Custom Fit (MM story: college, muscle, bulge, size difference, and growth)


Legendary Member
Apr 15, 2024
Portland, Oregon, US
Hey LPSG friends. This is my first story in a long time, but I loved writing it and decided to share. All subjects are fictional and over the age of 18. Here are the first two chapters, with more to come. Let me know your (constructive) thoughts!

Custom Fit

Chapter 1
Sharing your home with a stranger is never easy. Not just because I’m an only child and didn’t have to share a lot growing up, but I’m also gay. And not hide-in-plain-sight gay. No, I’m obviously, notably gay. Have been for as long as I can remember. Which means I’ve gotten the shit beaten out of me by straight dudes for equally long. The very thought of sharing close quarters with another guy made my stomach clench. Between my slight size, delicate voice, and rather bold dress sense, if I ended up getting paired with someone even slightly homophobic it would be a nightmare.

With a single dad and no family wealth to pay for college, I was taking out loans for tuition and cutting costs in any way I could. Living at home my first year was a pretty easy call. It was an easy commute, half my classes were online lectures anyway, and I could still help my dad out around the house. It would make everything easier. At least, that was my thinking before a jocked-up muscle stud completely took over my home, school, and family.

“I figured out a way to supplement our income next year!” My dad told me excitedly over breakfast, wiping a few drops of milk from his warm brown beard.

“Oh yeah, what’s the plan?” I ask, hoping it’s not taking on any more shifts at the hospital. He’s been an emergency room nurse for the last 5 years, working night shifts bandaging up drunken frat boys at 3am. My breakfast is his dinner, so he’s still in his scrubs from last night’s shift and he’ll likely crash right after we eat. “I can’t stand the thought of you working more than you already do, just so I can get a design degree.”

“Then you’ll love this. You remember Mikey and Nora who used to live next door?”

“Yeeeeeah.” I say slowly, the smile dropping from my face.

“So Mikey is also starting at State next month, and with dorm costs so high, we thought it would be great for him to live here next year with us. That way he’s got friends of the family to make the transition easier. We can charge them a lot less than the dorms and it’ll still make a big difference in our finances.”

“Dad! No!” I stutter out.

“What’s the problem? You two were so close growing up, you don’t want to reconnect?”

“We were close when we were 10! He completely ditched me in middle school for his wrestling buddies and they bullied the shit out of me for years. And he just stood there! Every goddamn time!” I rant, noisily clearing the dishes and punctuating every point with a clattering plate. “He didn’t even say goodbye when they moved away, for fuck’s sake.”

“Language!” My dad chastises, his baritone voice dropping into his authoritative octave.

“You don’t even know him! He could be a bigot. He could hate gay people. He could be dangerous.” I rant on, ignoring him.

“That’s the thing, he’s bisexual! Out and proud for over a year now.” This gives me pause, and my dad jumps on his chance. “People grow up. He’s 18 now just like you, and from what Nora tells me he’s a great guy. Polite, considerate. Give him a chance and I’m sure you’ll be friends again in no time. Honestly kiddo, I think this will be good for you. Get you out of your comfort zone a bit.”

“Oh yay, discomfort. How incentivizing.” I huff, as my dad wraps his big arms around me and presses me into a hug. 18 and I’m still so small compared to him. He’s 6’ 1” and 250 lbs of lightly padded muscle, fluffy in the middle and furry all over, but strong as an ox. I take after my mom’s side, slight build and a measly 5’ 7”, basically hairless other than a head of reddish-brown curls and a light dusting of fuzz for my pits and pubes.

“Tell you what,” he says holding me out to meet my eye, “let’s try this for the first semester and see how it goes. If you’re not feeling it, we can make arrangements for him elsewhere. This is your home, and I will never let it be unsafe for you.”

I sigh and frown at my own childishness. “Fine. Agreed.” I say, shaking his hand and offering a smile. “What’s he studying, anyway?”

“Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy.”


“HA. Yeah. This should be fun.” He chuckled, heading off to bed. “Night kiddo.”

“Mornin’ dad.”

Chapter 2
Mikey arrived mid August, one week before freshman orientation. I had stayed behind while my dad picked him up from the greyhound station after dinner (breakfast for dad). I was anxious as shit, so I busied myself rearranging my new bedroom space. I gave up my attic sanctuary to make sure dad could sleep during the day and I moved into one of the two basement bedrooms. They were smaller, and joined together by a jack & jill bathroom my dad had been using as a private en suite since the other bedroom was just storage before this week. That’s right, I’d be sharing a bathroom with a practical stranger.

I heard the front door open and dad’s voice as they moved through the upstairs. Sounded like they were moving kinda slowly, talking through the angles and approach of fitting something big down the basement stairs. I went out into the den and saw dad and Mikey hauling a massive trunk down the stairs. By the way my dad was straining, it was insanely heavy, but Mikey wasn’t showing any signs of exertion at all. Nope, the slab of muscle on the other end of the trunk was barely fazed by lifting. My jaw dropped as he came into view. He was huge. Towering.

“We can put it over here for now,” Dad grunted, gesturing with his head toward the back wall. “and figure out where to set up the rest later tonight.”

They lowered the trunk to the floor and I got my first real look at Mikey when he stood up. He was enormous. 6’ 4”, maybe 6’ 5” and proportioned somewhere between a hockey enforcer and a bodybuilder (I don’t know the classes or whatever, but I might be doing some googling). His heavy pecs were pushing the material of his sweatshirt to its limits. Sleeves stuffed with bulging arms. His jeans might as well have been painted on his tree trunk thighs, and his bulge was full to bursting. Heavy and round the way only a combination of big soft cock and huge bull balls can achieve. I shook my head to clear it and met his eye for the first time to see a cautious smile creeping in at the corners of his mouth.

“Hey.” I said, extending a hand to shake.

“Adam! It’s so good to see you!” Mikey said, grabbing my hand and pulling me into a tight hug. My face was wedged between the bottom of his pecs and I could feel his heartbeat. I tentatively patted his back, which felt like patting the flank of a horse, and internally begged my dick to stop swelling in my pants. His body was radiating heat like crazy and his fierce grip didn’t seem to be letting up any time soon.

“Air.” I managed to choke out the word from inside this muscle beast’s grasp.

“Oop! Sorry.” He released me and blushed. Seriously. Insanely cute. Who the fuck was this guy? “It’s just really great to see you.”

“Well…” my dad interrupted, smiling slyly, “I’ll just grab the rest of your stuff from the jeep.”

“No worries, Steven. I got it.” Mikey said, already bounding up the stairs. Still an unlimited supply of energy, I see.

“So what’s this?” I ask my dad, avoiding his knowing looks. I gestured to the trunk in the corner.

“Free weights. He’s got a bench and everything to set up a pretty decent home gym down here.”

“But… I sew down here.” I gestured to my sewing table, two sewing machines, dozens of bolts of fabric, and shelves of thread & notions on the wall.

“There’s room for both.” Dad assured me, patting my shoulder.
Thanks for the encouragement! Here's the next three chapters.

Chapter 3
The next week flew by in a haze. There was a lot to do before school started, and for me, a lot to get used to. My dad was over the moon having another guy around. The two of them clicked right away, constantly laughing and swapping jock stories over meals. He even joined Mikey for some workouts when his schedule allowed. As much as it stung to see him so overjoyed to have another athletic guy around, it was nice seeing him so happy.

I, on the other hand, was struggling. The above mentioned workouts were rather intense. With the grunting and the clang of metal and the smell of sweat clinging to the air. Spicy, heady, guy sweat creeping into my nostrils and making my mind wander to its source.

It made me insanely horny without even looking up. And I did look up. A lot. I’d watch his massive, rock hard body swell larger, pencil-thick veins snaking their way through canyons of muscle to pump more power and size into every inch of him. Fuck. I was so fucked.

Mornings were the worst. We would be on a similar schedule come orientation on Monday morning, so we talked out the best ways to share the bathroom.

“I wake up crazy early, so I’ll grab first-shower, then you can shower while I’m shaving and whatnot, then we’ll head to campus together. How’s that?” Mikey proposes, unpacking a seemingly endless supply of grooming products from a box while I lean against the wall.

“Damn,” I say looking at the impressive selection, “you really are bi.” He laughs and I blush at my own stupid comment. “So in this plan, I’m naked in the shower while you’re standing at the sink, huh?”

“Yeah, of course.” Mikey says with a snort. In this small space he feels even bigger (Or I feel even smaller?) and I swear I can feel the warmth of his breath change the atmosphere. He’s facing the mirror and I’m staring at how the rocky expanse of his bowling-ball shoulders tapers gracefully down to the absolutely epic bubble butt bobbing in front of me and I feel the blood leave my face. I catch his eye in the mirror and he looks concerned.

“Or we can stick to robes and boxers! I know not everyone has good locker room memories. But… well…” he’s talking a bit fast now, looking down and sort of moving his moisturizer around aimlessly. “I just mean, you know we’re going to see each other naked eventually, right? Like, it’s just bound to happen sharing close quarters like this.”

I find my eyes drifting back to his ass, so I’m a bit surprised when he turns to face me and I’m staring right at his hefty bulge. Again. It’s been three days and I can’t stop. It might be the best bulge I’ve ever seen, and I’m a goddamn connoisseur. In jeans he’s an ample mound that emphasized the sheer mass, the fly straining with the force. In sweats he moves and bounces playfully, showing just enough detail to make it clear he’s packing a huge set of balls behind a swinging monster. The idea of seeing him in his underwear drives me literally insane. Shit. How long have I been staring at his dick? Shit. Way too long! I look to the counter beside him and grab the nearest bottle of something and pretend to read the label.

“It’s not a problem, just making sure we’re on the same page.” I mutter, trying for a casual vibe.

“Great.” He says with that sly smile creeping in. “Cuz I’m already overheated.” He says, grabbing his shirt from the bottom hem and pulling it up and off. I hear threads tear and he swears.

“Shit. I liked this one.” He mumbles, inspecting the damage. “What I get for showing off.”

I’m half listening, half tracing veins on his biceps when it dawns on me what he’s saying.

“Oh, is it on the seam?” I say, taking the t-shirt from his hands. Its soft cotton is still warm from his body. “Easy mend. I’ll get to it tonight… Well. See ya later. ”

“Oh. Ok. See you at dinner.” He barely gets out before I step out into my bedroom and close the bathroom door behind me.

I raise his shirt to my face and inhale his musk, feeling my cock inflate to full attention. I walk toward my bed, shuck my pants and start to jerk off. Again. This one will make a personal-record-breaking 8th time since waking up. I repeat. I’m very, very fucked.

Chapter 4
I was 9 years old when we moved to the south end of Washington Avenue. My mother had always seemed (to me, at least) to be a happy person, so no matter how my dad explained it, I couldn’t grasp why she had left. I still don’t. Not really. She’d packed two suitcases, kissed me once on the forehead, and hadn’t looked back.

My dad worked hard to smile in the weeks that followed, always a look of pain or concern creasing his brow as he struggled to make our new life as comfortable as possible. We’d have to move, he told me, since mom had inherited our big, blue craftsman house from her father, and would be selling it. My father and I didn’t need much space, so when he found an affordable (if dated) bungalow in a working class neighborhood, he snatched it up. It had a finished basement with thick 70’s shag carpet and fake-wood paneled walls, and an attic bedroom with low-sloped ceilings and tiny windows.

“This will be yours.” He told me in the attic, giving me the tour. My face lit up and I started running around the big space, planning where to put my bed and dresser, my costume trunk and my books. “The family next door has a boy about your age, too.” He continued, “maybe you two can be friends.” I ignored this and kept planning out my room out loud.

Dad was always trying to get me to be more social. I was kind of a weird loner of a kid; I had more books and costumes than toys, and spent most of my time playing alone, acting out daring rescues and magic rituals. The other kids my age didn’t really get me, nor I them. I was neat & clean, polite, and liked to read.

I baffled other kids, and kids hate being baffled. So, most of the time, they hated me. That’s why dad felt compelled to force a friendship with the kid that lived next door. He had tried stuff like this before, dragging me to classmates’ birthday parties. But no previous experiences could have prepared me for Mikey. We’d only been in the new house for a week when he sprung the first arranged playdate on me.

“Just show him your toys. I’m sure you’ll find something in common.” He’d said in a low voice before ducking back downstairs and leaving me alone with him. Mikey was a good three inches taller than me at that age, and a lot sturdier built. He had blondish hair in an awful bowl cut, bright eyes, and a genuine smile. I was on the small side, but I found myself wondering how close in age we really were.

“Sooooo,” he started, pulling me out of my haze, “do ya have any video games?”

“Oh. Um. Yeah, there’s an N64 in the basement.” I said, trying to remember the last time I played anything on it.

“Cool. Got Mario Kart?” He said, lighting up.

“Oh. No.” I watched his smile fall and it surprised me how much I wished I had Mario Kart in that moment. “I have Smash Brothers.” I offered with a slight shrug.

“Dude! Even better!” He yelled, grabbing my hand and leading me through my own house. How the hell did this kid know where my basement was? God he was strong.

“We’re going to play nintendo!” I yelled to my dad as we tore through the living room to the basement door. That’s what it was like being with Mikey. He had momentum and gravity. It was easy to get swept up in his excitement and before you knew it you were playing a 5 hour Smash (Super Smash Brothers, calm down) marathon and having a legitimately good time despite yourself. After that day we were pretty much inseparable. My first real friend.

