Cut VS Uncut

Uncut feels a thousand times better in my opinion .It's easier for them to slide in and out and I experience a lot less friction and more pleasure .I rarely have to use lube with uncut guys my pussy just automatically starts dripping because it's the best lol .

When playing with them uncut men also seem more sensitive and I like their reactions to stimulation more .

I still like cut guys but if two dicks were same size and girth I'd go with the uncut .
To make masturbation less pleasurable for a start. They did it to slaves back in the day too.

It’s fucking atrocity to do this to newborns and it’s a human rights violation.

I’ll never get over it being done to myself and I’m lucky I got to keep what I have. This is the choice of the person. After which the differences don’t matter, HE made that choice. Not his parents, not his MOTHER, “oh but it looks nice.”

Some info:

Ridged band - Wikipedia
Circumcision goes back to biblical days all the way to the Jews. How is this some sort of recent phenomena? Circumcision by the descendants of Abraham was a covenant with God, I'm not saying you have to believe that spiritually. For you to suggest that this started with slavery and is a human right violation is nonsense. Tell that to an orthodox Hasidic or Muslim communities and see where they get you we're circumcision is a sign of religious faith.
Circumcision goes back to biblical days all the way to the Jews. How is this some sort of recent phenomena? Circumcision by the descendants of Abraham was a covenant with God, I'm not saying you have to believe that spiritually. For you to suggest that this started with slavery and is a human right violation is nonsense. Tell that to an orthodox Hasidic or Muslim communities and see where they get you we're circumcision is a sign of religious faith.

Angel: "OK, let's go over this again. You want them to cut off what?"

God (drunk): "The tip of their wee wee."

Angel: "Wee wee?"

God (laughing): "OK, not the tip. Just the (giggle) skin."

Angel: "Why do you want them to do that?"

God (elbowing an angel nearby): "To show that they love me."

(Raucous laughter)

God: "Write that down!"

(God falls asleep)
OK, that last post might border on heresy. Maybe it went like this:

God: What are they doing?

Angel: They seem to be cutting of the tips of the sex organs.

God: Why?

Angel: Apparently to show their allegiance to you.

God: Me? Why? Who told them to do it?

Angel: They claim that you did.

God: Me? That's preposterous! I never said tha... oh! Yeah, I see how they misunderstood. I told them to circumscribe their penis. I assumed they knew I meant how to measure it. I mean do I have to spell it out?

Angel: Apparently. There goes another one. Oh, poor little thing!
Women who have sex with uncircumcised men are at increased risk of a variety of infections.

Don't kill the messenger.

When their male partner is circumcised, women benefit by having:

A fivefold reduction in the risk of HPV-associated cervical cancer (HPV stands for human papillomavirus, a common virus that can lodge beneath the foreskin and be transmitted to the vagina and cervix during sex).

A fivefold reduction in the risk of chlamydia, a serious STD that can increase the risk of infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, and ectopic pregnancy. A twofold decrease in the risk of developing genital herpes, a substantially reduced risk of developing other sexually-transmitted diseases, including HIV, syphilis, and chancroid.

There is also decreased risk of cervical cancer in the female partners of circumcised men.

To the highly risk-averse, this could be seen as a problem and they may make a point to avoid uncircumcised men. No need to take it personally. Find someone who doesn't care. It's that simple. YMMV.
Women who have sex with uncircumcised men are at increased risk of a variety of infections.

Don't kill the messenger.

To the highly risk-averse, this could be seen as a problem and they may make a point to avoid uncircumcised men. No need to take it personally. Find someone who doesn't care. It's that simple. YMMV.
Good thing that the HPV vaccin has made the risk of HPV basically non existing.
Also, what about soap? All the things you mention can be remedied by a clean dick. Post like this makes me wonder, do cirmcumcised guys not clean their dicks..?
Post like this makes me wonder, do cirmcumcised guys not clean their dicks..?

