Daddy Bears Thread

Not sure anyone under 50 qualifies as a "Daddy"

Always curious to me, how one may be tempted to impose his own definition on others. :emoji_thinking:
For me it's very simple - daddy bear = a bear old enough to have fathered a child.
For the record, Dave Goldenberg is not my favorite daddy bear, and I DO love polar bears. But it's not for that reason I change the definition of "daddy bears".
What does everyone here think? (Guess you are all convinced that I have a large enough bear collection to change what I post here...) :emoji_smirk:

Always curious to me, how one may be tempted to impose his own definition on others. :emoji_thinking:
For me it's very simple - daddy bear = a bear old enough to have fathered a child.
For the record, Dave Goldenberg is not my favorite daddy bear, and I DO love polar bears. But it's not for that reason I change the definition of "daddy bears".
What does everyone here think? (Guess you are all convinced that I have a large enough bear collection to change what I post here...) :emoji_smirk:

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Not imposing anything on anyone! I said I am not sure (I'm) anyone under 50 qualifies as a "daddy"
As far as fathering a child, there are a lot of 12 and 13 year olds who can accomplish that.
There's a subtle difference between daddy and granddad... Lots of guys have kids finishing college before turning 50...
But let me guess - does this guy turn you on?
Prime Argentine aged beef. :emoji_nerd:

Greyfox Lounge - Beargentinian Sizzles.avi_snapshot_00.27_[2021.02.14_17.40.40].jpg
Greyfox Lounge - Beargentinian Sizzles.avi_snapshot_00.29_[2021.02.14_17.40.53].jpg
Greyfox Lounge - Beargentinian Sizzles.avi_snapshot_00.41_[2021.02.14_17.42.05].jpg
Greyfox Lounge - Beargentinian Sizzles.avi_snapshot_01.24_[2021.02.14_17.43.07].jpg
Greyfox Lounge - Beargentinian Sizzles.avi_snapshot_02.01_[2021.02.14_17.44.20].jpg

To be continued if you like it...