Chapter 5
Freshman orientation arrives and I drive us to campus in Dad’s boxy crossovers that looks like a toaster and gets great mileage. I’m acutely aware of how much Mikey fills the space, and I’m not just talking about our elbows touching. His head’s on the ceiling and his knees are bumping the dash. I, on the other hand, look like I need a booster seat. His same usual scent of clean sweat and warm worn cotton fills every inch of the car and fuck he smells good. I try to be subtle about adjusting my semi, but I swear he sees it. Curiously, he soon adjusts himself as well, a pinch and tug maneuver that makes me swallow reflexively.

We arrive and park, and he stretches beside me in the parking lot, giving me a glimpse of his cobblestone abs when his ratty t-shirt lifts up.

“What’s with you and these old shirts?” I ask, trying to keep my voice more concerned than shady. “They barely fit you anymore.”

“I don’t really have a lot of clothes. Keeping up with a growing teen and all that. You know parents.” He says. I sigh. My teen years haven’t exactly been explosive on the growth front, but I certainly know how tight money can be in a single parent home.

There’s a steady stream of students heading in one direction, and we both kinda just end up flowing into traffic. Mikey pulls out a printed schedule and map from his backpack. Which is oddly adorable. I just downloaded everything onto my phone.

“Let’s see. I’m off to the life sciences building and you’re at something called Craft Works on the east side of campus for the morning. We can meet back here for lunch at 1:30?” He’s pointing to the student union on the map.

“Um. Sure. Sounds good.” His light wash jeans and faded red-tee might be plain, but the peak physical specimen underneath is anything but. Judging by the unabashed ogling, this adonis is the hottest thing to set a size-14 foot on this campus in some time. Slack jaws, drooling, whispers, and one very sweet looking girl who outright rode her bike into a tree, unable to tear her eyes off his pecs moving under his shirt. Yes, Mikey may feel like a stranger this morning, but by noon he’ll be surrounded by people.

We reach the fork in the path and I’m surprised when Mikey grabs my hand and pulls me into an abrupt hug. I remain shocked for a moment, nestled into the cleavage of his pecs, painfully aware that my left arm is pinned to his thigh mere inches from his ample basket. He holds me there like a safety blanket, and I can’t help but melt into him and relax.

“Good luck. Make friends. Text me if you need me.” He says, a slightly worried look on his face. Is he worried about me or anxious for himself? It’s hard to tell and before I can ask he turns on his heels and walks briskly toward the science buildings. I linger a moment. To watch his epic ass and powerhouse thighs move in his jeans. I am not alone in this action.

I quickly realize that most of my classes put me in the “newer” end of campus. A 70’s time capsule built when the trade school got absorbed by the university. As I walk the halls of the massive factory building they call the Craft Works I see workshops and labs for everything from ceramics to glass blowing to auto body repair. I follow the signs for Textiles & Apparel up a staircase to the third floor.

My one respite from my high school bullies was my passion for sewing. I know, what a cliche: the gay kid is into fashion. But it’s not fashion that I love specifically, but the physical act of sewing. Whether it’s by hand or on a machine, I love the action of constructing things from fabric. Plus you’d be surprised how much money you can save just by mending things that are worn or tailoring things that stopped fitting. So I saved for a solid sewing machine that could take on a few layers of tough denim at once. I set up a sewing table with dress forms and an old hutch I filled with salvage fabric and thread and notions and shit. It was my sanctuary, and I would spend hours down there working on a project, forgetting everything else sometimes.

But this, the textile shop and sewing studio at Craft Works, is better than I could have dreamed. Huge, individual-paned factory windows flood the space with light. Heavy industrial sergers and sewing machines line the walls, huge tables for patterning and cutting in the center, and more fabric than my mind could handle was absolutely everywhere. I spot a supple chino in warm brown that would look amazing against Mikey’s skin tone. I could reinforce the inner thighs with an interfacing to prevent wear from his massive quads. I’ve already mended two pairs of jeans for him in just one week, and I can tell they won’t last much longer.

“Alright, freshman fashionistas! Eyes on me!” The bright tenor voice breaks my reverie over the chino and I focus in on the speaker. A tall young man with dark black hair and deep brown eyes stands in the center of the large room. He’s dressed simply but impeccably in black jeans and a loose teal-and-orange-striped shirt, unbuttoned down to his sternum. The little peak of his chest shows smooth, sun-kissed skin.

“I’m Jack Matsuda, I’m a TA for Professor Everett, and your guide for this first semester. Got questions? Come to me. For now, follow me for a tour of the facilities and then we’ll go over the syllabus as a group.” Roughly 30 people around my age are gathered around Jack, and I realize I’m one of 3 guys in the whole room, TA included.

“For some of you, these machines and tools will be completely new. For others, like this obvious ringer here,” Jack says, singling me out from the crowd, “the fabrication parts of the program will be cake. Nice bias cut on those pants, by the way." He says, eyes twinkling as I blush under the attention, "Tricky work and the drape is sublime.”

I blush furiously, but look down to hide a grin. Jack shoots me a wink and a sparkling smile that makes my stomach flutter. “My point is this: Help each other. Share skills. Talk shit out.” He says to the crowd. “You’ll need it to survive the program.”

My walk to the student union feels like floating. I’ve had a wonderful morning of exploring the Craft Work, or The Works as the upperclassmen call it. Everyone I met was super friendly after Jack’s surprise endorsement, and Jack himself spent a lot of one-on-one time showing me things. He’s got so much knowledge and he’s so kind, I find myself crushing already. You might think me desperate and horny, but to that I reply… shut up.

I’m scanning the crowd for Mikey when my bully sense starts to tingle. I pass close to a table of jockish guys who elbow each other and snicker in my direction. I hear a distinct, “What the fuck is he wearing.” In the crowded student union cafeteria, I feel epically smaller than I did a moment ago. “Hey, kid!” A blond jock with a permanent sneer says to me. My face drops and my stomach sinks. I should just go. I turn quickly and start to head back toward the entrance.

“Hey, nice blouse!” I hear called out behind me in a rough, mocking voice.

“Hey, I’m fucking talking to you!” I hear his anger ramping and move a bit quicker, weaving through bodies and using my small size to create distance. With a glance over my shoulder I confirm he’s following, a hateful hunger in his beady eyes, when SMACK. I walk into what feels like a side of beef. I look up and see Mikey’s smile, toothy and bright.

“There you are! It’s hard to spot you in this crowd.” He says jovially. “Shit. Are you alright?” He asks when he sees my expression.

“Yeah, just… overwhelmed by the crowd.” I lie. “Can we get out of here?”

“Of course. There’s a shawarma cart parked by the quad?” Mikey offers, eyes concerned and quizzical.

“Sounds good. Let’s go.” I say, glancing back to see my pursuer angrily backing into the crowd at the sight of Mikey.

15 minutes later, I’m sitting on the grass watching my behemoth of a roommate devour a takeout container of mixed chicken and lamb over rice. I pick at my gyro and try to breath in the calm. Fuck. It was such a good day until that happened. Mikey has been talking non stop since we got outside and I deflected his questions by asking about his morning.

“And there’s a massive therapy pool!” He continues, “Like an olympic-sized hot tub with an accessibility lift. I can’t wait to soak in there after a good workout. Guess I’m going to need a swimsuit.” Mikey muses excitedly.

I picture Mikey in a square-cut speedo with bold color blocking that emphasizes his meaty gifts in all the right ways.

“There’s a smile.” He says, “Feeling a bit better?

I nod and give him another shy smile.

“I won’t push, but whenever you want to talk about what happened back there, I’m down to listen.”

“Thanks.” I reply. Then after a moment’s thought, “I’ve been thinking about something.”

“Fire away.” Mikey mumbles around a mouthful of chicken.

“You need new clothes. I’m going to be making a lot of random garments for classes, experiments, and trial & error. And I thought… maybe you could… be my model. I could even make you a swimsuit.” I say, looking up to gauge his reaction.

“That would be AMAZING!” He blurts out. “Are you sure? You’ve already done so much for me. I’d keep the clothes?”

“Yeah, it’s mutually beneficial. I get a live-in model that I can work with in my own time and you get a whole new wardrobe. I might have to bring final pieces into The Works for critique once they’re done, but after that they’d be yours.” I assure him, galvanized by his excitement.

“I’m in. 100%.” He says with a painfully firm handshake.

“Sorry.” He says sheepishly as I wince and rub my hand. “So how do we start?”

I swallow. This is the complicated part. “Um, well, before anything else, I have to measure you.”

Mikey smiles big. A familiar look of mischief and cockiness that makes my nuts twitch.

“Fuck yeah.” He says.
Chapter 6
When we get home Mikey heads straight to the basement, bounding down the stairs like an excited kid.

“Hey Steven, have a good day at work!” He calls out to my dad as he bounds through the living room. Dad’s awake and dressed for work in bright green scrubs. I toss him the car keys.

“Gas tank is full. Thanks again.” I say, looking him up and down in his slightly looser scrubs, “You’re looking trim, have you lost a bit of weight?”

“Yeah. Lifting with Mikey is paying off already.” Dad says, pulling me into a hug. I can feel the muscle building under his fluff. “I’m heading to the hospital, you two have a good first day?”

“Adam, come on!” Mikey yells from downstairs before I can answer. Making dad and I snort-laugh.

“Just like old times.” Dad says, shaking his head. “You two have fun.” He says with a wink as I head downstairs.

When I get to the bottom of the stairs, I see Mikey has stripped down to a pair of olive green boxer briefs, the pouch absolutely stuffed with a firehose of a cock. The thick soft shaft pointing down down over big, full nuts. He pulls up a pair of familiar gym shorts and hefts his ample package into them, the light blue nylon almost skin tight on his massive quads and bubble butt.

“I’m just going to get a quick pump going. That way I can still grow a bit into anything you make!” Mikey says, loading his curl bar.

“Are you planning on getting bigger?” I say, trying to keep my throbbing boner under control.

“Honestly it just kind of happens. Sometimes… kinda overnight.” Mikey admits, grunting as he reaches the end of his curl reps.

“That explains a lot of the tears in your old clothes.” I say, watching him settle in for shoulder flys.

“Yeah” He grunts between reps, “My mom hated it. She worked so hard to keep me clothed and I’d just rip right through things. She was still kinda raw from my first growth spurt when I was a kid. That was rough on her.” He says. Even through the grunts I can hear it’s a tough subject.

“What happened with your first growth spurt?”

“I just had all this energy all of a sudden, a seemingly endless supply. I felt hyper competitive and developed kind of a short fuse. Probably just from the sheer amount of testosterone pumping through my system.” Mikey says, grabbing massive kettle weights and starting lunges. “And worse of all, I didn’t know my own strength. I broke… fuck, pretty much everything I came into contact with. Then I’d get frustrated that things kept breaking and kick a hole in the wall.”

I imagine a slightly smaller Mikey with a temper and tendency to break shit. “Fuck.”

“Yes. Fuck indeed.” Mikey says resigned and regretful. “After eight shitty, destructive months of this she figured out that I just needed an outlet for the energy. And maybe some structure. She bought a full weight set from an older neighbor who used to be a professional football player. The sweet old man barely charged her anything.” Mikey smiles as he loads the bar for bench press, lovingly patting his weights. He stretches out on the bench and I marvel at his bulge in this position.
“Old dude said he was glad his old gear would be getting some use, and that hauling the stuff out of his house was pretty much payment enough. So I got a home gym and poured myself into it completely.” He’s getting more intense as he reminisces, breathing heavier and pushing the bar up faster and faster, grunting as his chest strains and expands upward with every rep.

“The bigger and stronger I got the more in control of myself I felt. I got to be the man I wanted to be, not some asshole fueled by hormones and anger.” His grunting grew louder and for my ear at least, decidedly sexual. “And it felt amazing. All this power. All this fucking muscle.”

Each push of the bench press was like a thrust of a hard cock, building in ferocity until he actually got verbal, “Fuck!” Grunt. “Yeah!” Grunt. “This!” Grunt. “Feels!” GRUNT. “SO!” GRUNT. “GOOD!” Still breathing heavy he sat up, flexing, admiring his pump, running his hands across his full, heavy pecs and humongous biceps. I’m standing by my sewing table dumbstruck by the one-man muscle-worship session I’d just witnessed. Hard cock throbbing away in my jeans.

“Well.” Mikey says, standing up and filling the space. “Ready when you are.”

I look down at the measuring tape in my hand and gulp hard. “Ok. Let’s do this.”

Chapter 7
“Where do you want me?” Mikey asks, still breathing heavily from his workout.

“Um. Right here is great.” I reply, indicating the spot right in front of me. He steps onto his mark and stands tall and hulking, shoulders squared, looking down his glistening chest at me.

“Raise your arms,” I whisper hoarsely. I wrap the measuring tape around his natural waist. “Drop your arms.” I say, this time more clearly. These actions are familiar enough to give me some confidence, but his body is radiating heat and he smells like sex and caramel and I want to lick his armpit.

“33 inches” I say aloud, jotting the number down. I slide the measuring tape down to the waistband of his boxer briefs, pushing the gym shorts down a bit to get access to his hipline.

“We going low rise? Like Britney in 2004?” He chuckles, his voice lower than usual and profoundly close to my ear.

“I’ll need it for swimwear and underwear.” I reply with a sly smile. It’s true too. I’m doing my best to be completely on the level right now. Which mostly involves ignoring the erection hidden under my untucked shirt.

