Post the picture!I saw my friends dick for the first time and literally obsessed over him for years I just wanted 1 night with him. But I never felt ready for him, hes such a hunk. He even felt up on me once when we were high on shrooms. I don’t know why I never went for it. I almost did the night we were high but he was dating a girl who’s now his wife. I just couldnt do that to him. But I still wonder if he would-have let me Suck him off or something that’s all I wanted tbh. At least I saw it a couple times and even have 2 pictures of his dick but that a whole different story
Post the picsI have only a handful of situations and stories, here we go.
My best friend from school one time during a trip in Uni we had been both drinking and I asked him that I heard he had a big dick from his ex girlfriend from ages back. I then told him that I've always been curious to see it for myself. To my surprise, he complied and said he'd show me, but he wanted to get hard first so I could see the "real" size. My heart was pounding so hard, once he put his phone down and stood up and pulled down his pants I was ecstatic to see that it really was as big as I'd hope it would be.
Years later we got into a conversation about dick pics and I asked him if it was cool if I could send him my nudes for him to critique (angle/lighting etc) he obliged and I asked if he would be interested in me helping him out in the same way. He sent me several full body/face/hard dick pics, I still view those photos regularly lol. More recently, he has seen me jerk off a little bit and he's walked around naked and flashed me a couple of times. I wonder if we'll go further someday and maybe be jerk buddies.
1 Other friend I've gotten really close to, I also heard him remark about how big his dick was. I saw it for the first time at an hotspring/onsen and I wasn't disappointed. Even when it's soft it was fat and thick. I've seen him several times naked since then and last time at the hot spring/onsen we were having a conversation and I couldn't help mid conversation to look downwards towards his dick as he was speaking. I looked back up and he had the biggest grin on his face, I felt a little embarrassed but also thought that it was hot how he enjoyed the attention lol.
Great story!! Let's see the dickI have had the luck of having seen many of my friends' dicks through my life. Not in a "oh, I saw them in a changing room" but in a "let's compare cocks or let's jerk off together" kind of way. I believe it's that I am someone they can trust. I am easy going and pretty open so they feel like they can compare cocks and jerk off with me. I guess like I have jerked off with like 14 friends of mine. Not all at the same time. There's only two friends I really wanted to see their cocks but never could. One said he really wanted to show it to me but would back out every single time. The ones that cause the most curiosity are the ones who claim to have big ones. I have so many stories that I don't know where to begin. I can repost one of a friend from college I always suspected was packing.
I have known this dude since we were in college. We met in 2007 at our first year in college. This is a laid back dude, manly and with a good body. He looked like he kind of worked out just to stay in shape but he had a natural awesome body. Big legs and a big ass. He sported kind of a noticeable bulge. He was a pretty chill dude.
Back then we didn't talk much because he was cool and I figured I wouldn't click with him. I obviously wondered back then how his dick looked like. We took a couple of classes together and we were in a team in one of them so we kind of started talking and kept in touch semiregularly. We graduated and we drifted apart. We sent the occasional text here and there over the years but nothing too close. Two years ago he wen't through a painful break up, so I knew he was hurting. I sent some messages, checkin in on him. Just being supportive. We kind of stayed in contact and we started talking about work and things like that. We met a couple of times during the last two years and that was it. Like 2 months ago he asked me if he could help me with my work, since I have my own business and I am doing great, but I am swamped with work. He said he could help me out in the summer, just practicing our majors because he is not working in the field currently, so he said he wanted to sharpen his skills. I was happy to use his help so we met a couple of times this last month. We started texting way more often and kept in touch. We have never ever made sex jokes around each other or anything like that, so it came as a surprise when in one of our text conversations he made one, something like "now that you are on vacation you must be fapping a lot" and we laughed about it. This guy is the last guy I ever thought to make a sex joke with, because he doesn't look like he makes them and i didn't want to... freak him by making one, so I was surprised he made one. So that was how this last month went.
