Daturakilos -Model, guest star on new Night Court

Lol does not a single person on this thread not understand what asexuality is?

It simply means he doesn't want sexual relations with another human. He can still experience other types of attraction including sensual, aesthetic and even romantic attraction. Asexuals can even be attracted to the idea of sex and have a high libido but simply not want to actually act upon it. So in other words, he probably enjoys the attention he gets, it just doesn't mean he wants to fuck you or anyone else.
That sounds like redefining asexuality. Which is fine by me if it’s done within reason. My understanding of asexuality is the old school kind, which is lack of interest in sex or anything that has to do with it.
LMAO! An asexual person cannot have a high libido. Libido BY DEFINITION is "sexual desire" so it's impossible for someone who doesn't experience sexual attraction to have sexual desire. Those things are mutually exclusive.

You're right he probably enjoys the attention he gets, but as I pointed out, he's too aware of how to use his body to arouse people, making it hard to believe he doesn't get those feelings himself.
Yes, that’s what I was trying to say. He seems to intuit how to use his body to elicit arousal. An asexual person (one that is defined in much more strict terms than fluffeh’s) might understand the concept of ‘flaunting it’ but they won’t deliver it as convincingly as datura does. It odd to me that an asexual person would put so much effort into being sexy by building muscles, then go on to launch a YouTube channel of them dancing with emphasis on their sexiness.
I think we should all just be glad that LPSG exists so that those of us who wouldn't support content delivered in this manner can save our money lol. Do I like when people thirst-trap and tease for large amounts of money? No, but hey, if others are willing to pay into it, then lucky them I suppose lol. I'm sure I do things that annoy some people that are entirely recreational and personal, but it's not harming anyone, so to that I would also say "Mind your business pls&ty." He's sexy to a lot of us, but I can easily find someone who mimics or surpasses his sex appeal for free, so I'll pass lol. Especially since a guy rockin' a dad bod or beer belly can turn my head just the same lol so I'll manage.

As for the odd turn of conversation that's taken place trying to define and redefine asexuality, that's just something for someone to discover on their own. Sexuality, like many things, is a personal experience. A lot of the time, we end up deflecting our own insecurities upon others who aren't exactly like us, either because we wish we had their "freedom" (when it comes to those who broaden their definitions more than we would for ourselves), or because we're tired of trying to figure out the details of something we're still discovering, and here comes more details that can cause more confusion.

I've recently been wondering if I would call myself asexual, but I don't anchor myself into any one fragment on the spectrum. For some, like me, sex is like a meal containing ingredients we don't enjoy eating. I can still enjoy how it looks and smells, but I will not eat it. Similarly, I can be aroused by the idea and energy surrounding sex, but actually engaging in it, nah I really can't be bothered. I can't say that I would never ever want to engage in it, and to that I don't need a specific label, but for now, sex is a meal that no one's been able to include the right ingredients and appetite for me yet, but I'll gladly appreciate its other aesthetics depending on the chef's efforts.
LMAO! An asexual person cannot have a high libido. Libido BY DEFINITION is "sexual desire"
First of all oof, kinda sucks you're so close-minded and think asexuality is funny but to actually explain it for you; your libido doesn't necessarily mean a want for sex but simply your sexual drive or ability to be horny. So you're not wrong in saying it means "sexual desire" but emphasis on how it's "sexual" and not "intercourse". There's actually a whole ask an asexual forum on this website if you're really that confused.
First of all oof, kinda sucks you're so close-minded and think asexuality is funny but to actually explain it for you; your libido doesn't necessarily mean a want for sex but simply your sexual drive or ability to be horny. So you're not wrong in saying it means "sexual desire" but emphasis on how it's "sexual" and not "intercourse". There's actually a whole ask an asexual forum on this website if you're really that confused.
thanks for the clarification!
LMAO! An asexual person cannot have a high libido. Libido BY DEFINITION is "sexual desire" so it's impossible for someone who doesn't experience sexual attraction to have sexual desire. Those things are mutually exclusive.

You're right he probably enjoys the attention he gets, but as I pointed out, he's too aware of how to use his body to arouse people, making it hard to believe he doesn't get those feelings himself.
You have no clue what asexuality means, friendo.

I don't want to have sex with a cis woman but I know how a vagina works. I know cis female anatomy intimately. I could probably teach a class on cis female sexual biology. Does that make me someone who wants to have sex with cis women? No.

This man could watch 100 hours of video footage of strippers and have an absolute understanding of how to move his body, what to wear or not wear, how to look into the camera, and serve a complete and total package of convincing sexual arousal in others without actually wanting to have sex with anyone.

The real issue here is that you're policing somebody's sexual identity presuming that you know better than what they've stated, which is beyond fucked up.
Unfortunately he's pursuing a "legitimate" acting career, so he's probably not going to drop dick pics any time soon.

Thus far his work seems to be "background extra" or "hot guy who takes his clothes off", though so...stay tuned.
You have no clue what asexuality means, friendo.