“Ok, chest is next.” I say, and realize our height difference is big enough that I’ll need to stand on a chair to do it properly. I grab a milk crate and step up, bringing me just about eye level with my massive friend. “Arms up.”

I wrap the measuring tape around his chest, “Drop em.” He does. “49 ½ inches.” I say, jotting. And swallowing. Mikey bounces his pecs playfully and gives me a grin.

“Daaaaamn, I knew I was close to breaking 50!” He flexes to himself cheerfully.

“Turn away from me, please.” I say, trying to focus. With his back turned I quickly adjust my painfully hard erection, giving it a squeeze as if to say, “Soon buddy. I promise.” I run the measuring tape across his shoulders and jot down an impressive span of 28”, which I say and write down.

“Interesting,” Mikey says, “in bodybuilding we measure shoulders differently. But that makes sense.”

“Huh. I didn’t think about that. Like you probably don’t need this one.” I say, running my measuring tape down his spine from the nape of his neck to the cleft of his perfect bubble butt.

Mikey blurts out a sound that’s halfway between a whimper and a laugh and bucks his hips forward, setting me off balance. My stomach drops like lead as the fall sensation hits me and I realize I’m going down backward. Everything is moving in slow motion for a second, and then I feel an arm like a steel girder rise up across my lower back and fling me back up as Mikey spins around and catches me. Instinct kicks in and I wrap my arms and legs around his torso, clinging for dear life. We stay like this for a moment, frozen.

“Sorry.” He says, our faces close and eyes locked. “I’m ticklish there.”

I’m suddenly very aware that my fully engorged dick is pressed against his upper abs, and throbbing with my heart beat. He looks down, then back up to me, blushing a vivid shade of scarlet that likely matches my own. I loosen my grip and slide down his body, hopping down and standing awkwardly close still.

“No worries. Great catch.” I mumble, turning to my measurement notes.

“Yes you are.” I think I hear him say quietly. “So what’s next. Biceps?” He says louder, and kind of quickly.

“Heh. You wish, meathead. For now I’ll just need sleeves and inseam.” I say, taking a breath before walking back over to him. I place the zero end of my tape at the top of his shoulder and run the length down his sleeve. Jot down the number and drop to my knees without a thought. Mikey makes a slight chuckle at this and I roll my eyes at him. Normally I have to tell people to spread their legs to shoulder width, but his natural stance is already there. Still, his thighs are so thickly muscled, It’s a squeeze to get my hands between them. He spreads a bit more to allow me access, but I need him standing naturally and instruct him to do so. His thighs snap shut on my hand holding the tape measure in place like a vice. I swallow, and run the other end to his ankle. I jot down the number. I feel a slight but firm pressure on my wrist and look up to see his usually prominent bulge has inflated to porn star proportions. His dick’s pointed down, and probably only half hard, but the fat arc of his shaft is already straining the material of his gym shorts. I realize his massive mushroom head is poking my wrist and holy fucking fuck, it’s got to be even bigger than I imagined.

“Ok then. All done.” I croak from my dry throat. Pulling my hand free with some force and looking for a hand hold to get off the floor. Mikey offers me a hand and I take it, basically floating into standing assisted by his epic strength.

“Alrighty then. He says, looking down, then blushing yet again and dropping his hands to his crotch like a soccer player protecting a free kick. “I… um… I’m gonna go take a shower and get this sweat off me.”

“Yes! Good good. Shower. Yeah.” I say, pretending to busy myself with the measurements I took.

He’s gone in a flash and I count to ten before flat-out running to my room. I strip fully, unleashing my cock from its tight confines and stroking my thick 7.5 inches from tip to base. I may be a tiny human, but I pack a surprisingly healthy endowment for someone of my stature. Yeah, it’s a big cock, but that beast of Mikey’s must be fucking monstrous. I fall backward onto my bed and grab my lube from the nightstand, vaguely aware of the sound of the shower running in the background. I start furiously jacking, picturing his ample meat stretching the pouch of his boxer briefs. How his massive pecs heaved under my hands as I measured them. I picture his bulge growing while I touched him and I’m over the fucking edge, blasting out five big shots of spunk that arc high and splatter down onto my bare chest and belly. Fuck, I even got some on my cheek. I sigh and laugh a bit, rolling my head back and letting my refractory period sink in.

Eventually my load starts to cool on my skin and I realize I need a towel. I pull on a fresh pair of undies and head toward the bathroom door when I notice, it’s ajar. It’s slightly less than halfway open, with a clear view of my bed. I step quietly toward the door and see the shower, glass door fogged, and Mikey’s massive back. He’s facing the spray, with one hand up on the wall, the other obviously jacking his monster cock. Everything freezes in my mind and I swear I can hear my own heartbeat in my jaw. I can’t see his dick, but I can tell from the long strokes that it’s utterly enormous. His back is rising and falling with his breaths. His shoulder building momentum as he fucks his hand. Suddenly his whole body tenses and he stands stock straight. His other hand shoots down to his cock and I see the first huge eruption of cum fire up and hit the shower ceiling. The next over his shoulder and behind him. He’s bucking his hips and growling. Literally growling as he orgasms.

He starts to turn and I panic, closing the door to only a crack and tip-toeing back to my bed. I use an old pair of underwear to mop up my load and sit on the mattress listening to the sounds of the shower and feeling my fresh erection throb.
"I tentatively patted his back, which felt like patting the flank of a horse"

This bit brought back a formative memory for me. Of a friend I had from school, and who switched schools and stopped seeing, only to meet again in university years later. He was always a jock, and practised judo at a fairly high level, but by then he had become a full time gym rat and gotten huge.

Anyway, when we encountered each other again at university, we hugged and I remember so clearly realizing just how broad his back was, and how hard and beefy his boulder shoulders were when I placed my hand on his to go to hug him. You can look at a picture or a video of thousands of muscular men, but actually having one in front of you, and feeling with your own hands just how outstanding they are is... well, cock swelling lol

Anyway, amazing writing. Great quality prose, truly. Would love to read other stuff you've written, where may we find it?
Thank you! I know that image is evocative for me, it's always a treat to know a choice did the same for a reader.

I'm a long time writer first time publisher (in this genre). But I'm very much excited to share more of my work in the future. And I'm always open to suggestions for inspiration!
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2 fresh chapters. I appreciate you all for putting up with a slow burn as I build these characters and settings. I promise the patience will pay off.

Chapter 8
It’s been two weeks since I measured Mikey and to my relief we’ve been too busy with classes to have any more awkward incidents. Well, awkward and hot (hotkward? New word?). I’ve been waking up early to minimize bathroom crossover time, and keeping music on during our drives to school. He’s being as Mikey as ever; beaming his bright smile and effortlessly loving life. We lunch together most days on the quad and we catch up on how classes are going. Which is great. I’m loving the Works more and more every day, and Jack has proven every bit the mentor I hoped he would be.

Mikey reports his classes are going well, and he gets asked out by both women and men on a daily basis. I’ve personally witnessed this once. A confident blond junior with athletic build and tight sundress, her hair curled and face perfectly made up. Shit, she even wore false eyelashes for the occasion. Mikey listened eagerly as she spoke and then begged off in the kindest way I’ve ever seen. Explaining that he really needed to focus on school for the time being and wouldn’t be dating anyone any time soon. I smiled reflexively as she walked off, dejected.

Yeah, things were going well. I was even enjoying my required humanities and science coursework. My only issue so far has been my cafeteria bully from the first day. Turns out he’s in my geology lecture (my advisor said it was the easiest choice to fulfill the science requirement). It seems once that he clocked me as gay and vulnerable he was locked on target. Any time I’m near central campus I stumble into his path.

His name is Brett, I found out after another near incident when he catcalled me from across the science courtyard. He’s six feet of solid jackass, clearly the loudest of a group of guys most people avoid on instinct. Before meeting Mikey I would have called him big and muscular, but my definition of the term big has changed. Superhero level or not, he’s still way bigger and stronger than me. He spends every lecture snickering and elbowing his buddies before coughing “faggot” in my direction or throwing trash at me the moment the professor turns her back. Fucking juvenile, I know, but he does this thing where he gets close. And quiet. So only I can hear the vile shit he’s whispering. In my experience this kind of focus will immediately turn to violence the moment he can corner me.

So I don’t give him the opportunity. I scurry across the campus like a rat anytime I’m not with Mikey. I skipped a lecture or two when I spotted him lingering by the door. Today is one of those days, and I head back to The Works to put some time in on my first project in Pattern Making 101: a pair of sturdy and supple chinos and a button front shirt for Mikey. Once fitted and measured, these basic patterns I can adjust to make him just about anything.

“Hi Adam” Jack says, approaching my workstation and picks up a loose pattern piece with a deft, elegant hand. “This is looking promising. Big though, I assume these aren’t for you?”

“Hey. Yeah, these are for my roommate. He doesn’t have a lot of clothes that fit.” I say, showing Jack my sketches for the chinos. To my surprise he starts flipping pages, and my cheeks flush crimson as he turns page after page of Mikey-shaped garments, ranging from hip hugging pants and muscle popping shirts, to a rather revealing square-cut speedo I’ve been fantasizing over.

“Hmmm…” Jack says with a sly look in my direction, leaning his lithe body onto his elbows to meet my eye level. “Looks like you found yourself a menswear muse.”

“Heh. Yep. He’s… um… inspiring.” I say, adjusting my plumped dick in my slacks. “Actually I’m just packing up to meet him by the shawarma cart for lunch.”

“Great timing!” Jack replies with an easy smile. “I’m starving. We can talk fabric on the way.” He says, picking up his bag and slinging it over a shoulder.

“Totally,” I say. This isn’t the first time Jack expressed wanting to hang out outside The Works, and I guess he’s taking the initiative. After dodging Brett this morning I welcome the company walking across campus.

Despite his long legs Jack walks slowly, lazily kicking his feet out, hands in pockets. Orange and red leaves drift down around him as he rants about the difficulties of working with silk charmeuse. Fuck I love college. We reach the quad and I easily spot Mikey walking across the grass toward us.

“Hey hey.” Mikey says, pulling me into a tight hug that makes me blush. “This MUST be Jack.” He says, extending a hand to the stunned upperclassman. Jack’s jaw is slightly open as he looks my beefy stud of a roommate up and down. Pausing notably at his ample bulge.

Jack takes the massive hand and gulps, before regaining his signature cool composure. “Ha! Did my reputation precede me? I love when it does that. You must be Adam’s muse. You’re in for a real treat, getting a personal wardrobe from this one. He’s already set up to be the star of the freshmen class.”

“See. I knew you were a genius.” Mikey says, throwing an arm around both of us and walking toward the food carts. “I need protein. Tell me everything about my roommate’s incredible genius while we eat.”

45 mins later and the three of us are laughing like mad under a tree while Mikey recounts the drunken exploits of his high school teammates.

“And then he falls off the bleachers, arms windmilling wildly as he tips over backward, catching the banner as he goes. It trailed after him like a rhythmic gymnast holding one of those ribbon wand things!” Mikey finishes through bursts of laughter.

“No!” says Jack, entranced, “The same banner his girlfriend made in spirit squad?”

“Yes! It was like a cartoon. I can still see it happening in slow motion in my mind.” Mikey sighs, closing his eyes leaning back to let the dappled light dance across his face. I glance over at Jack and see his eyes lingering on Mikey’s biceps, pecs, before darting away out of prudence or politeness.

Now that more time has passed and I’ve acclimated to Mikey being around, I’ve found myself watching other people ogle him and much as I ogle him myself. And so many people do it. Men, women, non-binary people, professors, little old ladies at the grocery store, you name it; if they’re into muscle or dick or both, they’re undressing Mikey with their eyes. And I love watching people eye fuck him. It makes me feel normal.

Another thing I’ve noticed is that he’s very aware of when it’s happening. He’ll spot a lurker, and I’ll see him assess the person. People who seem aggressive or gross he’ll avoid pretty thoroughly. But if they seem shy, or sweet, or if they’re (at least what I would call) cute, he’ll get this slight smile and I swear he’ll angle his best parts toward them. Casually avoiding eye contact while he stretches or flexes. They’ll blush and look away, and then he’ll smirk to himself and adjust his monster dick in his worn jeans. It all plays out in a few blinks, but it’s the cockiest I see him, and it drives me wild.

Jack is definitely in this second category for Mikey. And I’m literally sitting in the middle soaking up the energy between them. Even with their clear attraction to one another, I’m not feeling left out or overlooked by either of them. Mikey’s knee is even touching mine every now and again, and I know it’s intentional because he shoots me a smile with each touch. I always feel safer when Mikey’s around.

“Ok. Time’s flying. I’ve got to get to Art History.” Jack says after a lull, gathering up our lunch containers and grabbing his messenger bag. “Please tell me this can be a regular thing?” He asks both of us, and we nod enthusiastically.

We watch as my lanky mentor rises to his full height, brushes off his slim legs and pert ass, and heads off toward east campus. After about 20 paces he turns and shoots us both a wink and a devilish smile.

“He’s awesome. I can see why you like him.” Mikey says, smiling down at his big hands. “Hey, did you cut Geology today? I waited outside the lecture hall for you.” He asks, still not meeting my eyes.

“Oh. Um. Yeah, I kinda did.” I admit, blushing. Shit. My turn to look down. “It’s not a big deal. I’ll make it up.”

“Oh, totally. I’m not like… I’m not trying to scold you or anything. I just thought I’d surprise you and was confused when you weren’t in class.” He assures me quickly. “Why’d you skip it?”