THIS IS WHERE THINGS START TO GET GOOD. Wednesday last week he said he needed to draft something and asked if I could help him. I was glad to help so I told him to come over to my house and we could go over what he needed to draft. We were going at it, but after like 30 min he said, "fuck it, I don't want to do it right now. Do you wanna do something else?" So I offered to play Mario Kart and he agreed. We played for like an hour, having fun and enjoying the moment. We were playing in my living room, which is currently in remo mode and there is a hole in the wall where the TV is going to be mounted and where the cables are going to go through. So when we finished playing the dude asks "why is there a glory hole in the middle of your living room?". I started laughing because it's something I have thought before, so I just said "you know, just to make some extra bucks" and he started laughing. Again, never did I ever think for a second I would be making sex jokes with this guy. So after we stopped playing a put on the Olympics, just as background noise. We were chatting and he started saying he was resorting to prostitution to make some extra money (jokingly of course). I said "well I think you could, but why don't you open an OnlyFans account?" and he said "yeah. I might" and I said "you won't get rich though, because, on average, models there earn like $200 a month" Surprised he said "no way you get paid so little" and I said "yes. You need to have like a super big dick to make it big there, pun intended, or you need to be super cute to earn the big bucks" and he said "well. I don't know about the big dick. I have never measured" and I was really surprised and I asked him "like never? ever? you have never ever measured it? at least compared with any of your buddies for reference?" and he said "no dude. Have you? really?" and I answered "yes dude. Tons of times. I have measured and compared with friends. I started measuring when I was young and all my friends and schoolmates did too. We all shared and knew our measurements. It was a really common thing". He was really surprised but with a face of "wtf". I tried to divert not to freak him out and said "maybe you should upload vids to Pornhub" and he asked "how much do people get paid there?" and I said "let's google it." Well, to my surprise it was even worse than Onlyfans. He was surprised by that and I stressed the point that if he wanted to make big bucks, a big dick was required. He said "I have no idea. I guess it's ok, but I have never measured and never compared". Told him that to me it was weird not having had an experience like that, that it had been common while I was growing up. He said "it's just too weird man. Too weird". I thought that I had blown it and he was too weirded out and he might storm away and never contact me again. I tried to diffuse by saying "well it has happened with one of my best friends before, it was one of the first experiences I had..." I started telling him how it all started and that one time I joked about he having a small dick and that he answered my text with "bitch please" and sent me a dick pic. He said "no way dude" and I said "I have the screenshot in case you don't believe me" and he said "show me". I went to my drive to look for that pic from 4 or 5 years ago.
After I found it I told him "here it is. Wanna see it?" and he said "yeah, I don't believe you" Showed him the screenshot and the pic of my friend's dick was blurred because it was from Whatsapp and when you send pics and you change phones, the pic shows up but as a blur, unless you link the pics again. So he said "I can't see well. I see the general shape of the dick but no idea how it looks like". So I didn't want to push it so the talk drifted to girls and such. He asked if I had sex with a girl that is a friend in common but that I is way closer to me. I said "we have sexted. Sent pics and that was that". He started asking if she had sent anything. I told him she did but that I erased them to avoid the temptation to share them. He started saying that I was laying and I said that I promised that I wasn't. Then he asked "what did she say about your dick. I saw an opening there and thought that I would accidentally scroll a bit more to show him a glimpse of my dick and see where that led. So I showed him the convo and what her reaction was. She was reacting to a pic of the tent in my boxers, so I thought it was a safe pic to "accidentally" show. He was reading the reaction when I "accidentally" scrolled to my pics. He didn't look away at all. I kept waiting for a response and nothing, so I told him "well, those boxers are the best to show off my dick" and he said "I can't see well. I can only see the thumbnail". So I took that as a go-ahead and clicked on the pic and there it was... my bulge for him to see. He kept looking and I just took my phone away. He didn't say anything right away so I started talking: "well, that's my dick. So are you telling me you have no idea if you have a big dick or not?" and he said "No, no idea." So I circled back to my other friend who sent me his dick pic and asked him "do you think you're bigger than my friend (who has a nice sized beautiful dick)" and he said "I cannot see because it's blurry." I said "let me find the pic. It must be in my drive". I spent a lot of time trying to find it until I did and said "found it" and he said "I thought you were kidding" and said that I wasn't and asked him if he wanted to see it. He leaned over to see my phone so I showed him the pic. He pondered for some seconds and said "I don't know. Hard to tell. Maybe? I don't know". I told him again that I was surprised that he had never measured his dick and never compared with a friend. He asked if my friend that sent me the pic was bi. I said "dude, believe me, he is a really straight dude and had the chance to fuck with guys but hasn't because he is really straight. He is not homophobic in the least, he is a really a cool guy and so mellow but it's just not his jam. He is obviously not closed minded because he has compared with other friends of his as well, and with me, but he just loves women", Then he waited for a bit and asked "are you bi?" and I thought at that moment that I had lost him and he was creeped out. I answered naturally saying that I wouldn't say so, just playing it cool, saying that I was a laid back dude, not caring really about labels, that I compared my dick with some of my friends and blah blah, but that I wouldn't say I was bi (a conversation I had with my therapist so I knew where I stood).
