David Beckham

Watching his netflix documentary I’m realizing that I’m in love with David and probably have been for most of my life haha It is a shame however that there’s barely any shirtless or barefoot content so far (episode 3). Just a few glimpses that he’s actually barefoot while being interviewed on the couch.
It’s actually funny how strongly his boys‘ feet resemble his. Some very strong foot genes he brought to the gene pool haha
They all have his little nipples too.
Hahaha that’s true. And they’re struggling to develop pecs when working out. Besides Brooklyn maybe, but he’s meatier. I’ve always wondered if David barely has any pecs cos he’s a soccer player (meaning he doesn’t emphasize that body part when working out) or if it’s just genetic that he struggles to develop muscular pecs. Don’t get me wrong, his body is perfect as is.