“Oh, I just got caught up in what I was doing at the Works.” I lie. I’m not sure why I don’t want Mikey to know about Brett harassing me. Maybe I’m just embarrassed to be dealing with bullying as an adult. Maybe I’m still a bit butt hurt from when Mikey stayed quiet when I was being bullied as a kid. Either way I know I don’t want to tell him. Even though now that I meet his gaze and he mine, I feel like he knows I’m hiding something immediately. If he really can tell I’m lying, he doesn’t let on.

“Cool cool. Just don’t fuck up your science credit making me clothes, ok?” He says, standing up and offering me a hand. I take it and enjoy the ride as he effortlessly lifts me to standing. He throws his arm around my shoulder and pulls me tight for a moment. “Where are you headed now?”

“Library. Got my first essay assignment in English.” I say, gesturing across the quad. “You’ve got Western Civ, right?”

“Ugh. Yes. So boring.” Mikey laughs.

“Ha. Yes. And useless.” I snort back, “So meet at the car at 4?”

“No need to walk alone. I’ll come find you in the Library when I’m out. About 3PM?” Mikey says with a slap on my back and a quick left toward his class, loping off quickly on long, strong legs. I swear he does that so I can’t argue. Sigh. Fine. Off to study.

Chapter 9
Two days later I walk through Mikey’s open bedroom door holding the pants I’d been working on, “Hey! You got a sec to try on these chinos?” I ask, standing in the bathroom door to Mikey’s bedroom. “Oops, sorry.” I stammer, realizing he’s in nothing but his boxer briefs. His one pair of notably nice boxer briefs. The designer-label ones with the tailored pouch which he’d somehow managed to shove himself into; the waistband pulled down by the weight of his ample genitals, the light blue material straining to contain his girth.

“No worries, Adam, come in.” He says, gesturing me into his room and holding up two very similar ratty band shirts, one in black and one in a faded red. “Your timing is perfect. I have a date tonight and need to pick an outfit.”

Did he say date? Holy shit. Someone got through Mikey’s dating deflection. I’m dying to ask who it was. Should I ask? Wouldn’t he have offered the info if he wanted me to know? Why wouldn’t he want me to know? Oops. I’ve been standing with my mouth open for way too long. He’s holding the shirts in front of himself one after the other, eyebrows raised in question.

“Oh! Um. Yeah, what kind of date? Cuz those shirts both say dive bar.” I reply, cringing slightly at the armpit holes on one. I immediately see the excitement drop out of his face and feel a pang in my heart. “Come on. Nothing impresses like a personal tailor. You can wear the chinos! And I’ve got some older shirts of my dad’s that might fit you pretty well, too. Let’s see…”

I head into the den to grab the chinos off my work table, and he follows in his undies. I hand the pants over, loving the warm caramel color in the light. “The cotton has some stretch, but I tailored them pretty tight.” I admit

“Sweet! This color is so rich.” Mikey gushes, his eyes sparkling. Swoon.

I turn to dig through my hand me down boxes looking for a shirt to match as he pulls the pants up his ripped thighs, grunting as he slowly, gently forces the fabric up around his ass. I pick out a black polo I had practiced some embroidery on (I meant the monogram to be a compass but it came out more like a little clock). I turn to offer it to Mikey and find he’s gotten the chinos on.

My heart jumps into my throat and my eager cock floods. I fought the rush of blood with every ounce of decency and sanity I could muster. For a moment I was successful, but seeing his body fill and stretch something I made for him brings me to full mast surprisingly fast. I tuck my turgid member under the waist of my jeans, hiding it as best I can as I walk up to (ahem) check the fit.

Standing shirtless and barefoot, afternoon sun streaming in through the high basement windows, he looks like a fucking calendar model. He twists to see the fit along his legs, lifting a foot and arching his abs, chiseled like a cobblestone road. His pecs are a shelf of power rising with each breath, his huge biceps pushing peaks as he moves. He must’ve been doing crunches for his date, because a vein as thick as my finger runs across his abs, down his adonis belt and under the waistband of his underwear. I watch as it pulses slightly in rhythm with my own cock. Fuck me. Kill me. Either way, do it soon.

“Come on, what’s the verdict?” His words snap me out of my reverie. Ok, now or never. Just get it over with. I step close and grab the waistband, tugging the pants up a quarter inch.

“Waist seems perfect.” I said, ignoring my erection hiding under my untucked shirt. “Turn for me.”

He spins, showing me his meaty ass, the perfect globes filling the material just to the point of tension without activating the stretch. I feel the heat radiating off his body, smell the scent of his skin fresh from the shower. I drop to my knees to check the hem.

“Turn to your left.” I say, watching the tug and drape of the cotton as he moves. “How do they feel? Any discomfort? Any pulling or restriction?”

“Nope! I mean, they’re tight, but the material is so soft it’s not restrictive anywhere. It’s like a second skin.” He says, moving more dramatically, lifting his knees high and walking in place. He turns to face me while I’m still kneeling. “Do I look ok?”

I snorted. Was he serious? I wondered for a second if it’s a trap (old conditioning dies hard) until I see the earnest appeal on his face.

“Oh! I’m sorry. I just assumed you knew that you always look hot. And yes, in those pants you look what I would call ‘ridiculously hot.’” I say, standing up and blushing. “But don’t take my word for it, mirror’s over there.”

He grabs me by my shoulders and pulls me into a hug. I melt a bit as he presses my face into his pec, the soft dusting of hair tickling my cheek. Then he surprises me and leans in to lay a kiss on my cheek. He’s close enough for me to taste his breath on my tongue. It’s minty.

“You know,” he mumbles, breaking the hug and walking to the mirror, “you always smell like cinnamon.”

“It’s a styptic agent.” I said still dizzy from the adrenaline, cock still at attention under my waistband. “Stops the bleeding when I prick myself with a straight pin.”

“That’s both adorably nerdy and impressively resourceful.” Mikey says with a smirk. He picks up the polo and pulls it on, tight across his pecs, nipples hard. It’s short on him but the chinos sit at his actual waist so the garments just barely graze each other. The perfect tease.

“Oh my god. These pants feel amazing.” He says, assessing himself in the mirror head to toe. He palmed his massive mound, reveling in the heft; slapped the outside of his thighs appreciatively; he tugged the hemline of the shirt down a half inch, only to have it rise back up as he moved.

“Fuck, I do look hot” he sighs, and then he starts flexing. Pumping his arms in and out, forcing blood into his already hot, hard flesh, swelling in the snug clothes. He sees the pump his flex has given him and I see his brain switching into workout mode. He works his way through each muscle group, forcing veins to pop up and throb across his neck and biceps, the hard peaks of flesh forcing the short sleeves to bunch around his armpits. The polo collar stretches open as his pecs inflate, getting firmer and fuller with each breath.

He’s breathing roughly now, his eyes lit up like green flames. He shakes his thighs, letting the weight of the muscle fill his pants (my pants) to the point of breaking. Even his calves stretched the cotton, bunching up and down as he bounced on the balls of his feet. He palms his crotch again, a steady stroke of his thumb from the waistband down, guiding his swelling cock into an arc over his balls as it lengthens and expands. The fat shaft pushes the brass zipper out with visible force, already huge but still flexible, still only a semi. He groans low in his throat and pulls a tight, veiny most-muscular pose, filling every inch of his torso and grunting hard with effort.

Holy fuck, how is he doing this. He’s growing bigger and harder right in front of me. No weights, just fucking force of will. I swear I can feel the room stretching around him as he radiates energy. POP. A thread snaps somewhere around his chest. POP. Another between his thighs. I actually hear the teeth of the zipper crunch slightly from the growing force of Mikey’s tremendous fuck-stick and I lose it. My own cock erupts, shooting a massive load under my shirt. I gasp as spurt after spurt of hot cream coats my stomach. My unit throbbing fast under the waistband of my jeans. His eyes meet mine as I exhale a whimper. He smirks that fucking smirk.

“Thanks, Adam. So much.” Mikey says, turning toward me. I want to tackle him. I want to run my hands all over his body and— “Jack’s not going to know what hit him!”

Did he say Jack? My Jack? That muscle bound douche nozzle was going on a date with my mentor? Fuck, wait, do I want Jack? I don’t know if I’m mad or just spun. Either way, Mikey is grabbing his keys and bounding up the stairs before I’ve even registered what’s happening.

My mind floods with imagery. I picture Mikey holding Jack like he just held me. At 6’ 2”, Jack is almost tall enough to meet his 6” 5’ gaze. I imagine them kissing and feel my stomach knot with dread, then it kinda turns to arousal. What if it goes poorly and Jack stops mentoring me? What if it goes well and they ditch me for each other? What if it goes really well and they add me as their third and we form a hot gay polycule in my dad's basement? Ok, that last one feels like a long shot. I suddenly realize I’ve still got a hands-free load cooling under my shirt and I feel utterly ridiculous.

I sigh to myself and head to the shower to rinse off, and either cry or jerk off again. Possibly both.
2 fresh chapters. I appreciate you all for putting up with a slow burn as I build these characters and settings. I promise the patience will pay off.

Chapter 8
It’s been two weeks since I measured Mikey and to my relief we’ve been too busy with classes to have any more awkward incidents. Well, awkward and hot (hotkward? New word?). I’ve been waking up early to minimize bathroom crossover time, and keeping music on during our drives to school. He’s being as Mikey as ever; beaming his bright smile and effortlessly loving life. We lunch together most days on the quad and we catch up on how classes are going. Which is great. I’m loving the Works more and more every day, and Jack has proven every bit the mentor I hoped he would be.

Mikey reports his classes are going well, and he gets asked out by both women and men on a daily basis. I’ve personally witnessed this once. A confident blond junior with athletic build and tight sundress, her hair curled and face perfectly made up. Shit, she even wore false eyelashes for the occasion. Mikey listened eagerly as she spoke and then begged off in the kindest way I’ve ever seen. Explaining that he really needed to focus on school for the time being and wouldn’t be dating anyone any time soon. I smiled reflexively as she walked off, dejected.

Yeah, things were going well. I was even enjoying my required humanities and science coursework. My only issue so far has been my cafeteria bully from the first day. Turns out he’s in my geology lecture (my advisor said it was the easiest choice to fulfill the science requirement). It seems once that he clocked me as gay and vulnerable he was locked on target. Any time I’m near central campus I stumble into his path.

His name is Brett, I found out after another near incident when he catcalled me from across the science courtyard. He’s six feet of solid jackass, clearly the loudest of a group of guys most people avoid on instinct. Before meeting Mikey I would have called him big and muscular, but my definition of the term big has changed. Superhero level or not, he’s still way bigger and stronger than me. He spends every lecture snickering and elbowing his buddies before coughing “faggot” in my direction or throwing trash at me the moment the professor turns her back. Fucking juvenile, I know, but he does this thing where he gets close. And quiet. So only I can hear the vile shit he’s whispering. In my experience this kind of focus will immediately turn to violence the moment he can corner me.

So I don’t give him the opportunity. I scurry across the campus like a rat anytime I’m not with Mikey. I skipped a lecture or two when I spotted him lingering by the door. Today is one of those days, and I head back to The Works to put some time in on my first project in Pattern Making 101: a pair of sturdy and supple chinos and a button front shirt for Mikey. Once fitted and measured, these basic patterns I can adjust to make him just about anything.

“Hi Adam” Jack says, approaching my workstation and picks up a loose pattern piece with a deft, elegant hand. “This is looking promising. Big though, I assume these aren’t for you?”

“Hey. Yeah, these are for my roommate. He doesn’t have a lot of clothes that fit.” I say, showing Jack my sketches for the chinos. To my surprise he starts flipping pages, and my cheeks flush crimson as he turns page after page of Mikey-shaped garments, ranging from hip hugging pants and muscle popping shirts, to a rather revealing square-cut speedo I’ve been fantasizing over.

“Hmmm…” Jack says with a sly look in my direction, leaning his lithe body onto his elbows to meet my eye level. “Looks like you found yourself a menswear muse.”

“Heh. Yep. He’s… um… inspiring.” I say, adjusting my plumped dick in my slacks. “Actually I’m just packing up to meet him by the shawarma cart for lunch.”

“Great timing!” Jack replies with an easy smile. “I’m starving. We can talk fabric on the way.” He says, picking up his bag and slinging it over a shoulder.

“Totally,” I say. This isn’t the first time Jack expressed wanting to hang out outside The Works, and I guess he’s taking the initiative. After dodging Brett this morning I welcome the company walking across campus.

Despite his long legs Jack walks slowly, lazily kicking his feet out, hands in pockets. Orange and red leaves drift down around him as he rants about the difficulties of working with silk charmeuse. Fuck I love college. We reach the quad and I easily spot Mikey walking across the grass toward us.

“Hey hey.” Mikey says, pulling me into a tight hug that makes me blush. “This MUST be Jack.” He says, extending a hand to the stunned upperclassman. Jack’s jaw is slightly open as he looks my beefy stud of a roommate up and down. Pausing notably at his ample bulge.

Jack takes the massive hand and gulps, before regaining his signature cool composure. “Ha! Did my reputation precede me? I love when it does that. You must be Adam’s muse. You’re in for a real treat, getting a personal wardrobe from this one. He’s already set up to be the star of the freshmen class.”

“See. I knew you were a genius.” Mikey says, throwing an arm around both of us and walking toward the food carts. “I need protein. Tell me everything about my roommate’s incredible genius while we eat.”

