Daniel montoya hot colombian model

Alejo is more handsome
It still debated which one of them is the hottest. Judging by past posts, Daniel is the one who is considered the hottest. Its not surprising. Gay men are known to be eurocentric. So they likes the one who have the more european ancestors. Alejo have more indigeneous ancestors. So he is more ethnic. He is a man of color. Daniel is considered white. Or white passing at least. Even though he is also mixed.
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It still debated which one of them is the hottest. Judging by past posts, Daniel is the one who is considered the hottest. Its not surprising. Gay men are known to be eurocentric. So they likes the one who have the more european ancestors. Alejo have more indigeneous ancestors. So he is more ethnic. He is a man of color. Daniel is considered white. Or white passing at least. Even though he is also mixed.
None of them does it for me, but Alejo has a better energy.
It still debated which one of them is the hottest. Judging by past posts, Daniel is the one who is considered the hottest. Its not surprising. Gay men are known to be eurocentric. So they likes the one who have the more european ancestors. Alejo have more indigeneous ancestors. So he is more ethnic. He is a man of color. Daniel is considered white. Or white passing at least. Even though he is also mixed.
No creo que este sea un tema que deba debatirse, ya que ambos son físicamente muy atractivos. En general, considero que los colombianos tienen una gran diversidad cultural en cuanto a rasgos físicos, y no se trata de si uno tiene ventaja sobre el otro por poseer características europeas frente a las indígenas. La atracción es completamente subjetiva, y nadie debería basarla únicamente en rasgos asociados con un supuesto "blanco europeo." Más bien, la atracción debería depender de la actitud y personalidad de cada persona.

En ese sentido, tanto Daniel como Alejo carecen de atractivo en términos de actitud. Por un lado, Alejo es narcisista y ególatra, además de perpetuar comentarios estereotipados dentro de la comunidad LGBTQ+. Por otro lado, Daniel, con su constante necesidad de llamar la atención, cae en una superficialidad vacía, lejos de generar conciencia en la comunidad LGBTQ+. El incidente con el indigente es un ejemplo claro de cómo busca proyectar una falsa modestia y generosidad.

Entonces, ¿de qué sirve que ambos tengan un gran físico y sean extremadamente atractivos si no aportan nada productivo en sus plataformas? Al contrario, terminan promoviendo una imagen negativa de la comunidad LGBTQ+ con sus acciones. Y no digo que deban ser modelos ejemplares o abanderados de la comunidad, pero al menos podrían contribuir con críticas constructivas que fomenten la unidad en lugar de perpetuar la división dentro de la comunidad.


I don’t think this is a topic worth debating, as both are physically attractive. In general, I believe Colombians have great cultural diversity in terms of physical traits, and it’s not about whether one has an advantage over the other due to having European features over Indigenous ones. Attraction is entirely subjective, and no one should base it solely on someone possessing so-called "white European" traits. Instead, attraction should depend on the attitude and personality of each individual.

In that regard, both Daniel and Alejo lack appeal when it comes to their attitudes. On one hand, Alejo is narcissistic and egotistical, while also perpetuating stereotypical comments within the LGBTQ+ community. On the other hand, Daniel, with his constant need for attention, falls into a shallow vanity, failing to raise awareness within the LGBTQ+ community. The incident with the homeless person clearly illustrates how he tries to project a false sense of modesty and generosity.

So, what’s the point of both having great physiques and being extremely attractive if they fail to contribute anything meaningful through their platforms? Instead, they promote a negative image of the LGBTQ+ community with their actions. I’m not saying they need to be role models or exemplary figures in the community, but at the very least, they could contribute constructive criticism that fosters unity rather than perpetuating division within the LGBTQ+ community.
Pretentious much?:laughing: It's not like his dick and ass is not already "out there". Had he been a reality tv star, a famous model or something else who had never showed themselves nude, fine, but there is not one part of him that is not explorable on the internet, besides his English sucks. The most I have ever spent on a custom video was 1600$. It was 45 minutes long and the guy came 4 times. Unless Daniel's custom video suggestion is an hour long minimum, he has lost his mind.

$1600 to watch a guy cum four times is wild work 🤣. You could have asked for something crazy at that price. I've gotten crazier customs for a quarter of that.
$1600 to watch a guy cum four times is wild work 🤣. You could have asked for something crazy at that price. I've gotten crazier customs for a quarter of that.
The person who did this custom video did other things too, and he is a popular guy, so the price was justified
It still debated which one of them is the hottest. Judging by past posts, Daniel is the one who is considered the hottest. Its not surprising. Gay men are known to be eurocentric. So they likes the one who have the more european ancestors. Alejo have more indigeneous ancestors. So he is more ethnic. He is a man of color. Daniel is considered white. Or white passing at least. Even though he is also mixed.
anglos are so fucked up omg