Based on the research, I'm more concerned that the uncircumcised guys are neglecting key areas when bathing.

Also, you absolutely cannot wash away an STI or STD with soap and water. The point is that uncircumcised men more easily carry these STDs and STIs to women because the bacteria and viruses that cause them find the folds of the foreskin a perfect environment to burrow and fester. And not everyone is within the age range to receive the HPV vaccine.

If I ever have a moment of temporary insanity and decide to breed, if I give birth to a son, he absolutely will be getting circumcised.
Based on the research, I'm more concerned that the uncircumcised guys are neglecting key areas when bathing.

Also, you absolutely cannot wash away an STI or STD with soap and water. The point is that uncircumcised men more easily carry these STDs and STIs to women because the bacteria and viruses that cause them find the folds of the foreskin a perfect environment to burrow and fester. And not everyone is within the age range to receive the HPV vaccine.

If I ever have a moment of temporary insanity and decide to breed, if I give birth to a son, he absolutely will be getting circumcised.
In fact, there is no clear consensus based on the latest academic research.
Although some studies suggest that circumcision reduces the prevalence of STI - as HPV, for example -, there's no direct correlation between circumcision and STIs per se.
Based on a recent study from the National Library of Medicine, further research is needed:

"Male circumcision (MC) is reported to reduce human papillomavirus (HPV) prevalence in men. However, the efficacy remains imprecise."

"This meta-analysis suggests that circumcision reduces the prevalence of genital HPV infections. However, no clear evidence was found that circumcision was associated with decreased HPV acquisition, increased HPV clearance, or decreased the prevalence of genital warts. More studies are required to evaluate adequately the effect of MC (male circumcision) on the acquisition and clearance of HPV infections and prevalence of genital warts."

Relationship between circumcision and human papillomavirus infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Other studies also adds more evidence about the lack of academic consensus regarding this topic:

"In studies of general populations, there is no clear or consistent positive impact of circumcision on the risk of individual sexually transmitted infections. Consequently, the prevention of sexually transmitted infections cannot rationally be interpreted as a benefit of circumcision, and any policy of circumcision for the general population to prevent sexually transmitted infections is not supported by the evidence in the medical literature."

"The claim of reduction of the risk of STIs to justify neonatal circumcision continues today, often supported by selective bibliographies [2–12]. When the entire medical literature is reviewed, these claims become difficult to substantiate. The American Academy of Pediatrics, 1999, Task Force on Circumcision concluded that “evidence regarding the relationship of circumcision to STD in general is complex and conflicting.”

Sexually Transmitted Infections and Male Circumcision: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Adding even more to this non-unanimity, another study suggests that "circumcised men should be as vigilant in preventing oncogenic HPV infection as those who are uncircumcised":

About the uncircumcised penis and the presupposed correlation with other infections as HIV, here's a very elucidative article (with bibliographic references) which helps to demystify some assumptions about the subject:

More Circumcision Myths You May Believe: Hygiene and STDs

To sum up, this is a subject matter with still inconclusive answers in the medical literature.
Cultural bias and personal preferences aside, the current state of the available research is not sufficient to reach any kind of categorical conclusion regarding the issue.
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Women who have sex with uncircumcised men are at increased risk of a variety of infections.

Don't kill the messenger.

To the highly risk-averse, this could be seen as a problem and they may make a point to avoid uncircumcised men. No need to take it personally. Find someone who doesn't care. It's that simple. YMMV.

Strange that in 22 years I've yet to succumb to an infection caused by him.
Strange that in 22 years I've yet to succumb to an infection caused by him.
Soon this thread will lasted as long as you on that relationship.
That "look who is back" moment before you realize someone has been digging deep.
Op, five bucks on the uncut one. I want a clean fight no lower punches or sword fights.
Psychiatrists have a term these days for people who are willing to murder their offspring based on the voices inside their's called paranoid schizophrenia.