Do asexual people belong at Pride?

Yes… I was just saying that’s what used to be was mainly for anyone that wasn’t straight..

I’ve known straight guys going to pride events — with ones I went to — and show their support for the community .. showing that just because they weren’t gay didn’t mean they hated them..

Hope I worded that. Correctly.. I just woke up
Asexual and aromantic folks (if that also applies to you), absolutely belong at pride. Like someone else mentioned, the spirit of Pride is to celebrate all sexualities and gender identities that are outside of heterosexual and cisgender. There is no limit to who can/should participate. Gays(TM) and TERFs that gatekeep certain identities are the only ones that need to be kicked to the curb!
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I find it kind of ironic that there are those here who want to go out into the community to march for accepting diversity and inclusiveness for gay people while at the same time wanting to slam that same door in the face of others.