I was kind of waiting for him to stand up and leave so I just thought to try and diffuse the situation. I continued with the banter that I had compared with several friends and it was cool that we saw it like a bonding experience and I kept talking when he interrupted and said "well then you take your dick out then". I froze. I couldn't believe my ears. I seized the opportunity and said "sure, man. Just let me get a bit hard because it's 100% soft." I waited for some seconds to see how he reacted. He was just sitting so I proceeded and started unbuckling my belt and unzipping my pants and I just started touching myself to get hard. I was nervous but I obviously achieved a half chub in no time so I said that I would take it out. He said nothing so I proceeded and pulled my boxer briefs down a bit to let my dick out and he said "damn dude." My dick was half hard and I just couldn't believe that he said nothing. So it was my turn to ask and said "now, you take it out". I was totally expecting for him to say no, but to my surprise he started unbuckling. He unzipped and lowered his jeans a bit. He was wearing regular boxers and I thought he would go down my same route of touching himself to get hard, but to my surprise he lowered the waistband of his boxers and took his dick out and he was rock hard. ROCK HARD. I could not believe that he was already rock hard. He was into this. He wanted this to happen. I couldn't believe that after 14 years of wondering how his dick looked like and suspecting he had a big one I was finally seeing his dick. And what a dick. curved up, uncut but with a short foreskin since his head was entirely visible, with huge balls and a huge proportional head. It wasn't as long as I was expecting but it was close to 7 inches (more on how I precisely know that right ahead) but it was really thick. It was surprisingly tanned, since he is white so I was expecting a pink dick but no. I mean, he has a big dick, but not a huge one as I was expecting (not a critique in the least. He has a magnificent cock). I saw it and soaked every detail of his cock. I said "dude you have a nice big dick and there he was, rock hard. Immediately I said "let me scoot over to compare dicks". We put them side by side and started comparing. I said I might be a bit longer but he was waaay thicker. Then, an idea. I went to get a measuring tape quickly and said "dude, let's measure it, for the first time" and I grabbed the measuring tape. He stood up and I obviously reached for his cock and started measuring. He said absolutely nothing. We were measuring his and he was close to 7. I told him since it was his first time an expert had to measure. So I was there touching his dick, trying to measure with his curved up dick (I never thought it would be complicated to measure a banana dick). We measured. He sat down and he didn't put his dick away. I reached for his dick and said "dude, you are rock hard." And he laughed. I said "Dude, you have a big dick. It's fucking thick. maybe thicker than I am" and I made an ok sign with mi thumb and index finger to measure the thickness of his dick. Grabbed his and then I grabbed mine and said "yeap. You are definitely thicker than I am. There. Feel it" and he made an ok sign and wrapped my dick in his fingers and then did the same with his. I was in heaven. I asked him if he had ever jerked his dick with some lube since he is uncut and I am not. He said he hadn't. So I went to my room to quickly grab lube that I have there. I opened the bottle and put some in his glans and started rubbing it all over his dick. At that moment a dick of precum appeared in his beautiful glans. He took a napkin nearby and cleaned it. I told him not to wipe his precum because it was the perfect lube. I gave like 3 tugs to his dick and then he started jerking his dick by himself. I did the same with mine. But after some minutes he cleaned his dick with the napkin and put it inside his pants. I though that was all it was going to be but then he asked if I had done more with the guys I had compared with. I told him I hard jerked off some of them. He said nothing. I could see his hard cock in his boxers so I started touching it and said "dude, that's a really nice dick".
