my balls and working my thick cock hard as Sid wraps the tape around Mikey’s widest point (just past the base).

“Holy shit. Nearly 9 inches in girth.” Sid says, looking a little afraid of the fucking he just requested.

That’s all I needed, apparently, and I erupt with huge ropes of cum. Each blast is more intense than the last, splattering Mikey’s cock, Sid’s hands, and the floor between us.

“Ah, thanks babe. Look Sid, Adam lubed me up for you.” Mikey says, looking like a horny demon, come for his due.
Little moments like Dan cheering Sid on when Sid found out he was thicker are so hot. Just casual boys being boys, supporting each other while being cheeky naked. Letting their bros cocks smack their face when they take them out of the underwear etc.

Such a hot chapter @Humblebrag88 ! Can’t wait for more!
I know there was some discussion into how to get the muscle growth into the story before, and I think you've hit the cord perfectly! At least this way you will get to write the growth whilst it still seeming grounded and "realistic". Keep it up!
I know there was some discussion into how to get the muscle growth into the story before, and I think you've hit the cord perfectly! At least this way you will get to write the growth whilst it still seeming grounded and "realistic". Keep it up!
What's funny is that this was always my plan, I just wanted the discovery to be more organic and happen in a slow burn.
Happy New Year!

Chapter 22
“OH GOD, IT’S SO BIG.” Sid grunt-screams as he lowers himself onto Mikey’s footlong, insanely thick cock.

“That’s it, buddy. Nice and slow.” Mikey soothes. “You’re doing great. Almost halfway.”

“HALFWAY?!” Sid cries out in disbelief.

I laugh a bit to myself, remembering my first time taking that beast. Mikey and Sid are on the bed, with Mikey sitting upright and Sid kneeling above his lap. Dan and I are sitting side by side, me in Sid’s desk chair, Dan sitting in what I have playfully come to think of as Sid’s gooning chair. We’ve been stroking our cocks and watching, but I get up now and make my way to the bed. I kneel behind Sid, straddling one of Mikey’s powerful thighs, and press my chest and belly to Sid’s back. I reach my arm around and place a hand on his lightly furry belly and press my lips to his ear.

“Breathe.” I say, “Arch your back a bit more, there you go. Feel him, give that thick cock a squeeze with your ass.”

“Mmm, fuck yes.” Mikey moans as I feel Sid’s lower abs contract.

Sid’s breathing slows a bit as he acclimates to his hole being stretched.

“Good boy, Sid. Now slide up a little, not all the way, just work the half you’ve got inside you. Find that big, fat, pulsing cockhead with your insides and hold it.” I guide, rising up on my knees with him, pulsing our bodies together. Sid moves with me, leaning back with his shoulders and pressing us together. “Nice. You ready for more?”

“God, it’s fucking massive. Yes, more.” Sid sighs, and we lower ourselves in unison, skewering Mikey’s pole deeper into Sid’s guts.

“There you go, buddy. You like that? You like having my monster cock fill you up?” Mikey growls, cupping Sid’s hefty balls in his hand and tugging them gently. Sid nods and whimpers in reply. “Fuck, Adam, you’re so fucking hot. Sid, say thank you to your other Sir.”

“Thank you, Sir.” Sid gasps, leaning his head back onto my shoulder.

“Anytime, you horny little goon.” I say, running one hand through Sid’s hair and gripping him by his short dark locks, guiding him into a slow cock ride on Mikey’s epic shaft. He’s got a solid set of abs under a soft, comfy layer of beer-fueled frat boy padding, but I can still feel Mikey’s massive mushroom cock head rearranging Sid’s guts under my hand. I press a little so Sid can feel it too.

“Uuuungh, YES.” Sid moans. “Make me yours, Sirs.”

“Oh fuck,” Dan sighs, intensifying his stroking as we co-ride.

My own cock is back to throbbing hard attention and I grind it into Sid’s back as we start to bounce more. Mikey’s hands move to Sid’s hips and grip him hard. I hear a low growl escape my love’s throat and know he’s ready to pound Sid’s hole into oblivion. I stand up and turn to Dan, my cock pointing straight at him.

“Dan, come.” I command.

He starts to fist his cock rapidly, breathing heavily and grinding his taint against the chair.

“I mean come here.” I correct, “Don’t cum yet, you haven’t earned it.”

“Fuck. Yes, Sir.” Dan replies, hopping up eagerly and looking thrilled to be dominated.

He joins me beside the bed as Mikey lifts Sid fully off of his monster cock.

“What are you thinking?” Mikey asks, rising up to his full height.

