Thanks for sharing! Though I might be reading too much into a few pics, I get the feeling like he doesn't seem like the "popular" confident guy one would expect from a stereotypical rich hot young white guy, but rather a tiny bit awkward/closed off. But he surely wouldn't have any trouble getting it with that bod tho lol
It's nice to get a glimpse of the person behind the body, especially rare on this forum, which humanizes the subject a little.
I was touched because he even gave his yoga program for free if you contacted him and told him you were having a hard time financially because of covid. He would give you a free subscription to his site. Which I thought it was pretty thoughtful of him.
I even joined his last program (though I never started it just to payback his good deed) now that I know he comes from money, it’s a different perspective. Still awesome what he did, though