45 mins later and the three of us are laughing like mad under a tree while Mikey recounts the drunken exploits of his high school teammates.

“And then he falls off the bleachers, arms windmilling wildly as he tips over backward, catching the banner as he goes. It trailed after him like a rhythmic gymnast holding one of those ribbon wand things!” Mikey finishes through bursts of laughter.

“No!” says Jack, entranced, “The same banner his girlfriend made in spirit squad?”

“Yes! It was like a cartoon. I can still see it happening in slow motion in my mind.” Mikey sighs, closing his eyes leaning back to let the dappled light dance across his face. I glance over at Jack and see his eyes lingering on Mikey’s biceps, pecs, before darting away out of prudence or politeness.

Now that more time has passed and I’ve acclimated to Mikey being around, I’ve found myself watching other people ogle him and much as I ogle him myself. And so many people do it. Men, women, non-binary people, professors, little old ladies at the grocery store, you name it; if they’re into muscle or dick or both, they’re undressing Mikey with their eyes. And I love watching people eye fuck him. It makes me feel normal.

Another thing I’ve noticed is that he’s very aware of when it’s happening. He’ll spot a lurker, and I’ll see him assess the person. People who seem aggressive or gross he’ll avoid pretty thoroughly. But if they seem shy, or sweet, or if they’re (at least what I would call) cute, he’ll get this slight smile and I swear he’ll angle his best parts toward them. Casually avoiding eye contact while he stretches or flexes. They’ll blush and look away, and then he’ll smirk to himself and adjust his monster dick in his worn jeans. It all plays out in a few blinks, but it’s the cockiest I see him, and it drives me wild.

Jack is definitely in this second category for Mikey. And I’m literally sitting in the middle soaking up the energy between them. Even with their clear attraction to one another, I’m not feeling left out or overlooked by either of them. Mikey’s knee is even touching mine every now and again, and I know it’s intentional because he shoots me a smile with each touch. I always feel safer when Mikey’s around.

“Ok. Time’s flying. I’ve got to get to Art History.” Jack says after a lull, gathering up our lunch containers and grabbing his messenger bag. “Please tell me this can be a regular thing?” He asks both of us, and we nod enthusiastically.

We watch as my lanky mentor rises to his full height, brushes off his slim legs and pert ass, and heads off toward east campus. After about 20 paces he turns and shoots us both a wink and a devilish smile.

“He’s awesome. I can see why you like him.” Mikey says, smiling down at his big hands. “Hey, did you cut Geology today? I waited outside the lecture hall for you.” He asks, still not meeting my eyes.

“Oh. Um. Yeah, I kinda did.” I admit, blushing. Shit. My turn to look down. “It’s not a big deal. I’ll make it up.”

“Oh, totally. I’m not like… I’m not trying to scold you or anything. I just thought I’d surprise you and was confused when you weren’t in class.” He assures me quickly. “Why’d you skip it?”

“Oh, I just got caught up in what I was doing at the Works.” I lie. I’m not sure why I don’t want Mikey to know about Brett harassing me. Maybe I’m just embarrassed to be dealing with bullying as an adult. Maybe I’m still a bit butt hurt from when Mikey stayed quiet when I was being bullied as a kid. Either way I know I don’t want to tell him. Even though now that I meet his gaze and he mine, I feel like he knows I’m hiding something immediately. If he really can tell I’m lying, he doesn’t let on.

“Cool cool. Just don’t fuck up your science credit making me clothes, ok?” He says, standing up and offering me a hand. I take it and enjoy the ride as he effortlessly lifts me to standing. He throws his arm around my shoulder and pulls me tight for a moment. “Where are you headed now?”

“Library. Got my first essay assignment in English.” I say, gesturing across the quad. “You’ve got Western Civ, right?”

“Ugh. Yes. So boring.” Mikey laughs.

“Ha. Yes. And useless.” I snort back, “So meet at the car at 4?”

“No need to walk alone. I’ll come find you in the Library when I’m out. About 3PM?” Mikey says with a slap on my back and a quick left toward his class, loping off quickly on long, strong legs. I swear he does that so I can’t argue. Sigh. Fine. Off to study.

Chapter 9
Two days later I walk through Mikey’s open bedroom door holding the pants I’d been working on, “Hey! You got a sec to try on these chinos?” I ask, standing in the bathroom door to Mikey’s bedroom. “Oops, sorry.” I stammer, realizing he’s in nothing but his boxer briefs. His one pair of notably nice boxer briefs. The designer-label ones with the tailored pouch which he’d somehow managed to shove himself into; the waistband pulled down by the weight of his ample genitals, the light blue material straining to contain his girth.

“No worries, Adam, come in.” He says, gesturing me into his room and holding up two very similar ratty band shirts, one in black and one in a faded red. “Your timing is perfect. I have a date tonight and need to pick an outfit.”

Did he say date? Holy shit. Someone got through Mikey’s dating deflection. I’m dying to ask who it was. Should I ask? Wouldn’t he have offered the info if he wanted me to know? Why wouldn’t he want me to know? Oops. I’ve been standing with my mouth open for way too long. He’s holding the shirts in front of himself one after the other, eyebrows raised in question.

“Oh! Um. Yeah, what kind of date? Cuz those shirts both say dive bar.” I reply, cringing slightly at the armpit holes on one. I immediately see the excitement drop out of his face and feel a pang in my heart. “Come on. Nothing impresses like a personal tailor. You can wear the chinos! And I’ve got some older shirts of my dad’s that might fit you pretty well, too. Let’s see…”

I head into the den to grab the chinos off my work table, and he follows in his undies. I hand the pants over, loving the warm caramel color in the light. “The cotton has some stretch, but I tailored them pretty tight.” I admit

“Sweet! This color is so rich.” Mikey gushes, his eyes sparkling. Swoon.

I turn to dig through my hand me down boxes looking for a shirt to match as he pulls the pants up his ripped thighs, grunting as he slowly, gently forces the fabric up around his ass. I pick out a black polo I had practiced some embroidery on (I meant the monogram to be a compass but it came out more like a little clock). I turn to offer it to Mikey and find he’s gotten the chinos on.

My heart jumps into my throat and my eager cock floods. I fought the rush of blood with every ounce of decency and sanity I could muster. For a moment I was successful, but seeing his body fill and stretch something I made for him brings me to full mast surprisingly fast. I tuck my turgid member under the waist of my jeans, hiding it as best I can as I walk up to (ahem) check the fit.

Standing shirtless and barefoot, afternoon sun streaming in through the high basement windows, he looks like a fucking calendar model. He twists to see the fit along his legs, lifting a foot and arching his abs, chiseled like a cobblestone road. His pecs are a shelf of power rising with each breath, his huge biceps pushing peaks as he moves. He must’ve been doing crunches for his date, because a vein as thick as my finger runs across his abs, down his adonis belt and under the waistband of his underwear. I watch as it pulses slightly in rhythm with my own cock. Fuck me. Kill me. Either way, do it soon.

“Come on, what’s the verdict?” His words snap me out of my reverie. Ok, now or never. Just get it over with. I step close and grab the waistband, tugging the pants up a quarter inch.

“Waist seems perfect.” I said, ignoring my erection hiding under my untucked shirt. “Turn for me.”

He spins, showing me his meaty ass, the perfect globes filling the material just to the point of tension without activating the stretch. I feel the heat radiating off his body, smell the scent of his skin fresh from the shower. I drop to my knees to check the hem.

“Turn to your left.” I say, watching the tug and drape of the cotton as he moves. “How do they feel? Any discomfort? Any pulling or restriction?”

“Nope! I mean, they’re tight, but the material is so soft it’s not restrictive anywhere. It’s like a second skin.” He says, moving more dramatically, lifting his knees high and walking in place. He turns to face me while I’m still kneeling. “Do I look ok?”

I snorted. Was he serious? I wondered for a second if it’s a trap (old conditioning dies hard) until I see the earnest appeal on his face.

“Oh! I’m sorry. I just assumed you knew that you always look hot. And yes, in those pants you look what I would call ‘ridiculously hot.’” I say, standing up and blushing. “But don’t take my word for it, mirror’s over there.”

He grabs me by my shoulders and pulls me into a hug. I melt a bit as he presses my face into his pec, the soft dusting of hair tickling my cheek. Then he surprises me and leans in to lay a kiss on my cheek. He’s close enough for me to taste his breath on my tongue. It’s minty.

“You know,” he mumbles, breaking the hug and walking to the mirror, “you always smell like cinnamon.”

“It’s a styptic agent.” I said still dizzy from the adrenaline, cock still at attention under my waistband. “Stops the bleeding when I prick myself with a straight pin.”

“That’s both adorably nerdy and impressively resourceful.” Mikey says with a smirk. He picks up the polo and pulls it on, tight across his pecs, nipples hard. It’s short on him but the chinos sit at his actual waist so the garments just barely graze each other. The perfect tease.

“Oh my god. These pants feel amazing.” He says, assessing himself in the mirror head to toe. He palmed his massive mound, reveling in the heft; slapped the outside of his thighs appreciatively; he tugged the hemline of the shirt down a half inch, only to have it rise back up as he moved.

“Fuck, I do look hot” he sighs, and then he starts flexing. Pumping his arms in and out, forcing blood into his already hot, hard flesh, swelling in the snug clothes. He sees the pump his flex has given him and I see his brain switching into workout mode. He works his way through each muscle group, forcing veins to pop up and throb across his neck and biceps, the hard peaks of flesh forcing the short sleeves to bunch around his armpits. The polo collar stretches open as his pecs inflate, getting firmer and fuller with each breath.

He’s breathing roughly now, his eyes lit up like green flames. He shakes his thighs, letting the weight of the muscle fill his pants (my pants) to the point of breaking. Even his calves stretched the cotton, bunching up and down as he bounced on the balls of his feet. He palms his crotch again, a steady stroke of his thumb from the waistband down, guiding his swelling cock into an arc over his balls as it lengthens and expands. The fat shaft pushes the brass zipper out with visible force, already huge but still flexible, still only a semi. He groans low in his throat and pulls a tight, veiny most-muscular pose, filling every inch of his torso and grunting hard with effort.

Holy fuck, how is he doing this. He’s growing bigger and harder right in front of me. No weights, just fucking force of will. I swear I can feel the room stretching around him as he radiates energy. POP. A thread snaps somewhere around his chest. POP. Another between his thighs. I actually hear the teeth of the zipper crunch slightly from the growing force of Mikey’s tremendous fuck-stick and I lose it. My own cock erupts, shooting a massive load under my shirt. I gasp as spurt after spurt of hot cream coats my stomach. My unit throbbing fast under the waistband of my jeans. His eyes meet mine as I exhale a whimper. He smirks that fucking smirk.

“Thanks, Adam. So much.” Mikey says, turning toward me. I want to tackle him. I want to run my hands all over his body and— “Jack’s not going to know what hit him!”

Did he say Jack? My Jack? That muscle bound douche nozzle was going on a date with my mentor? Fuck, wait, do I want Jack? I don’t know if I’m mad or just spun. Either way, Mikey is grabbing his keys and bounding up the stairs before I’ve even registered what’s happening.

My mind floods with imagery. I picture Mikey holding Jack like he just held me. At 6’ 2”, Jack is almost tall enough to meet his 6” 5’ gaze. I imagine them kissing and feel my stomach knot with dread, then it kinda turns to arousal. What if it goes poorly and Jack stops mentoring me? What if it goes well and they ditch me for each other? What if it goes really well and they add me as their third and we form a hot gay polycule in my dad's basement? Ok, that last one feels like a long shot. I suddenly realize I’ve still got a hands-free load cooling under my shirt and I feel utterly ridiculous.

I sigh to myself and head to the shower to rinse off, and either cry or jerk off again. Possibly both.
Next two chapters. I'll have to post them in separate posts to make them fit, so be sure to check which chapter you're on. Thank you everyone for the comments and messages, it really helps me keep the energy flowing.

Chapter 10
Mikey gets home shortly before midnight. After an evening of processing I’ve come to the conclusion that I am being ridiculous and Mikey can do whatever he wants with whomever he wants. No skin off my nose. I would be pissed if he suddenly cared who I dated. … Even if I were dating the one person who’s treated him well and endangering his degree and stability in his department, throwing everything into possible chaos and upheaval. But that’s what he does, isn’t it. He heaves things upward.

Ok. So maybe I’m still a bit salty. I’m sitting at my sewing machine when he comes home and heads down to our basement. He’s got a slight frown on his face and his hands in his pockets. I pull my headphones out of my ears and look up at him.

“How was your date?” I ask, trying not to sound cold.

“Um. It was good. But I don’t think Jack will want a second date.” He says sheepishly. “I don’t think I was very good company tonight. We mainly just talked about you. I… mainly just talked about you.”

The silence hangs thick in the air between us. I feel my brows knit together in frustration and confusion. What the fuck did that mean?!

“Anyway. Would it be cool if I worked out? I’m feeling kinda bleh and it always makes me feel better.”

“Yeah. Sure.” I say. “Cool if I keep doing what I’m doing?”

“Of course. As long as you put the music on the bluetooth speaker. It helps the pump.” Mikey says, stripping off the black polo and then removing his new chinos. Folding them carefully and placing them on an empty spot on my work table. I try not to glance down at his epic meat stretching his boxer briefs… more than once at least.