He took it out again and I started jerking him off for a bit again. He put it away again and said "enough, you seem to like my dick too much". I kept on touching my dick but I saw that his dick was not getting soft, at all. It was poking out of his left pocket. I poked the tip with my finger and said "dude, you are still so fucking hard". He took it out again and would jerk off a bit and he would put it back in again. I said "dude, let's put some porn and cum" and he said he wouldn't. I took that as to stop pushing, but the minute passed and he was still rock hard in his jeans. I touched it again and said "dude, this dick is still rock hard and not going down". He laughed, took it out again. I said "I am rock hard to, look, have a feel". He wrapped his hand around my dick. Felt it and laughed, "that's because you haven't stopped jerking it" he said and laughed again. He started talking about the best blowjobs he got, I did the same. He put it back in again. Like 5 minutes passed and he was still rock hard. I said "dude, just take it out and cum" and he unbuckled his pants and unzipped again and I just went for his dick. I started jerking him off, pulling his dick up and down. I could feel his dick contract and get harder. It was contracting in my hand. He was enjoying it. Then he said "well, that's it for today" and put it back in. We stayed like that for 10 min and his dick was still hard in his jeans. I could see the bulge. I touched it again and said "are you gonna leave like that?" and he said "yeah. I am really running late. I will survive." He stood up and grabbed his think and I saw him over. We chatted a bit, he got in his car and drove away. We have been texting since then. I was so afraid he was going to be so freaked out that he would stop responding my texts. So far he hasn't. Needless to say that after I closed the door I took my dick out and had one of the best orgasms ever. We still text each other and he seems that so far, no freak out yet. Sorry for the looooong and detailed post, but as you can see this was an incredible experience from the last person I ever thought I could have it with. Like really, the last person I ever thought. 14 years to see his dick and fuck, it didn't disappoint.
Epilogue. I forgot, but at some moment with our dicks out, I told him "you have a pretty good dick. It's big, probably you don't see it because of the curve it has and because you never see it on your side. Look, let me take a pic with your phone and show it to you for you to see how big it looks on its side (I suggested his phone because I told him that he would be 100% sure that it was only for education purposes and he could immediately erase the pic since it was his phone) He said "no, do it with yours". I was in heaven. I could take as many pictures as I wished. I did. Showed them to him and then asked "is my face visible" and answered that no (it wasn't) and showed him all the pics. He didn't tell me to erase them or anything. He didn't ask or said "dude, delete them now". Nothing. He just checked if his face was visible. I have the pics but I will not share them (as much as I want). By the way, he claims he has never taken a dick pic. Like ever.
Sorry for the long post. I just want people to feel like they were there
Post the dick!I have had the luck of having seen many of my friends' dicks through my life. Not in a "oh, I saw them in a changing room" but in a "let's compare cocks or let's jerk off together" kind of way. I believe it's that I am someone they can trust. I am easy going and pretty open so they feel like they can compare cocks and jerk off with me. I guess like I have jerked off with like 14 friends of mine. Not all at the same time. There's only two friends I really wanted to see their cocks but never could. One said he really wanted to show it to me but would back out every single time. The ones that cause the most curiosity are the ones who claim to have big ones. I have so many stories that I don't know where to begin. I can repost one of a friend from college I always suspected was packing.
I have known this dude since we were in college. We met in 2007 at our first year in college. This is a laid back dude, manly and with a good body. He looked like he kind of worked out just to stay in shape but he had a natural awesome body. Big legs and a big ass. He sported kind of a noticeable bulge. He was a pretty chill dude.
Back then we didn't talk much because he was cool and I figured I wouldn't click with him. I obviously wondered back then how his dick looked like. We took a couple of classes together and we were in a team in one of them so we kind of started talking and kept in touch semiregularly. We graduated and we drifted apart. We sent the occasional text here and there over the years but nothing too close. Two years ago he wen't through a painful break up, so I knew he was hurting. I sent some messages, checkin in on him. Just being supportive. We kind of stayed in contact and we started talking about work and things like that. We met a couple of times during the last two years and that was it. Like 2 months ago he asked me if he could help me with my work, since I have my own business and I am doing great, but I am swamped with work. He said he could help me out in the summer, just practicing our majors because he is not working in the field currently, so he said he wanted to sharpen his skills. I was happy to use his help so we met a couple of times this last month. We started texting way more often and kept in touch. We have never ever made sex jokes around each other or anything like that, so it came as a surprise when in one of our text conversations he made one, something like "now that you are on vacation you must be fapping a lot" and we laughed about it. This guy is the last guy I ever thought to make a sex joke with, because he doesn't look like he makes them and i didn't want to... freak him by making one, so I was surprised he made one. So that was how this last month went.