“Dan, lie on your back, head toward the door.” I say, positioning him laterally across the midpoint of the bed. “Sid, on your hands and knees over Dan. This way you can service each other while Mikey and I fuck the shit out of you both.”

“Yes, SIR!” Dan replies enthusiastically.

Dan and Sid get into position, and I sidle up between Dan’s knees to check the positioning. I grip Dan by his hips and roughly pull him toward me across the bed, lining his tight ass up for a pounding. This incidentally pulls Dan’s face right into Sid’s fat nuts, and Sid moans loudly. Mikey line’s himself up with Sid’s ass, giving the full bouncy cheeks a slap with his giant hog. With Dan on his back and Sid on his knees, the heights line up pretty well and I give myself a congratulatory internal pat on the back. Mikey looks at the arrangement and gives me an appreciative bro nod.

“I fucking love you.” He tells me across the bed, then lines his cock up and pushes the head inside Sid’s hole.

Sid gasps as Mikey re-enters him, arching his back like I showed him and grinding his cock into Dan’s face. I run the torpedo head of my huge cock over Dan’s hole, teasing it and slicking him up with some fresh pre-cum. Dan’s been fingering himself in the chair and his hole puckers hungrily at my prodding.

“Please, Sir, fuck me hard. Fill me up with your huge cock.” Dan begs from underneath Sid’s balls.

I feel myself throb bigger and harder at Dan’s words. Fuck, I love when guys talk about size. I push myself into his hole and his hips buck in response to the sensory overload. I wrap my hand around his flexing 9 inch pole and grip him firmly, easing myself deeper and deeper until I’m fully inside him. I hold for a moment, letting him acclimate to my size as best he can. I look up and see that Mikey has wasted no time breaking in his new bottom.

He looks fiercely intense as he grips Sid’s hips in either meaty hand, his abs rolling like crashing waves with each thrust. He’s staring down between his full, heavy pecs, and he flexes them with each pump of his monster cock into Sid. A demonic smile creeping into the corners of his mouth as he picks up speed, pecs popping, arms flexed, as he uses his whole body. Now steadily slamming his hips into Sid’s bubble butt.

“Oh FUCK!” Sid cries out, “It feels like I’m splitting in half. Fuck me, Sir! You’re so fucking big!”

This is said with almost every word punctuated with a grunt, before he dissolves into nothing but grunts as he goes senseless with pleasure. I reach out, grip his hair firmly and guide his mouth to Dan’s crotch. Dan moans as Sid’s cocksucker instincts kick in and he begins to slurp and suckle on his long shaft. I turn my attention to Dan’s tight ass, and give my hips a few gyrations, hitting all the walls with my thick piece. His hips buck again and I grip them and guide him to match our rhythms. I start to pound his hole, making his cock thrust deeply into Sid’s throat. Spit roasting deeper and deeper as Mikey reaches jackhammer levels, ruthlessly pistoning himself in and out of Sid. I love this view of Mikey as he fucks, his whole body flexing and working, the absolute gleeful insanity on his face as he shows Sid’s ass no mercy. I see Mikey get a foot up on the bed for deeper leverage and start to slowly pull all 12 inches of shaft out of Sid, keeping only the monster mushroom head inside him, then slam the entire length of his cock into him. He does this again and again, and I swear I can feel it in my own ass as I watch. I see Sid’s eyes rolling back in his head as he bobs up and down, controlled entirely by Mikey’s epic strength. I see Dan’s balls pull up close to the base of his shaft and quiver slightly.

“Dan?” I say, firmly.

“Yes, Sir?” Dan replies, muffled by what I assume is Sid’s throbbing cock.

“Cum.” I command.

“UUUNNNGH.” Dan grunts, obeying me and releasing a torrent of blasts into Sid’s throat, erupting out of the sides of his mouth in bursts.

“MMMhmm!” Sid echoes as he slurps down Dan’s load as he himself starts to spasm and buck, emptying his massive balls either into or onto Dan (I can’t see from this angle).

“Oh fuck, babe, that was so fucking HOT.” Mikey roars, furiously pounding Sid’s ass as he ramps to his climax. “You ready for this load, Sid? You wanted it, you’re getting every last drop!”

Mikey then wraps an arm around Sid’s waist and lifts him fully off of Dan and the bed, holding him upright with his cock still in his ass. Mikey stabilizes his feet underneath himself and starts to lift Sid, holding the smaller man by his hips and sliding him up and down on his monster cock like a human fleshlight. Sid is moaning outright, cross-eyed with sensory overload, cock drooling the last of his own load as he enters a fugue state of pleasure. When Mikey cums, he slides his cock out of Sid so that only his fat cock head is still inside and holds him there. He looks up and gives me a smirk and I’m entranced as his monster appendage pulses visibly with each blast of cum. It’s like I can see the power rising up through Mikey’s shaft, a wave of enormous male potency rolling out of him into Sid’s eager, hungry ass.

