I have another dad story but this one is not sexual at all but I want to share it. Once I was in hospital a few years back for reasons I won’t go into but it was stupid let’s just say that. But as a result I was almost paralysed and since I knew I could trust my dad. I was filthy after spending a week in hospital and I let him help me clean myself up and get into fresh clothes. But I couldn’t do much except move my arms and legs and kinda move my body, so he helped me undress which was kinda awkward and very intimate. As he had to help me take my shorts off while I tried to lift my bum up with him holding onto my bum to help me lift up, so he could pull my shorts off which then left me naked for a couple of minutes in front of him while he got the wipes ready.
He had by the way closed the curtains around the bed, so we had privacy.
And I gave my permission for all this. And he then with wipes and my consent helped me clean my penis and my balls. It made me so nervous to have him handle my balls because of how easy they are to hurt. But my trust in my dad helped me relax as he handled my weak spot and then my penis. He dried me off and helped me redress and that was that. He was amazing and I’ll always be grateful that he did that for me.
But this is what kind of relationship I have with my dad. We are always there for each other and we can speak about anything together. We are strong together and have a deep trust between each other. We have gotten naked together openly in both the changing room and communal showers when we been swimming. And yeah out of curiosity I’ll admit to having looked downstairs both at swimming and when we used the urinals together. But I will say we are fairly comfortable to be seen so vulnerable by each other. And through mutual respect we can be so open with each other. That’s me and my dad.