Did You Grow Up Where Male Nudity was Commonplace With Your Dad/Brothers/Uncles/Cousins?

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My entire immediate & extended family lives within 5 miles, I'm from Cajun country (south-central Louisiana) in the bayou, its about 100F & 100% humidity most of the year. I'm 1 of 10 brothers & have about 50 male 1st cousins (Cajuns are so Catholic, we make the Pope look Presbyterian - no birth control, married by 18, 10 kids by 30).
Dressy casual for us is swimming trunks, wife-beater & flip-flops - maybe. By noon we'd already sweat through our clothes; & ended up tout nu comme un ver - stark naked. Either through necessity or just as a joke.
I can't begin to count how many nuns we have in the family & 1 was my teacher in school. She insulted me during recess - I stripped naked, told her to "bec mon tchu" ["kiss my ass"] & the entire class watched as I ran around the field bare-assed with a 65 year old nun in her robes & orthopedic shoes chasing after me with her 6 ft river cane in hand.

Less curiosity at the YMCA, more like uncontacted tribe on National Geographic.
You keep me laughing…you coo-cu. NOLA Catholic family here, we were only 6 kids.
I was mostly raised by my mother as my parents were not together. She was not open at all with nudity. In my late teen years she found a lover and wanted to move abroad. I really didn’t want to go, so we agreed I would try to life with my dad. Best decision ever. He turned out to be very relaxed and open. Told me everything I needed to know and was curious in a good way. Saw him naked in bathroom and even in the morning coming out of his bed.
Having a pc in my bedroom was allowed and I know for a fact he knew that I was watching porn too. He warned me to be careful with camming and not to trust everyone online. Those things were helpful and proofed he knew how the real world worked and how to get me prepared.
When I got my first boyfriend sleepovers were allowed. So I could discover things in the safety of my bedroom. Dad was very open and helpful with that too in trying to answer all I needed to know.
Your dad sounds absolutely amazing!
Lucky you!
Hé was very absent when i was young. But now I agree and think he is amazing.
Aw that is a shame.
But good that it all got better in the end!
I wish my dad was as open as yours.
I've seen him naked too, in the bathroom and him coming out of bed, so same situation here man haha
Interesting thread. As I read through the posts, I don't see any references to moms or sisters. Did all of you guys grow up where there were only males in the house the majority of the time? If there were females in the home, did that limit the openness to an extent?
Society standard i would say. In my case, it's majority females, i'm the only son and it definitely limited the openness. Underwear is no big deal for us but nudity only between same gender. My dad slept naked pretty often back then so i guess we all saw him at leats once anyway lol and i'm sure if we were all boys the freedom to walk around the way we wanted would've been complete
You keep me laughing…you coo-cu. NOLA Catholic family here, we were only 6 kids.

Another NOLA Catholic who slept naked since my late teens. My 3 brothers slept in their briefs and dad was in his boxers all the time. Dad called upstairs one morning to make sure we were up for school and when I didn't come down, he came up and yanked the covers off while telling me to get up. I was naked but he didn't say a word. Just get your ass up for school. We had a pool in the back yard and when my parents were gone my friends and I swam naked. We also went out on the lake to ski and often stripped to swim. In the 70s it wasn't a bad thing.
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Casual nudity definitely was not a thing in our family, but I wish it had been. Main reason, my Dad was hung and had a foreskin that would make any man wish he were uncut. As I've said many times, I did have the distinct pleasure of seeing him naked a few times and it was something to behold. He's still my big dick role model to this day.
Nudity wasnt a common thing but for a while as an only child my dad wore boxers around the house, he wasnt super hung just thick like a bear can and mushroom head, the part that was always hanging out of his boxers whenever he sat down were his giant horse balls.I couldnt help but stare curiously I was always shocked and as i got older i realized i might share the same fate but of course my grandpa on my mom side made sure my balls were above average but maybe when im 40.
Yes I was raised that way. For my generation, nudity among men in the deep South was just an every day affair. Swimming, bathing, pissing around each other were all common
Yep, Southern city boy here but heat caused you to get naked. And anytime in the woods, camping, fishing, etc…there was every reason to get naked, it’s just the guys. We all flashed our dicks proudly, guys being guys.
Interesting thread. As I read through the posts, I don't see any references to moms or sisters. Did all of you guys grow up where there were only males in the house the majority of the time? If there were females in the home, did that limit the openness to an extent?
This is indeed my situation. While growing up and living with mom there was almost no nudity. Only after moving to dad and it became an all male household the attitude towards nudity became very much more relax and open.
I've been naked around my uncle before! We go to the gym and then take a shower together
Showering with an uncle would have been hot. Many times I wonder about my Dad's brothers and cousins. There are quite a few gays on his side of the family. If cocks run in the family like my Dad's, oh man, I could only imagine.
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