He heads to his room momentarily and resurfaces in workout gear. My dad gave him a bunch of his old tank tops that dangle loosely from Mikey’s shoulders and hang to midriff, but those he usually discards as soon as he breaks a sweat. His shorts on the other hand are his from high school. They must have fit him well when he was 16, but now the light blue shorts are like a second skin. The seams pulled taught and threadbare.

I connect my phone to bluetooth and press play. Nico Vega’s Beast starts its steady thrum, the beat heavy and the riff rough. Apparently it’s leg day, and Mikey starts out with the jump rope to warm up. Bouncing on the balls of his feet like a boxer, I can see his ample bulge flop heavily in front of him. He keeps glancing down, watching the meat swing from his vantage between his muscle tits. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end as he licks his lips, watching his basket swell. He drops the rope and reaches down to adjust himself, clearly not caring that I’m watching. Or maybe, from the corner of his eye, he’s showing me? Performing for me? His hand leaves his dick to adjust the straps of what I now see is a jockstrap underneath the tight shorts.

Mikey crosses the room to his heavy bar and loads it for squats, I try to count the plates but I’m trying not to seem too interested, it’s a lot of weight. 280lbs? That feels insane to me. He tears off his tank top and positions himself right across from my sewing machine, facing me. He hoists the plates onto his frame in the squat position.

He locks eyes with me as he starts his first descent, massive thighs filling every inch of those old shorts. Sweat glistens across his face and chest as he rises and falls, finding a rhythm in the song for his heavy breathing. The worn nylon shorts start to make their way up his legs with each drop and his bulge—holy fuck his bulge—stretches the fabric knuckle-white as it tries to contain his massive cock. The grunting starts and I grip the sides of my table, mesmerized. I feel my head rise and fall involuntarily with my roommate’s massive form. As the music builds tempo so does Mikey, a cocky smirk tweaking the corner of his mouth, his eyes flashing with power. That’s when he starts to grow.

With every push upward he rises slightly taller. His delts swell large and round under the heavy bar, his arms following suit. His chest pushes outward, further defining the crevice between his meaty pecs. As he drops his quads grow thicker, unbelievably hard, pushing up against swelling calves. The material stretches to its limits and beyond, pulled so thin now I can see veins outlined underneath.

“Fuuuuuck Yeeeeeah!” He groans loudly as his epic thighs and alpha muscle ass pump huge and burst through the seams of his shorts, shredding the fabric with audible relief. He drops the bar and rises to his full height. I barely register the impact as I look up, astonished: his head brushes the basement ceiling now. He flexes and twitches a moment, letting his new bulk settle on new bones. His body glistened with sweat and his pupils were blown out with lust.

He meets my eyes, breathing ragged through his smirk, and looks down. I follow his gaze to its prize; down his heaving pecs, broad as dinner plates, nipples pointing downward, hard and bright pink; down his brick wall of an abdomen, individual muscles popping and rippling with his expanding lungs; down to his ravaged shorts, little more than hanging shreds of blue nylon pulsing toward me at eye level by a truly monstrous bulge.

Mikey hooks a thumb into the waistband, and with a slow steady pull, tears the material from his body without the slightest strain. He lets the blue tatters drop from his hands, revealing a dark red jockstrap pulled quivering and taut as a bowstring across the fat, fist-sized head of his cock, several soupcan-thick inches of shaft exposed as the waistband stretches downward helplessly.

He walks toward me, closing the distance with a few slow strides, the monster basket bobbing from side to side as his massive thighs fight each other for dominance. He reaches my sewing table and pushes it aside with one hand, it slides across the floor easily, exposing my satin pajama bottoms, tented large by my own diamond-hard cock. I freeze in my seat, his still-pouched cock inches from my salivating mouth.

“Sorry. I can’t keep doing this with you. I need you to know.” With those words he clenches his ass and flexes his cock once with a lewd grunt. The jockstrap, able to take no more, snaps like a rubber band and shoots past my cheek.

His majestic fuck club bounces freely in the air between us, radiating heat and smelling like sweat and holy fuck it’s still growing. Free from the constraint of his jock Mikey’s prodigious member continues to swell and rise until it’s almost smacking him in his abs. Thick veins ran from a baseball-sized head down a shaft as thick as my forearm. His kiwi-fruit-sized balls bounce as he flexes and grows.

“Measure it.” He said. “I want you to know.” I bite my bottom lip and pull the measuring tape from where I keep it draped around my neck with a trembling hand. I reach out and wrap my hand around his shaft at the midway point, my fingers far from meeting. It was hot to the touch, hard as stone wrapped in velvet. I feel a vein pulse heavy under my fingers as I attempt to pull it down parallel to the floor to measure it. His beast mode erection won’t budge. Mikey flexes it, pulling me roughly to standing with just his cock, and chuckles.

“Here,” he said, placing one hand at the base and pointing his massiveness at me. I run my hands up and down his cock, worshiping, learning, memorizing every square inch of it. Finally I wrap the tape around his thickest point for his girth, and run it from base to tip along the top. Seeing the numbers I moan out loud.

“Say it.” He commands. “Out loud.”

I swallow, my mouth suddenly dry. “Eight and a half inches around. Eleven and three eighths inches long.”

“Fuck. Yeah.” His hand shoots out and grabs my pajama shirt, wrenching the fabric open, tearing seams and scattering buttons. “On your knees.” I obey, and he starts to jack his massive weapon with both hands, pointing it at me at the end of each stroke like a cannon. His mouth was hanging open and he was moaning outright, his gaze ran up and down my pale body, hungry with lust.

“Jerk off with me?” He said, his voice suddenly softer, more urgent. A check in. “Please?”

I didn’t need to be asked twice. I shove my pajamas and briefs down to my knees in one push. I wrap a tight fist around my thick 7.5” and rapidly thrust myself in and out.

“Oh shit.” He said, seeing me pound my own hand in rapture, “you’re so fucking hot.” He sputters as he speeds up his own double-handed jacking to match my pace. I see that fat, epic fuck pole swell one more time, fill out the skin to the max and go hard as polished concrete and I lose it. I start shooting my load in ribbons up onto his red-hot pole.

“Aw yeah, here it comes!” He gasps as his cock erupts ropes of cum onto my chest and face. I feel the impact, counting them out: three shots, five shots, pouring down my stomach in rivulets, slicking my own still jerking hand. I was still fisting my prick roughly as he shot his 13th and last spurt of hot white liquid. He half moans, half chuckles as he shakes the last trailing bit of cum from his monster mushroom cock head and gives his shaft a slow, appreciative stroke.

“Ohohoho yes. That was fucking overdue.” He says, pulling me into an embrace, my pants still around his ankles. Cum dripping off the walls.. Looking up at him I’m dumbstruck. Who the fuck is this person, half big goof, half veiny muscle dom?

“Sorry about your pjs.” He says, looking over the mess sheepishly and seeing my sewing table askew and tattered fabrics on the floor. I felt a chill all over as the epic money shot cooled on our skin. “I guess we’ve got some things to discuss.”
Remember LPSG, after-care is critical. Enjoy this chapter, and don't forget to hydrate.

Chapter 11
“Come on,” I said, “let’s get cleaned up before dad gets home.” Jesus, that was a jarring prospect. We grab towels out of the clean laundry and head through his room to the bathroom. I can feel him close behind me as I walk, heat radiating off Mikey’s muscles, his breath hot and close to my neck. When we reach the bathroom he sidesteps me and starts the water running. I wet a washcloth in the sink and start a sponge bath. Mikey pokes his head out of the shower stall.

“You coming?” he asked, completely casually. Fuck. I needed a cold shower and some fucking time to think, not a hot shower full of hormone-muscle-beast thoughts. Jesus fuck, what was going on? “There isn’t enough hot water for both of us. Just get in.”

Begrudgingly (really, I swear I hesitated) I climbed into the shower with my friend. He takes up most of the space, but has given me the area closest to the shower head, so it’s cramped but warm. He tucks his arms in quite a bit to fit in the cone of the spray, and now he has to hunch his shoulders a bit too. All this bunches up his torso into a barrel of writhing snakes, his abs clenching tight above his softening cock, swinging fat and heavy, bouncing off the tops of his bull balls.

I turn my back to him and run my head under the spray. I scrub the drying cum from my hair and face, then my chest. I jump when I feel his hands on my back, slick with soap. His palms feel huge as they rub broad circles from my waist to my shoulders, strong fingers trailing after to explore my shape. I sigh and relax into his touch, which was all the encouragement he needs, apparently. One hand slips around to my belly as the other cups my ass. One thick finger tracing its way through my asscrack, grazing my hole before hooking under my taint. I gasp as he applies pressure and gently lifts me onto tiptoes, balancing my body against his with a firm hand on my chest. He lowers me down and slides his newly freed hand around to my cock, almost tentatively. Now flush against him, I feel his cock begin to swell in the small of my back. He growls low in his throat as he strokes my now completely hard dick.

I look up at him, craning my neck to see his face. I have to get some idea of what he’s thinking about all this. Our eyes meet and I melt. He’s looking at me with such need, such unabashed… pain. Shit. He’s wincing. I turn around and start looking him over for an injury, but I can’t find any. Not a bruise, not a cut, not a contusion anywhere on his perfect, rock-hard, slippery body.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, “What hurts?”

He chuckles. “Um, kind of everything. After I grow like that, there’s just this dull ache, everywhere. Particularly in my legs and back, but, you know, everywhere. It gets intense. Really bad at night.”

“Growing pains.” I mumble. This is actually fascinating. If I were more scientifically gifted I would record data.

“Finish showering. I’ll be back in a minute.” I say, quickly rinsing off the last of Mikey’s tremendous load and hopping out of the tub. I towel off and throw on some black briefs and a t-shirt. With boners forgotten and caretaker mode activated, I head to my dad’s bathroom for his rather extensive first aid kit. I grab heat packs, Tiger Balm and ibuprofen and head back downstairs. I enter Mikey’s room and find him just coming out of the bathroom, a towel around his waist.

“Put on something to sleep in, and meet me in my room.”

“I’m really fine.” He protests, seeing the first aid. He’s walking tenderly, though.

“Not fine. No arguing. Do as you’re told for once.” My turn to dom, I guess.

I went to my room, piled the pain relief supplies on my nightstand and dug the old heated blanket out of my closet. I turned to my door when I heard the floor creak under my behemoth of a roommate. He stands in the doorway, filling the frame with his broad shoulders and new height, wearing a white t-shirt and red, square-cut boxer briefs. I eye his soft member, clearly outlined, curving off to the right in the tightly packed pouch, before shaking my head to clear the horny cobwebs.

“Get on the bed.” I instruct, “Stretch out as best you can.”

He groans a little as he plops down, and my full-size bed squeaks a protest to his mass. Lying down fully he just barely fits, his enormous feet hanging an inch or two off the end of the mattress. I crack one of the heat packs and massage the chemical contents to life.

“Lift up your butt.” He obliged with a smirk and I pointedly ignored his massive bulge rising to meet me. Instead I looked at his powerhouse thighs, veins pumping away. I put the heat pack under his lower back and he eased himself down on top of it with a sigh. I put two more heat packs at his knees and grabbed the Tiger Balm. It’s a thick ointment with camphor, menthol and clove. I swear by the stuff. I slick up my hands with balm and look down at my patient.

“Try not to enjoy this too much.” I say, seeing his eyes light up.

“Right back at you.” He replied, putting his hands behind his head and spreading his thick legs for better access.

I start at his feet, which are as long as my forearm and heavy as fuck. I work my thumbs into his high arches and he moans in pleasure. I massage balm into his heels and the balls of his feet, working my way through each toe, one by one. I love the way his massive feet feel in my hands. The menthol in the balm opens up my lungs and I inhale Mikey’s scent deeply. He smells clean and masculine with an underlying sharpness. Sweat, soap, and iron.

I work my way up his calves, applying more balm and working it into the muscles with my fingers, thumbs on either side of his shin bones. His definition is crazy, I can feel each individual muscle that makes up his calf. I lighten my pressure as I slide a hand into the pit of his knee, rubbing little circles with two fingers. He gasps and bucks his hips, his fat cock visibly thickening and pushing against the cotton-lycra blend. I smile and do the other calf up to the other knee. He’s anticipating it this time, so the only sound he makes is a sort of low growl.

I move to the side of the bed and massage his thighs. Or at least I try, they’re solid as granite and bigger around than my waist. I need more leverage. With a resigned sigh and an undeniable erection in my tight black calvies, I climb on top of Mikey reverse cowboy style. He shifts underneath me and I shoot a hand out to brace myself on the wall. It’s like riding a mechanical bull. I’m sitting right on his package now and I feel him swell beneath me.

“Think of baseball.” I said.

“My cock is too big for a regulation cup.” He responds huskily, his massive shaft pumping larger between my ass cheeks.

“AH.” I gasp as I feel him growing, “Then think of your grandma.”

“... Dude. Ew.”

I feel his girth recede a bit at that. Thank god. I slide myself forward a little to rub his thighs. This is a better vantage, I assure myself, leaning into his muscles with my full weight. As I work my way down toward his knees, I’m basically laying myself across him from taint to tip, my own hardness impossible to hide. I feel his broad hand caress my back and he moans again as I work the muscle, encouraged.

“Ok.” I say, climbing off him and adjusting my throbbing dick. “Roll over. Lose the shirt.”

He eagerly peels his shirt off, tossing it aside and rolling over. I move the heat packs from his knees to under his shoulders and move to climb back aboard.

