Considering the premise of this show (female contestants are supposed to compete for the attention of Fabio, male contestants are trying to get with Lena), I just find it funny that any of the other guys would be a more appealing choice than Fabio. I have nothing against him, but he's kinda boring compared to the other more fun guys, who are also way hotter (Fabio's not unattractive, but you could throw a rock into a bus station and hit 10 guys looking exactly like him, most likely clothed too), so it's hard to imagine why the women would bother with trying to couple up with Fabio if it weren't for the prize money and a high-profile platform to launch/promote an OnlyFans career.
If I somehow had the power to retool this show I'd abandon the entire premise and encourage everyone to form a pansexual polycule instead. Between the few clips that can be legally broadcast showing their frequent orgies, show lengthy tracking shows of everyone running or jumping in slow motion, and some close-ups that are zoomed in so close that we can see their heartbeat in their dick veins. Elionas and William can just flip-fuck throughout each episode, as those hung lads seem to have already established such an intense bromance. The series ends only once they've shown us every permutation of the contestants going at it like knives and the villa needs to be decontaminated