THIS IS WHERE THINGS START TO GET GOOD. Wednesday last week he said he needed to draft something and asked if I could help him. I was glad to help so I told him to come over to my house and we could go over what he needed to draft. We were going at it, but after like 30 min he said, "fuck it, I don't want to do it right now. Do you wanna do something else?" So I offered to play Mario Kart and he agreed. We played for like an hour, having fun and enjoying the moment. We were playing in my living room, which is currently in remo mode and there is a hole in the wall where the TV is going to be mounted and where the cables are going to go through. So when we finished playing the dude asks "why is there a glory hole in the middle of your living room?". I started laughing because it's something I have thought before, so I just said "you know, just to make some extra bucks" and he started laughing. Again, never did I ever think for a second I would be making sex jokes with this guy. So after we stopped playing a put on the Olympics, just as background noise. We were chatting and he started saying he was resorting to prostitution to make some extra money (jokingly of course). I said "well I think you could, but why don't you open an OnlyFans account?" and he said "yeah. I might" and I said "you won't get rich though, because, on average, models there earn like $200 a month" Surprised he said "no way you get paid so little" and I said "yes. You need to have like a super big dick to make it big there, pun intended, or you need to be super cute to earn the big bucks" and he said "well. I don't know about the big dick. I have never measured" and I was really surprised and I asked him "like never? ever? you have never ever measured it? at least compared with any of your buddies for reference?" and he said "no dude. Have you? really?" and I answered "yes dude. Tons of times. I have measured and compared with friends. I started measuring when I was young and all my friends and schoolmates did too. We all shared and knew our measurements. It was a really common thing". He was really surprised but with a face of "wtf". I tried to divert not to freak him out and said "maybe you should upload vids to Pornhub" and he asked "how much do people get paid there?" and I said "let's google it." Well, to my surprise it was even worse than Onlyfans. He was surprised by that and I stressed the point that if he wanted to make big bucks, a big dick was required. He said "I have no idea. I guess it's ok, but I have never measured and never compared". Told him that to me it was weird not having had an experience like that, that it had been common while I was growing up. He said "it's just too weird man. Too weird". I thought that I had blown it and he was too weirded out and he might storm away and never contact me again. I tried to diffuse by saying "well it has happened with one of my best friends before, it was one of the first experiences I had..." I started telling him how it all started and that one time I joked about he having a small dick and that he answered my text with "bitch please" and sent me a dick pic. He said "no way dude" and I said "I have the screenshot in case you don't believe me" and he said "show me". I went to my drive to look for that pic from 4 or 5 years ago.
