David Mazouz

The reason people's nudes leak is because all it takes for them to leak is for you to share them with one person.

David's been around for a while and I've never even heard a hint that he has nudes. It's just odd that she would be the only one that's all.
Oh I wanted to see her username that's all. If I get her username, then I could chat with her to see if she will show me the nudes.
I don’t think it was on this website. If it was they would be able to screen shot the private message or atleast provide a name. If it was Twitter most likely BS.
No I meant like on Instagram or something
Those messages are saved too. I know apps like snap chat don’t back up chats but if someone sent that to me I’d screenshot it as proof. People post tweets from random accounts everyday where the poster claims to have so and so’s nudes and they provide a screenshot this isn’t AOL instant messager.