Daturakilos -Model, guest star on new Night Court

...because you decided that certain behaviors can only be ascribed to certain types of people. Are you familiar with how sex work...works? Do you think every sex worker who is selling a product or service behaves that way in their private lives? Because I've got news for you...
Most people who are into sex work are also into sex. That’s the point everyone is trying to make. This guy is invested in how his body looks and dedicates his energy and time into this line of work. Excuse the shit out of us for questioning his claim of being asexual whe a) he’s married and b) he’s invested in being sexually attractive. Especially when you factor in that it serves him to play coy about his sexuality to appeal to a wider audience or not having to answer questions about which way he swings. Could we still be wrong? Stranger things have happened, so yes. But it’s neither unreasonable nor out of line to say that what he claims doesn’t pass the sniff test.
Most people who are into sex work are also into sex. That’s the point everyone is trying to make. This guy is invested in how his body looks and dedicates his energy and time into this line of work. Excuse the shit out of us for questioning his claim of being asexual whe a) he’s married and b) he’s invested in being sexually attractive. Especially when you factor in that it serves him to play coy about his sexuality to appeal to a wider audience or not having to answer questions about which way he swings. Could we still be wrong? Stranger things have happened, so yes. But it’s neither unreasonable nor out of line to say that what he claims doesn’t pass the sniff test.
: unamused:: unamused: I swear gay dudes are always the quickest to tell someone what their sexuality is and isn't. Asexuality does not mean a person does not have sex, nor does it mean that they don't have a sex drive. It Just means that how they veiw sex and sexual activiy is different then the traditional standards. Like most things Asexuality is a spectrum. Stop trying to define his sexuality to suit what you want because you want to fuck him. Far
to much of that crap goes on the gay community as it is.
: unamused:: unamused: I swear gay dudes are always the quickest to tell someone what their sexuality is and isn't. Asexuality does not mean a person does not have sex, nor does it mean that they don't have a sex drive. It Just means that how they veiw sex and sexual activiy is different then the traditional standards. Like most things Asexuality is a spectrum. Stop trying to define his sexuality to suit what you want because you want to fuck him. Far
to much of that crap goes on the gay community as it is.
My dude, I can’t dispense with what I consider common sense out fear of that I don’t want to be labeled as too judgmental. Asexuality is the lack of interest in sexuality. If you’re going to factor in sex in the concept of asexuality then the word loses all its meaning. That’s my humble opinion. I personally don’t see any signs that this man’s interests and inclinations reflect his claim that he has no interest in sex. On the contrary actually. I’m a firm believer that people’s actions and interests speak louder and more truthfully than anything they claim about themselves. Especially considering we as people have the ability and the tendency to deceive ourselves just as much as we deceive others.
He seems to aspire to be a legitimate actor, though he seems to mostly be a background extra or when he gets a featured extra role (like the stripping on Night Court) it's 100% because he has a hot body and they get him at least shirtless.

He has a pretty thick accent and he doesn't come off like he's going to be the next DeNiro, bur for now he seems to be taking his dream of a legitimate career pretty seriously so I seriously doubt he's going to be doing any frontal dick stuff or porn any time soon.
I hate that so many celebs know of this site. They should all be banned and the site should change its domain. I feel uncomfortable knowning they're here lurking.
Ironic kinda considering we are the ones lurking here for THEIR nudes lol
Ironic kinda considering we are the ones lurking here for THEIR nudes lol
Yeah like...who cares? With the exception of stolen nudes, they put it out there one way or another and they haven't got the right to police how people digets their content. *shrug*
I mean, that's weird but... honestly just to see him shoot a nut, I'll deal with the toothbrush thing if somebody will just post it :p
Yeah… not spending 1/4 of my rent on the dude. Yeah I’d also love to see that but… not my budget.