After I found it I told him "here it is. Wanna see it?" and he said "yeah, I don't believe you" Showed him the screenshot and the pic of my friend's dick was blurred because it was from Whatsapp and when you send pics and you change phones, the pic shows up but as a blur, unless you link the pics again. So he said "I can't see well. I see the general shape of the dick but no idea how it looks like". So I didn't want to push it so the talk drifted to girls and such. He asked if I had sex with a girl that is a friend in common but that I is way closer to me. I said "we have sexted. Sent pics and that was that". He started asking if she had sent anything. I told him she did but that I erased them to avoid the temptation to share them. He started saying that I was laying and I said that I promised that I wasn't. Then he asked "what did she say about your dick. I saw an opening there and thought that I would accidentally scroll a bit more to show him a glimpse of my dick and see where that led. So I showed him the convo and what her reaction was. She was reacting to a pic of the tent in my boxers, so I thought it was a safe pic to "accidentally" show. He was reading the reaction when I "accidentally" scrolled to my pics. He didn't look away at all. I kept waiting for a response and nothing, so I told him "well, those boxers are the best to show off my dick" and he said "I can't see well. I can only see the thumbnail". So I took that as a go-ahead and clicked on the pic and there it was... my bulge for him to see. He kept looking and I just took my phone away. He didn't say anything right away so I started talking: "well, that's my dick. So are you telling me you have no idea if you have a big dick or not?" and he said "No, no idea." So I circled back to my other friend who sent me his dick pic and asked him "do you think you're bigger than my friend (who has a nice sized beautiful dick)" and he said "I cannot see because it's blurry." I said "let me find the pic. It must be in my drive". I spent a lot of time trying to find it until I did and said "found it" and he said "I thought you were kidding" and said that I wasn't and asked him if he wanted to see it. He leaned over to see my phone so I showed him the pic. He pondered for some seconds and said "I don't know. Hard to tell. Maybe? I don't know". I told him again that I was surprised that he had never measured his dick and never compared with a friend. He asked if my friend that sent me the pic was bi. I said "dude, believe me, he is a really straight dude and had the chance to fuck with guys but hasn't because he is really straight. He is not homophobic in the least, he is a really a cool guy and so mellow but it's just not his jam. He is obviously not closed minded because he has compared with other friends of his as well, and with me, but he just loves women", Then he waited for a bit and asked "are you bi?" and I thought at that moment that I had lost him and he was creeped out. I answered naturally saying that I wouldn't say so, just playing it cool, saying that I was a laid back dude, not caring really about labels, that I compared my dick with some of my friends and blah blah, but that I wouldn't say I was bi (a conversation I had with my therapist so I knew where I stood).
I was kind of waiting for him to stand up and leave so I just thought to try and diffuse the situation. I continued with the banter that I had compared with several friends and it was cool that we saw it like a bonding experience and I kept talking when he interrupted and said "well then you take your dick out then". I froze. I couldn't believe my ears. I seized the opportunity and said "sure, man. Just let me get a bit hard because it's 100% soft." I waited for some seconds to see how he reacted. He was just sitting so I proceeded and started unbuckling my belt and unzipping my pants and I just started touching myself to get hard. I was nervous but I obviously achieved a half chub in no time so I said that I would take it out. He said nothing so I proceeded and pulled my boxer briefs down a bit to let my dick out and he said "damn dude." My dick was half hard and I just couldn't believe that he said nothing. So it was my turn to ask and said "now, you take it out". I was totally expecting for him to say no, but to my surprise he started unbuckling. He unzipped and lowered his jeans a bit. He was wearing regular boxers and I thought he would go down my same route of touching himself to get hard, but to my surprise he lowered the waistband of his boxers and took his dick out and he was rock hard. ROCK HARD. I could not believe that he was already rock hard. He was into this. He wanted this to happen. I couldn't believe that after 14 years of wondering how his dick looked like and suspecting he had a big one I was finally seeing his dick. And what a dick. curved up, uncut but with a short foreskin since his head was entirely visible, with huge balls and a huge proportional head. It wasn't as long as I was expecting but it was close to 7 inches (more on how I precisely know that right ahead) but it was really thick. It was surprisingly tanned, since he is white so I was expecting a pink dick but no. I mean, he has a big dick, but not a huge one as I was expecting (not a critique in the least. He has a magnificent cock). I saw it and soaked every detail of his cock. I said "dude you have a nice big dick and there he was, rock hard. Immediately I said "let me scoot over to compare dicks". We put them side by side and started comparing. I said I might be a bit longer but he was waaay thicker. Then, an idea. I went to get a measuring tape quickly and said "dude, let's measure it, for the first time" and I grabbed the measuring tape. He stood up and I obviously reached for his cock and started measuring. He said absolutely nothing. We were measuring his and he was close to 7. I told him since it was his first time an expert had to measure. So I was there touching his dick, trying to measure with his curved up dick (I never thought it would be complicated to measure a banana dick). We measured. He sat down and he didn't put his dick away. I reached for his dick and said "dude, you are rock hard." And he laughed. I said "Dude, you have a big dick. It's fucking thick. maybe thicker than I am" and I made an ok sign with mi thumb and index finger to measure the thickness of his dick. Grabbed his and then I grabbed mine and said "yeap. You are definitely thicker than I am. There. Feel it" and he made an ok sign and wrapped my dick in his fingers and then did the same with his. I was in heaven. I asked him if he had ever jerked his dick with some lube since he is uncut and I am not. He said he hadn't. So I went to my room to quickly grab lube that I have there. I opened the bottle and put some in his glans and started rubbing it all over his dick. At that moment a dick of precum appeared in his beautiful glans. He took a napkin nearby and cleaned it. I told him not to wipe his precum because it was the perfect lube. I gave like 3 tugs to his dick and then he started jerking his dick by himself. I did the same with mine. But after some minutes he cleaned his dick with the napkin and put it inside his pants. I though that was all it was going to be but then he asked if I had done more with the guys I had compared with. I told him I hard jerked off some of them. He said nothing. I could see his hard cock in his boxers so I started touching it and said "dude, that's a really nice dick".
