Dane De Bruin

When you see actual photos of him, you begin to realize how fake most of his chest selfies are. Like the majority of his pics, he’s clearly using a lower angle, lighting, and puffing up his chest (and possibly even using photoshop) to size himself up for his pecs to look way more massive than they are. It’s odd because he genuinely has a nice chest and body so these fake photos really aren’t necessary.
Has anybody realised how his nipples are getting bigger and bigger?
If you see some pictures of few years back they looked smaller and not so pumped.

my assumption is that he is into heavy nipple play or at least he pumps them frequently

Has anybody realised how his nipples are getting bigger and bigger?
If you see some pictures of few years back they looked smaller and not so pumped.

my assumption is that he is into heavy nipple play or at least he pumps them frequently

I want to know what pump he uses!
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Were you guys not around when he found the boyfriend in Montana. Quit his job. Moved to Montana after hanging out once. Got a new job in Montana and then broke up less than a week later? It was only like a year ago then when he got home within weeks he was moving to San Diego for this boy
he's the gay version of Runaway Bride