“One sec,” he says, reaching underneath himself and arranging his massive member. He settles back down, and puts his hands under the pillow, flaring his lats out like massive wings. “K. Climb on.”

I swing my leg over and straddle the massive globes of his perfect ass. My dick throbs and I can’t help it, I press myself against him and a tiny moan escapes my lips. He chuckles happily and clenches his butt cheeks playfully around my shaft.

“Focus, Adam. Think of your grandma,” he says, vindicated.

“Shut. Up.” I chuckle.

I lean forward and massage balm into his lower back. Working the heels of my hands up either side of his spine and following the rise and fall of his huge, striated back muscles. I reach his shoulder blades and have him tuck an arm behind his back, bringing the point of the scapula up and out. I push my fingers beneath the ridge the bone creates and Mikey groans in pain and satisfaction. I repeat the process on the other shoulder blade and then start rapidly thumping his back with balled fists just to get the blood pumping.

I’m pretty much done, but something comes over me, and I’m not about to give up my seat of power. I lay down on top of him, my chest and belly feeling narrow on his broad back, and push up into the upward facing dog pose. The curve of my taut body follows the natural S of his spine and my hard dick presses into the crease between his hard glutes. He spreads his hands and grips the sheets of my bed, humping the mattress beneath us. His meaty ass bumps me up and down like a rag doll. He spreads his legs so his knees could find purchase and my body slid down between his legs. He was panting into the pillow now, that same low growl barely audible. I watch his epic bubble butt pumping his cock up and down my bed, his huge balls bulging obscenely between his thighs. I shove my hand into my briefs and start furiously stroking my dick. I’m getting close really quick and then it hits me.

“Stop. Hold up.” I say, tapping Mikey’s thighs.

“What? What’s wrong?” he’d stops completely. I smile at that. Hey, consent IS sexy.

“Don’t cum on my bed.” I chide. “Seriously, you’re like a fire hose.”

“Aw fuck.” Mikey laughs, rolling over and tangling me in his legs in the process. We sort our limbs out and both flop back on the bed, face up, side by side. I sneak a peek at his gorgeous fuck stick. Thick, hot and glistening with pre-cum, a good 7" visible, sticking straight up past the waistband of his boxer briefs. He turns his head to the left and looks me up and down, sprawled out next to him.

“Fuck. I want to cum again. I want you so fucking bad.” He growls, gripping his shaft hard. “I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you again.”

“Jesus christ, yes. I wanna feel you cum.” I answer, reaching for him, arms outstretched.

He rolls on top of me and I feel the crushing mass of muscle tense and writhe above me. He rips my t-shirt off of me with one hand, lifting me off the bed momentarily in the process. I shuck my briefs before he destroys those too. I wrap my hands behind his thick neck and my legs around his waist, my face between his ample pecs. He hooks a thumb into his boxer briefs and pulls them down his legs. Then slides his fat, throbbing monster cock between our bodies. From cock to solar plexus I feel him throb and thrust, coating us both with pre-cum. I feel his massive delts jump as his hands grip the mattress.

I grind my whole body against his torso and dick, running my tongue between his hard pecs and nipping at his taut pink nipples when I find them. I feel the incredible power of his thrusting hips between my thighs and dig my heels into his perfect bubble butt for balance. He arches his back and brings me up to his face, and for a moment we just lock eyes and marvel at one another. Then he goes in for a kiss, tentatively at first. Trying it out.

I close the gap and shut my eyes, lost in lust. It was as if it were the one last hesitation; the line between messing around and actually having sex. Later I’d think of tonight as a tipping point, as if somehow everything that came before it—our history, the flirtation, the looks, the longing—could be excused as boys being boys (filthy perverted boys). But when we kiss, when I feel his tongue caress mine, when I run my fingers through his hair and we fervently hump to an explosive, mutual orgasm (sheets be damned)… well, all bets are off.

I feel him tense up and he groans into my mouth, my own dick starts shooting, spasm after spasm of intense relief and overwhelming pleasure rocking me against his monstrous prick. He orgasms and I feel every drop surge through his massive shaft, his cock head swelling and hardening beyond hard against me. I can’t believe the amount he comes. I’m coated in big gushes from navel to sternum. He collapses on top of me and I breathe in his scent, hot in my lungs.

He kisses my neck and rolls onto his back, carrying me and our mutual mess with him. He sits up and I slide down his abdomen into his lap. He licks a little of his spunk off my collar bone and I shiver with sensation.

“How do you taste?” I ask.

He makes a soft smacking noise with his lips, as if savoring himself. “Hmmm. Kinda salty.”

I snort-laugh and lean my head against him. “Fuck, I’m exhausted.”

“Damn. I could go again.” He says, matter of fact.
I am unfortunately disappointed there isn’t more yet hahaha

Hope you write this out for a while yet. Fantastic flow and ability you have for world building. Was easy to ready and see the characters and situations.
I agree, I am really enjoying it so far. And I like that you describe both Mikey's dick and ass, both sounds super hot and hopefully both get some action
Remember LPSG, after-care is critical. Enjoy this chapter, and don't forget to hydrate.

Chapter 11
“Come on,” I said, “let’s get cleaned up before dad gets home.” Jesus, that was a jarring prospect. We grab towels out of the clean laundry and head through his room to the bathroom. I can feel him close behind me as I walk, heat radiating off Mikey’s muscles, his breath hot and close to my neck. When we reach the bathroom he sidesteps me and starts the water running. I wet a washcloth in the sink and start a sponge bath. Mikey pokes his head out of the shower stall.

“You coming?” he asked, completely casually. Fuck. I needed a cold shower and some fucking time to think, not a hot shower full of hormone-muscle-beast thoughts. Jesus fuck, what was going on? “There isn’t enough hot water for both of us. Just get in.”

Begrudgingly (really, I swear I hesitated) I climbed into the shower with my friend. He takes up most of the space, but has given me the area closest to the shower head, so it’s cramped but warm. He tucks his arms in quite a bit to fit in the cone of the spray, and now he has to hunch his shoulders a bit too. All this bunches up his torso into a barrel of writhing snakes, his abs clenching tight above his softening cock, swinging fat and heavy, bouncing off the tops of his bull balls.

I turn my back to him and run my head under the spray. I scrub the drying cum from my hair and face, then my chest. I jump when I feel his hands on my back, slick with soap. His palms feel huge as they rub broad circles from my waist to my shoulders, strong fingers trailing after to explore my shape. I sigh and relax into his touch, which was all the encouragement he needs, apparently. One hand slips around to my belly as the other cups my ass. One thick finger tracing its way through my asscrack, grazing my hole before hooking under my taint. I gasp as he applies pressure and gently lifts me onto tiptoes, balancing my body against his with a firm hand on my chest. He lowers me down and slides his newly freed hand around to my cock, almost tentatively. Now flush against him, I feel his cock begin to swell in the small of my back. He growls low in his throat as he strokes my now completely hard dick.

I look up at him, craning my neck to see his face. I have to get some idea of what he’s thinking about all this. Our eyes meet and I melt. He’s looking at me with such need, such unabashed… pain. Shit. He’s wincing. I turn around and start looking him over for an injury, but I can’t find any. Not a bruise, not a cut, not a contusion anywhere on his perfect, rock-hard, slippery body.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, “What hurts?”

He chuckles. “Um, kind of everything. After I grow like that, there’s just this dull ache, everywhere. Particularly in my legs and back, but, you know, everywhere. It gets intense. Really bad at night.”

“Growing pains.” I mumble. This is actually fascinating. If I were more scientifically gifted I would record data.

“Finish showering. I’ll be back in a minute.” I say, quickly rinsing off the last of Mikey’s tremendous load and hopping out of the tub. I towel off and throw on some black briefs and a t-shirt. With boners forgotten and caretaker mode activated, I head to my dad’s bathroom for his rather extensive first aid kit. I grab heat packs, Tiger Balm and ibuprofen and head back downstairs. I enter Mikey’s room and find him just coming out of the bathroom, a towel around his waist.

“Put on something to sleep in, and meet me in my room.”

“I’m really fine.” He protests, seeing the first aid. He’s walking tenderly, though.

“Not fine. No arguing. Do as you’re told for once.” My turn to dom, I guess.

I went to my room, piled the pain relief supplies on my nightstand and dug the old heated blanket out of my closet. I turned to my door when I heard the floor creak under my behemoth of a roommate. He stands in the doorway, filling the frame with his broad shoulders and new height, wearing a white t-shirt and red, square-cut boxer briefs. I eye his soft member, clearly outlined, curving off to the right in the tightly packed pouch, before shaking my head to clear the horny cobwebs.

“Get on the bed.” I instruct, “Stretch out as best you can.”

He groans a little as he plops down, and my full-size bed squeaks a protest to his mass. Lying down fully he just barely fits, his enormous feet hanging an inch or two off the end of the mattress. I crack one of the heat packs and massage the chemical contents to life.

“Lift up your butt.” He obliged with a smirk and I pointedly ignored his massive bulge rising to meet me. Instead I looked at his powerhouse thighs, veins pumping away. I put the heat pack under his lower back and he eased himself down on top of it with a sigh. I put two more heat packs at his knees and grabbed the Tiger Balm. It’s a thick ointment with camphor, menthol and clove. I swear by the stuff. I slick up my hands with balm and look down at my patient.

“Try not to enjoy this too much.” I say, seeing his eyes light up.

“Right back at you.” He replied, putting his hands behind his head and spreading his thick legs for better access.

I start at his feet, which are as long as my forearm and heavy as fuck. I work my thumbs into his high arches and he moans in pleasure. I massage balm into his heels and the balls of his feet, working my way through each toe, one by one. I love the way his massive feet feel in my hands. The menthol in the balm opens up my lungs and I inhale Mikey’s scent deeply. He smells clean and masculine with an underlying sharpness. Sweat, soap, and iron.

I work my way up his calves, applying more balm and working it into the muscles with my fingers, thumbs on either side of his shin bones. His definition is crazy, I can feel each individual muscle that makes up his calf. I lighten my pressure as I slide a hand into the pit of his knee, rubbing little circles with two fingers. He gasps and bucks his hips, his fat cock visibly thickening and pushing against the cotton-lycra blend. I smile and do the other calf up to the other knee. He’s anticipating it this time, so the only sound he makes is a sort of low growl.

I move to the side of the bed and massage his thighs. Or at least I try, they’re solid as granite and bigger around than my waist. I need more leverage. With a resigned sigh and an undeniable erection in my tight black calvies, I climb on top of Mikey reverse cowboy style. He shifts underneath me and I shoot a hand out to brace myself on the wall. It’s like riding a mechanical bull. I’m sitting right on his package now and I feel him swell beneath me.

“Think of baseball.” I said.

“My cock is too big for a regulation cup.” He responds huskily, his massive shaft pumping larger between my ass cheeks.

“AH.” I gasp as I feel him growing, “Then think of your grandma.”

“... Dude. Ew.”

I feel his girth recede a bit at that. Thank god. I slide myself forward a little to rub his thighs. This is a better vantage, I assure myself, leaning into his muscles with my full weight. As I work my way down toward his knees, I’m basically laying myself across him from taint to tip, my own hardness impossible to hide. I feel his broad hand caress my back and he moans again as I work the muscle, encouraged.

“Ok.” I say, climbing off him and adjusting my throbbing dick. “Roll over. Lose the shirt.”

He eagerly peels his shirt off, tossing it aside and rolling over. I move the heat packs from his knees to under his shoulders and move to climb back aboard.

“One sec,” he says, reaching underneath himself and arranging his massive member. He settles back down, and puts his hands under the pillow, flaring his lats out like massive wings. “K. Climb on.”

I swing my leg over and straddle the massive globes of his perfect ass. My dick throbs and I can’t help it, I press myself against him and a tiny moan escapes my lips. He chuckles happily and clenches his butt cheeks playfully around my shaft.

“Focus, Adam. Think of your grandma,” he says, vindicated.

“Shut. Up.” I chuckle.

I lean forward and massage balm into his lower back. Working the heels of my hands up either side of his spine and following the rise and fall of his huge, striated back muscles. I reach his shoulder blades and have him tuck an arm behind his back, bringing the point of the scapula up and out. I push my fingers beneath the ridge the bone creates and Mikey groans in pain and satisfaction. I repeat the process on the other shoulder blade and then start rapidly thumping his back with balled fists just to get the blood pumping.

I’m pretty much done, but something comes over me, and I’m not about to give up my seat of power. I lay down on top of him, my chest and belly feeling narrow on his broad back, and push up into the upward facing dog pose. The curve of my taut body follows the natural S of his spine and my hard dick presses into the crease between his hard glutes. He spreads his hands and grips the sheets of my bed, humping the mattress beneath us. His meaty ass bumps me up and down like a rag doll. He spreads his legs so his knees could find purchase and my body slid down between his legs. He was panting into the pillow now, that same low growl barely audible. I watch his epic bubble butt pumping his cock up and down my bed, his huge balls bulging obscenely between his thighs. I shove my hand into my briefs and start furiously stroking my dick. I’m getting close really quick and then it hits me.

“Stop. Hold up.” I say, tapping Mikey’s thighs.

“What? What’s wrong?” he’d stops completely. I smile at that. Hey, consent IS sexy.

“Don’t cum on my bed.” I chide. “Seriously, you’re like a fire hose.”

