Hey this is me Dennis Dillon
I am looking sometimes at some forums where people talk about me because I am interested in even bad opinions so I know what you think so I can improve and do better… And I do understand why this is such an heated topic and people can feel outraged about my sexuality but please everyone don’t share false informations about me if you don’t know my story and reasons behind all of that
Someone said “ he is str8 because he was semi hard while recording”
I am only 18 I don’t have experiences I get shy infront of cameras,more people and then there is more factors like lack of sleep, healthy issues, strict diets and all the things I am going trough + weird kinks I have haha but I am only 18 people at my age are parting waiting till it’s Friday to be “free” I am trying to build something have goals and achieve something that others never done before me be by your side and help my mom financially …
Another thing if I posted question should I do collab with a girl? If I did over 10 collabs with a guys and ask if you would be interested in a collab with girl I am right away gay for pay ? I had only one time sex with a girl I had to ask Daniel how I am supposed to fuck him he had to show it to me before I did it
All the actions I take are only on purposes to improve learn and become better. I can’t please everyone but I’ll try. One last thing I was growing up in a small city where being gay, bisexual or be different wasn’t acceptable. But even though that people are affected by their environment, parents and people they meet I still have opinion that I like gay community more than most of my str8 friends
I’ve met most supportive and amazing people on my OnlyFans so if someone of you reading this is subscribing to my page I am probably talking about you as well
thanks and goodnight