“Yeah, you fucking love this monster cock, don’t you, buddy?” Mikey growls into Sid’s ear. “You’ve wanted this pole to rearrange your insides since the first time you saw it, haven’t you?”

“Longer, Sir. I dreamed of you.” Sid mumbles, delirious and fuck-drunk.

“You’re ours now, buddy. No other cock will ever make you feel like this’.” Mikey declares, lifting Sid fully off of his mammoth fuck club and gently lying him down on the bed beside Dan.

I slide my softening cock out of Dan’s ass and pull him up into a sitting position. I push the sandy brown curls off his forehead and pull him into a gentle kiss, then a not so gentle one. Fuck. Sid was right: Dan is an excellent kisser, and I can still taste Sid’s load on his tongue.

“Good boy.” I say, breaking the kiss and guiding him back down onto the bed next to Sid, where the two of them exchange exhausted glances and chuckle happily as they try to catch their breath side by side. Mikey looks down on the spent bottoms with a mixture of pride, lust, and post orgasm glow.

“Oh fuck.” I say, realizing, “I still have to fucking study!”

“Oh yeaaaaah.” Mikey says, laughing through a cringe as he scratches his enormous nuts and makes his softening elephant’s trunk of cock sway and bounce.

“I am SO fucked.” I sigh.

“Ok. That didn’t go anywhere near as badly as I feared.” I text Mikey, walking out of the lecture hall where my final was held. “Finger’s crossed.”

I get about three steps before my phone dings with Mikey’s reply.

“You nailed it. I know it. It’s that huge cock confidence.” Followed by a string of emojis including an eggplant, a horny devil, and a flexed arm (his go-tos).

I did end up getting a nice long study session in, even if I did keep getting distracted by Sid offering Mikey underwear options to replace his shredded jockstrap. I love watching Sid and Dan’s eyes grow wide as Mikey stuffed his heavy post-orgasm softie into various pouches. After the first two pairs Sid definitely started handing Mikey options just to see how ridiculous they would look. We cackled as his enormous member flopped out the leg holes of loose plaid boxers and stretched some white y-front briefs to the point his huge balls were clearly visible on the side (which we decided we should call ‘sideball’ from now on. Like sideboob, but for balls).

Dan’s notes were super helpful, and he sat with me for a while and talked through some of the trickier mineral compositions. He even had a mnemonic device for remembering the active volcanoes in the cascades that saved my ass in there. Honestly, I’m feeling pretty good about the whole thing. The most stressful part was the anticipation, and the fact that the moment I got into the lecture hall I had to pee. I wasn’t about to risk losing time or points to a bathroom break, so I held it in through the 40+ minutes it took to answer 128 multiple-choice questions. Which is why I now find myself making a bee-line for the men’s room.

I burst through the doors and head straight to the row of urinals, unzip my vintage jeans and let loose a torrent, almost moaning out loud in relief. I’m only peeing a moment before someone walks up to the urinal directly on my left. It’s a row of four, and this guy chose to stand directly next to me. I haven’t looked over but he’s a big guy in my peripheral vision and his proximity and that lack of partitions between the urinals makes my hair stand on end. I close my posture a bit out of modesty and angle more toward the wall on my right.

“Hey faggot.” A sickeningly familiar voice says, “Aren’t you in the wrong bathroom?”

Brett. Of course he’s here. It’s his geology final, too. I feel totally cornered, and the instinct to run is almost overwhelming, but I’m still actively pissing.

“You come to see a real man’s cock?” Brett laughs unctuously, unzipping and grunting as he hauls his average cock out of his khakis.

Once again I feel my fear snap in half and reveal a gooey center of righteous anger. This piece of shit thinks he can intimidate me with THAT?

“Brett, if I want to see a real man’s cock, I just look down.” I snort, shifting my hand to support my fat soft cock and opening my shoulders to proudly finish my piss.

“Yeah right, you pathetic–” Brett laughs, but falls silent mid sentence.

I look over and see he’s staring at my cock with his jaw slack, a mixture of disbelief and arousal softening his usual sneer. I feel myself plump in my hand, and I instinctively give my cock a stroke. Brett gasps as it inflates, and his shock sends a wave of pleasure through me.

“Yup. That’s right, asshole.” I say, leaning over (a bit performatively) to see his average endowment is already rock hard in his hand, his piss stream cut off by his erection. “You see, Brett, you see me one way: faggot. But that’s just because it’s exactly how you want to see me. You want me weak, and soft, and afraid. But I’m not fucking afraid of you, and I never will be.”