“Aw fuck.” Mikey laughs, rolling over and tangling me in his legs in the process. We sort our limbs out and both flop back on the bed, face up, side by side. I sneak a peek at his gorgeous fuck stick. Thick, hot and glistening with pre-cum, a good 7" visible, sticking straight up past the waistband of his boxer briefs. He turns his head to the left and looks me up and down, sprawled out next to him.

“Fuck. I want to cum again. I want you so fucking bad.” He growls, gripping his shaft hard. “I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you again.”

“Jesus christ, yes. I wanna feel you cum.” I answer, reaching for him, arms outstretched.

He rolls on top of me and I feel the crushing mass of muscle tense and writhe above me. He rips my t-shirt off of me with one hand, lifting me off the bed momentarily in the process. I shuck my briefs before he destroys those too. I wrap my hands behind his thick neck and my legs around his waist, my face between his ample pecs. He hooks a thumb into his boxer briefs and pulls them down his legs. Then slides his fat, throbbing monster cock between our bodies. From cock to solar plexus I feel him throb and thrust, coating us both with pre-cum. I feel his massive delts jump as his hands grip the mattress.

I grind my whole body against his torso and dick, running my tongue between his hard pecs and nipping at his taut pink nipples when I find them. I feel the incredible power of his thrusting hips between my thighs and dig my heels into his perfect bubble butt for balance. He arches his back and brings me up to his face, and for a moment we just lock eyes and marvel at one another. Then he goes in for a kiss, tentatively at first. Trying it out.

I close the gap and shut my eyes, lost in lust. It was as if it were the one last hesitation; the line between messing around and actually having sex. Later I’d think of tonight as a tipping point, as if somehow everything that came before it—our history, the flirtation, the looks, the longing—could be excused as boys being boys (filthy perverted boys). But when we kiss, when I feel his tongue caress mine, when I run my fingers through his hair and we fervently hump to an explosive, mutual orgasm (sheets be damned)… well, all bets are off.

I feel him tense up and he groans into my mouth, my own dick starts shooting, spasm after spasm of intense relief and overwhelming pleasure rocking me against his monstrous prick. He orgasms and I feel every drop surge through his massive shaft, his cock head swelling and hardening beyond hard against me. I can’t believe the amount he comes. I’m coated in big gushes from navel to sternum. He collapses on top of me and I breathe in his scent, hot in my lungs.

He kisses my neck and rolls onto his back, carrying me and our mutual mess with him. He sits up and I slide down his abdomen into his lap. He licks a little of his spunk off my collar bone and I shiver with sensation.

“How do you taste?” I ask.

He makes a soft smacking noise with his lips, as if savoring himself. “Hmmm. Kinda salty.”

I snort-laugh and lean my head against him. “Fuck, I’m exhausted.”

“Damn. I could go again.” He says, matter of fact.
@Humblebrag88 this is one very hot story. That last chapter will have to be read agin so I can actually get my hands free too pleasure myself. That is one hot piece of writing and I read plenty. Cheers.
Looking forward to your next chapter.
I know at some distant point Mickey is going to have to find a way to get that massive cock into Adam’s hole. I know for a fact that Adam will love it once the pain is over.
It will probably take weeks to get it all the way just past Mikey’s head but then the pleasure will start as each week as they practice, he can take more and more of that thick club up his greedy ass.
Ok friends, here's a new chapter.

Chapter 12
The next morning I wake up warm and secure, feeling Mikey’s heavy pecs pressed against my back. His slow sleepy breathing makes the fuzz of his chest hair tickle my back a little and I grin to myself and squirm a bit as he inhales. My ass wiggles a bit and I feel his massive erection flex between my cheeks. Fuck. It feels so thick and hot pressed into me I’m not sure how I missed it a moment ago. My hole tenses at the thought of taking his massive endowment up my ass, but my cock throbs to full attention. I can’t help it, I press myself against him and grind his cock eagerly. He moans sleepily into my hair and his big arms pull me tight.

“Morning.” Mikey says, grinding back and making me shiver with pleasure. “Ugh, I’m so sore. Please tell me it’s the weekend.”

I’m kinda blurry still myself so I pull my phone out to be double sure. Sunday morning, 7:40am. I breathe out a sigh of relief as it registers that I have nowhere to be but here.

“Yep, it’s Sunday.” I say, settling back into the little spoon position and scooting my body close to Mikey’s warm center of mass. He pulls me into the bubble of warmth and covers us with my blanket, curling around me and kissing the top of my head. He’s capable of such incredible strength, I’m a little surprised with how gentle he can be. Not delicate by any means, his hands are like granite and his grip feels unwavering, but unmistakably not meant to hurt. When he hugs me, I feel how much power he’s restraining, and I marvel at his control.

I roll over in his arms and take his face in my hands, pulling myself up to kiss him deeply, only wincing slightly at my own morning breath. I get over it quickly, because kissing Mikey appears to be my purpose on this earth, and pretty soon we’re wildly making out again. The enormous muscle beast lift/rolls me onto my back and starts to kiss his way down my neck, his prodigious telephone pole of a cock throbbing against my leg and his hands roaming across my belly down to my own pulsing member. He growls low as he wraps his hand around my shaft and I gasp.

Just then we hear the sound of keys clumsily jingling in the front door upstairs. Our bedrooms are directly under the entrance and I can hear that my dad’s just gotten home from a night shift at the hospital. It was a 10-hour shift and I can hear the exhaustion in his steps.

“Shit. I… this is… SHIT!” I rapidly whisper, sitting up abruptly and bonking Mikey in the face.

“What, what’s happening?!” Mikey says, looking around for the source of my frustration. Then he hears my dad’s footsteps above us.

“Oh, yeah, shit. Probably not the best way to find out about us, huh?” He mutters, looking down his massive pecs and rolling cobblestone abs to his monster torpedo cock. A drop of pre-cum drips down from his fat cock head and lands near my own rigid erection (adding that to my spank bank, aaaaand, moving on).

“Shower. Now. I’ll get my dad landed in bed.” I say quickly, hopping up and looking for a clean-enough pair of underwear that’s also tight enough to strap down my erection. I smell like sex and dude but I throw my robe on anyway and head upstairs.

I find my dad standing at the fridge looking lost in just his scrub pants. He’s already shucked his nursing shoes by the door and pulled off his scrub top, which is tossed onto the growing laundry pile in the living room. He’s absentmindedly scratching his furry belly with a pout on his beardy face.

“Hey Dad. How was work?” I ask, making sure my robe is closed.

“S’alright. Sharon needs me to cover her 3rd watch so I’m back there in 8 hours.” He sighs, finally selecting a slice of leftover veggie pizza from the fridge and munching on it lazily. “How was your night? You two get up to any trouble?”

“Heh. Um. Nope. Just sewing and lifting. We’re simple men with simple needs.” I lie, feeling a reflexive knot in my stomach.

“Mmhmm.” He smiles sleepily and ruffles my already bed-head. “Well I’m crashing. Carol is picking me up at 2:30, so take the car if you need. Keys are on the thing. Love you, kiddo.”

And with that he trundles up the stairs to sleep. Fuck. I hate lying to him. I’m not even sure why I am. It’s not that I think he’d be angry. Or weirded out. I’ve been out since I was old enough to express preferences, this isn’t a surprise. It’s just, what are the rules for dating your roommate that your dad has promised he’d watch out for. Not that we’re dating. Hooking up with. Hooking up with, again, I hope. A lot of agains, I hope. I want to try and take that monster cock every way I can. And also the kissing. That part. And maybe gay marrying him and being able to touch and hold forever and ever. … Holy fuck, I need a cup of coffee and a hot shower.

25 minutes later I’m headed downstairs with coffee for me and a protein shake for Mikey, who says coffee makes him jittery (and then downs pre workout, go figure). I find him in the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist, wiping steam from the long mirror. I slowly take him in, starting with his enormous size-14 feet, up his plump and calve muscles to his tree-trunk thighs which top off with an ample bubble butt I could bury my face in. Even in a towel I can see that perfect peach bounce with his movements. His trim waist tapers in and my eyes follow the graceful upward reach of his spine as his back expands into an imposing lat spread, topped off with his massive shoulders, big as bowling balls but cut and striated so I see every bit of detail as he shaves and brushes teeth.

“Hey, I left you hot water.” He says, smiling at me in the mirror as I drop the drinks on the counter and strip off my robe. He beams a huge grin as I step out of my boxer briefs and my big (by my standards) softie flops against my thigh. He chuckles.

“What?” I say, stepping into the shower and sliding the glass door closed. “What’s funny?”

“You, having no idea how incredibly hot you are.” Mikey says, turning his back on the mirror to face me properly. I can’t help it, I glance down at his bulge. The fluffy white towel does not disappoint. I can see his fat hog hanging down, plump from the hot water (and maybe, apparently, my hotness), the heavy mushroom head clearly defined. Fuck, I might even be able to see the thick vein that snakes across the top of his shaft.

“Do you know how silly that sounds coming from a literal Adonis?” I scoff, ignoring my own rising cock. “I’m a 6. You’re a 15.”

“Well firstly, I’m an 11.375. You measured last night, remember?” That cocky fucking grin will be the death of me, I swear. “And secondly, you’re deluded if you think you’re a 6. Like, fuck the whole numbers thing, you’re just hot. The way you move, the way you stand, your hot perky ass, your lithe little body. And then you surprise me again and again. Like your hands! They’re huge! And deft, and strong, and so fucking skilled. Then you pull out this big, thick cock!” He snort laughs, gesturing at my growing member, almost to full mast from Mikey’s praise.

I can feel that I’m blushing and I hope it isn’t too noticeable under the spray of hot water. I glance out at my roommate and see him gripping his cock through the towel, his hand working the shaft bigger and bigger as his eyes travel up and down my body. I start to soap more slowly, angling myself toward Mikey in ways I hope are showing off the features he just praised. I close my eyes and step directly under the spray and start to stroke my hard dick. I hear Mikey’s towel drop to the floor.

“Wait! Hold up.” I say suddenly, rinsing the shampoo from my eyes. “We are not doing this again without talking first!”

“Oh, don’t worry, I’ll talk. I love how verbal you are.” He says low and deep, gripping his cock and stepping toward the shower door.

“Not what I meant.” I reply, though my hand starts slowly stroking my shaft again. “No! Shit. Hold on.”

I rinse off fully, turn off the spray, and step out of the shower. To his credit, the lumbering giant seems to have heard my need for non-sexy times and isn’t immediately jumping my bones (bone? We’re both still hard). He even picks his towel off the floor, only to then ceremoniously drape it over just his monster cock like hanging it on a thick, throbbing towel bar. He looks down with pride before tilting his head at me and smirking.

“Clothes. Please.” I beg, “Go put something on so I can focus.”

Mikey makes a pouty face that I want to kiss so badly it hurts, but he goes back through the door to his room (notably leaving it open) to dress. I head to my room to do the same.

5 minutes later and we’re sitting on the orange plaid sofa that separates Mikey’s home gym from my home sewing studio in the basement. He’s thrown on one of his ratty old band tees and a pair of gray sweats that perfectly hug his bubble butt and bouncing bulge. He sits angled (bisexual seating?) with his legs spread and smiles at me warmly.

“So last night got a bit wild, huh?” He says, sheepishly.

“Yeah, you could say that.” I say as I glance around the room at the discarded free weights, shredded gym shorts, and my sewing table literally tossed aside. I spot his destroyed jock strap in the corner and swallow reflexively. “You left last night headed out on a date with another guy. My damn mentor, who I introduced you to.”

Mikey looks down at his hands in his lap for a moment.
“You always tell people you’re not looking for a relationship right now. Not even dating.” I continue, “So I guess I just kinda want to know where we stand.”

He takes a deep breath, meets my gaze, and nods once, determined. “Last night was a mistake.” My stomach drops and I—”No! Not that. That was NOT a mistake. I mean the date with Jack.”

I must look confused, so Mikey offers kinda rapidly, “Jack asked me out, and the three of us had such a great time on the quad, and I guess I kinda confused some feelings I’ve been having for you as potential feelings for him.”

“Feelings for me?” I ask.

“Yeah. Since the day I came back. Since the first time I hugged you again.” He blushes, “That’s why I always dodge the dating question. I’ve been focussed on my crush.” He reaches out tentatively and takes my hand. “And I just, I needed you to know. Like, how I feel. Because when I left… the way I treated you. The way my friends treated you, and the way I let them… it fucks with me. Like that’s not who I am. And I left you with them. Your dad told me what you went through. The bullying. The fights.”

“They weren’t fights, Mikey, they were beatings. I took beatings.” I say, blinking back tears in spite of myself, “I took so many fucking beatings after you left. It took years for me to figure out that I even COULD fight back, let alone how. And even then, I… the best I could hope for was sinking my knee into some fucker’s nuts or getting my nails into his face. I… it was a nightmare.”

I’m shaking from the memories, fist clenched in my lap. Sometimes it’s like I’m right back there, and I’m having trouble speaking now. Suddenly I feel Mikey’s arms wrap around me, warm and insanely solid. I relent into his grip and he pulls me into his lap, cradling me and kissing my head, my cheeks, my tears.

“Never again. You hear me? I’ll never let anything like that happen to you again.” My giant friend whispers into my hair. We sit like this for a while in silence, just feeling safe.

Eventually Mikey pulls back and lifts my chin to meet his gaze. “So I guess the answer to your question is, I don’t care where we stand as long as I get to stand there with you.” He says, a cheesy grin plastered on his earnest face.