I think we should all just be glad that LPSG exists so that those of us who wouldn't support content delivered in this manner can save our money lol. Do I like when people thirst-trap and tease for large amounts of money? No, but hey, if others are willing to pay into it, then lucky them I suppose lol. I'm sure I do things that annoy some people that are entirely recreational and personal, but it's not harming anyone, so to that I would also say "Mind your business pls&ty." He's sexy to a lot of us, but I can easily find someone who mimics or surpasses his sex appeal for free, so I'll pass lol. Especially since a guy rockin' a dad bod or beer belly can turn my head just the same lol so I'll manage.
As for the odd turn of conversation that's taken place trying to define and redefine asexuality, that's just something for someone to discover on their own. Sexuality, like many things, is a personal experience. A lot of the time, we end up deflecting our own insecurities upon others who aren't exactly like us, either because we wish we had their "freedom" (when it comes to those who broaden their definitions more than we would for ourselves), or because we're tired of trying to figure out the details of something we're still discovering, and here comes more details that can cause more confusion.
I've recently been wondering if I would call myself asexual, but I don't anchor myself into any one fragment on the spectrum. For some, like me, sex is like a meal containing ingredients we don't enjoy eating. I can still enjoy how it looks and smells, but I will not eat it. Similarly, I can be aroused by the idea and energy surrounding sex, but actually engaging in it, nah I really can't be bothered. I can't say that I would never ever want to engage in it, and to that I don't need a specific label, but for now, sex is a meal that no one's been able to include the right ingredients and appetite for me yet, but I'll gladly appreciate its other aesthetics depending on the chef's efforts.