He took it out again and I started jerking him off for a bit again. He put it away again and said "enough, you seem to like my dick too much". I kept on touching my dick but I saw that his dick was not getting soft, at all. It was poking out of his left pocket. I poked the tip with my finger and said "dude, you are still so fucking hard". He took it out again and would jerk off a bit and he would put it back in again. I said "dude, let's put some porn and cum" and he said he wouldn't. I took that as to stop pushing, but the minute passed and he was still rock hard in his jeans. I touched it again and said "dude, this dick is still rock hard and not going down". He laughed, took it out again. I said "I am rock hard to, look, have a feel". He wrapped his hand around my dick. Felt it and laughed, "that's because you haven't stopped jerking it" he said and laughed again. He started talking about the best blowjobs he got, I did the same. He put it back in again. Like 5 minutes passed and he was still rock hard. I said "dude, just take it out and cum" and he unbuckled his pants and unzipped again and I just went for his dick. I started jerking him off, pulling his dick up and down. I could feel his dick contract and get harder. It was contracting in my hand. He was enjoying it. Then he said "well, that's it for today" and put it back in. We stayed like that for 10 min and his dick was still hard in his jeans. I could see the bulge. I touched it again and said "are you gonna leave like that?" and he said "yeah. I am really running late. I will survive." He stood up and grabbed his think and I saw him over. We chatted a bit, he got in his car and drove away. We have been texting since then. I was so afraid he was going to be so freaked out that he would stop responding my texts. So far he hasn't. Needless to say that after I closed the door I took my dick out and had one of the best orgasms ever. We still text each other and he seems that so far, no freak out yet. Sorry for the looooong and detailed post, but as you can see this was an incredible experience from the last person I ever thought I could have it with. Like really, the last person I ever thought. 14 years to see his dick and fuck, it didn't disappoint.
Epilogue. I forgot, but at some moment with our dicks out, I told him "you have a pretty good dick. It's big, probably you don't see it because of the curve it has and because you never see it on your side. Look, let me take a pic with your phone and show it to you for you to see how big it looks on its side (I suggested his phone because I told him that he would be 100% sure that it was only for education purposes and he could immediately erase the pic since it was his phone) He said "no, do it with yours". I was in heaven. I could take as many pictures as I wished. I did. Showed them to him and then asked "is my face visible" and answered that no (it wasn't) and showed him all the pics. He didn't tell me to erase them or anything. He didn't ask or said "dude, delete them now". Nothing. He just checked if his face was visible. I have the pics but I will not share them (as much as I want). By the way, he claims he has never taken a dick pic. Like ever.
Sorry for the long post. I just want people to feel like they were there
Mine or his?Great story!! Let's see the dick![]()
Let me see what I can doPost the dick!
Beggars can't be choosers lmaoMine or his?
Beggars can't be choosers lmao
Ummm… both. Duh! LolMine or his?
How tall are you?I’m short but hung and it’s always fun when my taller friends are smaller than me
5’6How tall are you?
So you told him a girl wanted pictures, right?I did see two of my friends dicks.
One of them was that we were at a part and I started telling him we should hook up, I was joking. I was not out at the time and my other friends were saying that yeah that we should. We were just messing with him to try to make him uncomfortable. He was but not in a serious way. The next day he said he texted me saying he would do it but if there was a girl involved and asked him for pictures. The guy send me even videos.. I’m guessing he must be 7 or 8 inches
No, I mean. We found a girl who was open to it, but we never did anything and then I would ask him for me and he would send me stuffSo you told him a girl wanted pictures, right?