I don't want to have sex with a cis woman but I know how a vagina works. I know cis female anatomy intimately. I could probably teach a class on cis female sexual biology. Does that make me someone who wants to have sex with cis women? No.

This man could watch 100 hours of video footage of strippers and have an absolute understanding of how to move his body, what to wear or not wear, how to look into the camera, and serve a complete and total package of convincing sexual arousal in others without actually wanting to have sex with anyone.

The real issue here is that you're policing somebody's sexual identity presuming that you know better than what they've stated, which is beyond fucked up.

I'm not going to claim to know someone's sexuality or dictate it to them, but I have never found an asexual person who has fucked a watermelon.

And as a fairly high-libido homosexual, I have never fucked a watermelon either, but I find it weird that the one who doesn't experience sexual desires felt the need to fuck a watermelon to post it on a onlyfans account, which is notorious for sex.

I'm gonna say this, it's very similar to what I've said about Jakipz's "unlabeled" sexuality... I don't believe it. Again, I'm not claiming to know anyone's sexuality. But I sure as shit don't need to take their word for it, after all, people do LIE.
Why do people around here find it necessary to define someone else's sexuality for them?
And then pretend they're not doing that?

Hon, when did I define someone's sexuality? Where was there a specific definition or descriptor I made of their sexuality? None.

I simply said I don't believe it, it's that simple. Could be wrong, could be right, but I never defined or specified anyone's sexuality for them.

Stop putting words in other people's mouths.
Hon, when did I define someone's sexuality? Where was there a specific definition or descriptor I made of their sexuality? None.

I simply said I don't believe it, it's that simple. Could be wrong, could be right, but I never defined or specified anyone's sexuality for them.

Stop putting words in other people's mouths.
"but I have never found an asexual person who has fucked a watermelon."
"I'm gonna say this, it's very similar to what I've said about Jakipz's "unlabeled" sexuality... I don't believe it"

No matter how frequently you claim to "not be defining or specifying anyone's sexuality for them" ... you sure are running your mouth an awful lot.

Whenever you say ... "I'm not doing this, but ..."
You're doing that, every time.
"but I have never found an asexual person who has fucked a watermelon."
"I'm gonna say this, it's very similar to what I've said about Jakipz's "unlabeled" sexuality... I don't believe it"

No matter how frequently you claim to "not be defining or specifying anyone's sexuality for them" ... you sure are running your mouth an awful lot.

Whenever you say ... "I'm not doing this, but ..."
You're doing that, every time.

Those two quotes don't say anything about the person in question's sexuality, but give reasons as to why I'm not taking them at face value, they seem like lies at worst and half-truths at best. Again, where have I defined their sexuality? I have just rejected their claims on the certain basis.

Running my mouth? Good lord, this is a forum where the person in question discussed will likely have any nudes removed. There's literally nothing but discussion.

"You're doing that every time" Nope. Try again.
Hon, when did I define someone's sexuality? Where was there a specific definition or descriptor I made of their sexuality? None.

I simply said I don't believe it, it's that simple. Could be wrong, could be right, but I never defined or specified anyone's sexuality for them.

Stop putting words in other people's mouths.
"I am asexual."
"I don't believe you."

If you don't see how you are defining that person's sexuality by claiming that the definition they have ascribed to themself is false, then perhaps you just need to retake a rudimentary course in what words mean.
Those two quotes don't say anything about the person in question's sexuality, but give reasons as to why I'm not taking them at face value, they seem like lies at worst and half-truths at best. Again, where have I defined their sexuality? I have just rejected their claims on the certain basis.

Running my mouth? Good lord, this is a forum where the person in question discussed will likely have any nudes removed. There's literally nothing but discussion.

"You're doing that every time" Nope. Try again.
"On a certain basis."

That basis being your subjective opinion about someone you literally don't know. Again, when you say you think someone is lying, you are by definition challenging the authenticity of what they said is true which is LITERALLY attempting to define their identity on your own terms. You are LITERALLY claiming that you know better than they do based on your outsider observation of their behavior.

People love to do this with bisexual people, for instance, which is why we coined the term bi-erasure.

You're being gross, and you need to stop, and good people are going to continue calling out people like you because what you're doing is in fact a form of bigotry.

Just STOP.
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I don't know about but JoGrimm, I DO think he's lying. Our thinking he's lying based on the way he behaves is as valid as your trusting he's telling the truth.

If he was any random person, I wouldn't think they're lying if they say they're asexual. But the way Datura behaves and exploits his sexuality and body to entice people to give him money is enough for many of us to raise an eyebrow and question everything he claims.
I don't know about but JoGrimm, I DO think he's lying. Our thinking he's lying based on the way he behaves is as valid as your trusting he's telling the truth.

If he was any random person, I wouldn't think they're lying if they say they're asexual. But the way Datura behaves and exploits his sexuality and body to entice people to give him money is enough for many of us to raise an eyebrow and question everything he claims.
...because you decided that certain behaviors can only be ascribed to certain types of people. Are you familiar with how sex work...works? Do you think every sex worker who is selling a product or service behaves that way in their private lives? Because I've got news for you...
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