Dann00dann Of

What is DMCAs?

DMCA stands for Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Very basically, if the subject of any one of the threads on LPSG (eg Dan) raises a takedown request with the site on the basis of his images being copyright material, they are legally bound to remove said materials and do their best to make sure they don't resurface here.

As part of this effort LPSG admin appear to have introduced -presumably- an AI monitor which recognises and blocks any previously removed media from being re-uploaded; in the forums or otherwise. It is very good at its job, which is the first time I've ever said that about AI...
That’s what I meant by “new”. It’s just a restart of the old link. And not a good restart at that from what I’m told
Well basically he sends all the old content via PPV. Sometimes, there's new content. But it's really bad, because if you had purchased content before the restart, then you might end up buying stuff you already have. And whatever he sells is super tame.