Deven Hubbard (benjithechow)

He should have wiped his ass first.

It looks used.
The fact some of y’all forget your asses are mad for shitting is crazy lol (his probably very much is used) but I don’t know why people try and decipher much from holes unless it’s gapping.
Ill upload some more new stuff while i still have my subscription. But after that runs up, im pretty much done paying for his OF. It just doesn't feel like its worth the price after the first time. As you can see from the new pics its pretty repetitive and uninspired. I love me some deven hubbard but jeez, switch it up every now and then at least!
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I have a cousin, he's Black lol, who has NEVER dated a Black woman and like Deven and many others I know personally it always makes me wonder how their Black mothers must feel, I wonder does it hurt them inside as they ponder if you don't like Black women then you must not like ME, your Black mama, it's like a slap in the face, it's like they're rejecting or they "hate" the woman whose birth canal they slid out of. That's just MY opinion...
You’re weird.