I keep my voice steady and low as I slowly stroke my cock to its full size. Brett’s breathing heavily, eyes locked on my meat. I shake the last drop of piss from my torpedo head and unbutton my jeans to tuck my aching shaft into my briefs, letting it run the full length to my hip. I love how these briefs don’t have enough leg material to cover my entire girth, and I watch Brett bite his lip as I put it away. I button and zip, giving my shaft an exaggerated adjustment.

“I’m not going anywhere, you sadistic piece of shit.” I say, pulling out my phone and finding the video of Brett jizzing his pants in the gym. “And if you ever come after me again, this video goes campus wide.”

I watch the realization cross Brett’s face as his eyes lock onto the video and he sees the wet spot grow on his own gym shorts. He looks like he might throw up. Then he lunges for me, grabbing for the phone, but he’s still got his cock out and his reach is cut short. I see it coming and I step back just in time, pocketing the phone and tucking it in right under my throbbing cock bulge.

“Don’t fucking touch me.” I snarl, “And honestly, if you think the only copy is on my phone than you’re even dumber than you fucking look.” I laugh as he struggles to put his middling cock back in his pants.

“If anyone sees that video I’ll kill you.” Brett hisses, fighting his anger to keep his voice low.

“You really have no idea how fucked you are, do you?” I say, walking casually to the sink to wash my hands, but keeping an eye on him in the mirror. From the sink I have a clear shot at the door if he grabs for me again. “If you lay a finger on me, the video gets sent out. If you ever speak to me again, follow me again, or continue to stalk my boyfriend in the gym, this video gets sent out. You step one fucking toe out of line, fuck, if I even HEAR about you stepping a fucking toe out of line, I will make you internet famous without a second thought.”

I finish washing my hands and turn to face him directly. He’s fuming, but isn’t moving or saying anything. He’s just staring in anger, and then I see his eyes move to the pocket my phone is in. Or maybe it’s my bulging cock, still side tucked and semi hard. I see he’s still hard, his cock throbbing visibly through the light khaki material.

“You know what pisses me off most about this whole fucking thing?” I say, squaring up and hooking a thumb into the pocket of my jeans, making my bulge even more noticeable, “Is that none of this shit would have happened if someone hadn’t made you so fucking afraid of being who you are.

“Even this video,” I continue, giving the phone a pat in my pocket, “Would have no power over you if you didn’t feel like it exposed some filthy shameful secret about you. Trust a fellow faggot, dude, the only thing you should be ashamed of is your fucking behavior toward me and everyone else who reminds you that you’re different. Fuck you, Brett. Get some fucking therapy.”

I wrap up, shaking my head at him like a disappointed parent. He looks like he’s going to say something for a moment, but remains silent. His face returns to its normal sneer, but with a new edge of sadness creasing his brows. Or maybe it’s not new, maybe I’m just noticing it for the first time. I turn and walk out of the bathroom, but as I cross the threshold he speaks up.

“This isn’t fucking over.” He says with a clarity to his voice I’ve never heard before.

“Good.” I reply, not turning around.

I walk out of the science building and feel the cold air shock my system. I realize that I’m totally doped up on adrenaline and start to shake a bit as the heat leaves my body. I shove my hands in my pockets and hunker down against the wind as I trot across the quad to where we’re parked. Walking these paths I pass by half a dozen spots where Brett intimidated or harassed me over the last few months. He watched me from a distance, loomed over my entire semester like an omen of death. What could have been–SHOULD have been–one of the best times of my life turned out to be as terrifying as it was joyful. Because of one fucking asshole. My wrists burn where he gripped me hard enough to bruise that day in the library, and I realize, I hope he comes for me. I want him to continue to try and fuck with me the way he did all semester. I’m ready now. I’m done playing nice.

I get to the car and am delighted to find Mikey is already here, with the car warmed up and a cup of coffee in the cupholder for me. He beams his classic Mikey smile and enthusiastically kisses me when I hop in the passenger seat beside him. I breathe in his scent, hold him in our kiss, relishing the feel of his soft lips and stealing his warmth. He grins when I let him go and starts talking a mile a minute.

“How’d it go? You aced it. I know it. No question. Oh, I invited Dan to Christmas dinner, is that ok? Otherwise he’d just be alone all night at the house. Sid left this morning for his dad’s in Connecticut. Oh! I found a sturdy looking bed frame on craigslist we can pick up on the way home. I wonder if your dad found the wreckage yet. What’s up, why are you smiling at me like that?”

"Oh, no reason beyond loving the shit out of you." I reply.