My entire immediate & extended family lives within 5 miles, I'm from Cajun country (south-central Louisiana) in the bayou, its about 100F & 100% humidity most of the year. I'm 1 of 10 brothers & have about 50 male 1st cousins (Cajuns are so Catholic, we make the Pope look Presbyterian - no birth control, married by 18, 10 kids by 30).
Dressy casual for us is swimming trunks, wife-beater & flip-flops - maybe. By noon we'd already sweat through our clothes; & ended up tout nu comme un ver - stark naked. Either through necessity or just as a joke.
I can't begin to count how many nuns we have in the family & 1 was my teacher in school. She insulted me during recess - I stripped naked, told her to "bec mon tchu" ["kiss my ass"] & the entire class watched as I ran around the field bare-assed with a 65 year old nun in her robes & orthopedic shoes chasing after me with her 6 ft river cane in hand.
Less curiosity at the YMCA, more like uncontacted tribe on National Geographic.